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“Ankylosaurus embodies the majesty and mystery of the untamed wilds. Every step it takes, every swing of its mighty tail club, speaks of a time when giants ruled the land and survival was an art form."
— Torten Paleos, cryptodiviner, explorer, and scholar of hidden species.
    The Ankylosaurus is a large mysterious, reptile-like creature that scholars are now classifying as a dinosaur from the fabled continent of Dinos. So far these animals are more rumor than fact and few have had the opportunity to see them first hand.   However, in the dense, primordial forests this living fortress roams with silent majesty. The Ankylosaurus, embodies the very essence of resilience and strength. This heavily armored herbivore is a marvel of natural engineering. Its body is a veritable shield, covered in thick bony plates, providing unparalleled protection against the most fearsome of predators. It’s most distinctive feature, a massive club-like tail, serves as both a deterrent and a formidable weapon, capable of delivering incredible blows to any would be attacker. A true gentle giant, who feeds on low growing vegetation, allowing it to thrive in lush, prehistoric landscapes.   Legends and explorers tales speak of these incredible creatures found only in mysterious faraway lands. The Ankylosaurus is more than just a prehistoric beast, it is a symbol of endurance, a testament to the incredible diversity of life that roams the planet, and a source of fascination and awe for adventurers, scholars, and opportunists alike. Whether revered for its natural armor, coveted for its potential uses, or simply admired for its sheer presence, the Ankylosaurus continues to captivate the imagination of all who encounter it.

Basic Information


Ankylosaurus had a broad, low-slung body with a wide, flat, triangular skull. Its body is supported by short, sturdy legs. The overall shape is squat and muscular, making it well-suited to a defensive lifestyle. The head of Ankylosaurus was wide and flat, with a beak-like mouth. The teeth are small and leaf-shaped, ideal for an herbivorous diet, enabling it to process tough, fibrous plant material. Its legs are short but powerful, with strong muscles that supported its heavy body and allowed it to maneuver despite its weight.   The most distinctive feature of the Ankylosaurus is its heavy armor. It has strong, bony plates embedded in its skin, which covers its back and flanks, providing protection from predators. These plates vary in size and shape, forming a continuous shield around it’s body. It also has a large, club-like structure at the end of its tail, formed by fused vertebrae and large plates. This tail club was a powerful defensive weapon, capable of delivering devastating blows to any predator that threatened it.

Genetics and Reproduction

Little is known of the mating habits of these creatures. Ankylosaurus is said to lay clutches of eggs in carefully constructed ground nests of mounded dirt and stones in warm, dry environments. The young hatch fully formed and relatively self-sufficient, though they are vulnerable to predators until they grow larger and their armor develops further.   It is unclear how much parental care Ankylosaurus provided to its young. However, some evidence suggests that there might be some degree of protection offered by the adults, especially in the early stages of the hatchlings lives. The presence of armor in even the young specimens indicates an evolutionary advantage in early defensive capabilities.

Growth Rate & Stages

Upon hatching, Ankylosaurus juveniles are relatively small and vulnerable, measuring around 1 foot in length. The bony armor and tail club characteristic of adults are underdeveloped at this stage, making the hatchlings very vulnerable to predators.   Juvenile Ankylosaurus experience rapid growth, particularly in the development of their armor and tail club. This period of growth is critical for their survival, as the protective armor and tail club become more pronounced and effective in deterring predators. Their diet during this stage consists of a wide variety of vegetation, eating as much as they can.   Reaching the subadult stage, Ankylosaurus are significantly larger, with more developed armor and a partially formed tail club. This stage spans several years, during which the dinosaur continues to grow in size and strength. The increased size and armor provides significantly better defense against predators, even though they are not yet fully mature.   As adults, Ankylosaurus will reach lengths of up to 20 feet and weigh about 6 tons. Their armor will be fully developed, including the massive tail club that is used for defense. At this stage, they are among the most well-protected herbivores in their ecosystem, capable of deterring even the largest of predators.

Ecology and Habitats

Ankylosaurus is a herbivorous dinosaur that plays a vital role in its ecosystem. As a primary consumer, it feeds on a variety of low-lying vegetation, including ferns, cycads, and other prehistoric plants. Its diet helps control plant growth and contributes to the maintenance of the flora in its habitat. The Ankylosaurus's heavy body and armored plating also make it less susceptible to predation, allowing it to graze relatively freely. This dinosaur's interactions with other herbivores and its defensive adaptations against predators like Tyrannosaurus Rex shape the dynamics of its ecological community.   Ankylosaurus thrives in various landscapes. Its habitat includes forested regions, open plains, grasslands, scrublands, and areas with abundant vegetation to support its herbivorous diet. They favor climates that are warmer and more humid, with little or no significant seasonal changes. These areas provide a stable environment for Ankylosaurus to flourish.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ankylosaurus is an herbivore, primarily feeding on a large variety of vegetation. Its diet consists mainly of low lying plants, including ferns, cycads, and other related flora that provide the necessary nutrients. The structure of its teeth, which are small and leaf-shaped, are well suited for chewing tough, fibrous plant material. This species is constantly feeding and needs to consume large quantities of vegetation to sustain its massive body.   This creature forages close to the ground, using its broad, flat skull to strip leaves off plants and its strong beak-like mouth helps in chopping vegetation effectively. Given the dense, forested areas that it resides in, the Ankylosaurus has access to a diverse range of plant life year round, allowing for consistent foraging opportunities.   To meet its dietary needs, the Ankylosaurus spends a significant portion of its day feeding. Its heavily armored body and formidable tail club provided defense against predators, allowing it to feed with relative safety. In the presence of predators, it can use its tail club to deliver powerful defensive blows, ensuring that it will continue grazing without constant threat.

Biological Cycle

In their natural habitat, Ankylosaurus would have experienced minimal seasonal changes due to the warm and stable climate of the area. This consistent environment allows for year round foraging and reduced the need for significant migratory behavior. However, they would still have had to navigate areas that are depleted of food and the occasional environmental hazards such as storms and volcanic activity within their region.


Behavior Toward Its Own Species: Ankylosaurus exhibits behaviors typical of many herbivorous social dinosaurs. It is said that they live in small groups or herds, especially during certain periods such as mating seasons or when rearing young. Group living provides increased protection against predators.   Ankylosaurus are thought to forage together as well, benefiting from the presence of multiple individuals to keep watch for predators while others feed. While generally peaceful, they do exhibit territorial behaviors, particularly among males during mating seasons. This involves displays of dominance using their size and armor. Parental care is limited, but adults will protect nests and young hatchlings from predators and environmental threats for a short time frame.   Behavior Toward Predators: Ankylosaurus has several adaptations and behaviors designed to deter predators. The primary defensive weapon is its large, bony tail club. This can deliver powerful blows to any predator that comes too close, and is capable of breaking bones or delivering serious injuries. When threatened, Ankylosaurus will adopt a defensive posture, presenting its armored body and swinging its tail club to deter attackers. Living in groups is also a defensive strategy, as there is safety in numbers. Multiple individuals will collectively use their defensive adaptations to protect against a predator attack.   General Behavior: Despite its heavy armor, this creature is capable of steady movement through its habitat. It moves methodically, using its strong limbs to navigate the dense vegetation of its environment. Ankylosaurus spends much of its time leisurely foraging for low-lying plants. Its behavior involves slow, deliberate movements to maximize feeding efficiency while staying vigilant for threats.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Group Living: The Ankylosaurus lives in small groups or herds, especially during certain times of the year such as the mating season and when raising young. Group living provides increased protection against predators and encourages social interactions. Additionally there seems to be some level of parental care, with adults protecting nests and young hatchlings from predators and environmental threats.   Territorial Displays: Males tend to exhibit territorial behaviors, especially during the mating season. Displays of dominance include the swinging of their tail clubs in ritualized combat and displays to deter rivals and attract mates.   Vocalizations and Signals: Communication within the species includes vocalizations, body language, and visual signals such as the movement of their tail club or the display of their armor. These signals are crucial for maintaining group cohesion and deterring predators.   Cooperative Foraging: Grazing in groups allows Ankylosaurus to forage more effectively, as individuals take turns watching for predators while others feed. This behavior increases the overall safety and efficiency of the group.


There are no records of this species ever being domesticated in any way.

Facial characteristics

The facial characteristics of Ankylosaurus are distinct and adapted for its herbivorous lifestyle. It has a broad, low, and flat skull with a beak-like mouth, ideal for chopping vegetation. The skull is armored with bony plates, providing additional protection. Its teeth are small and leaf-shaped, suitable for grinding plant material. The eyes of Ankylosaurus are positioned on the sides of its head, giving it a wide field of view to watch for predators. The nostrils are relatively large, suggesting a good sense of smell, which is useful for detecting food and predators.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ankylosaurus and several other remarkable species are found only in a few secluded areas globally. The most credible accounts locate them on the legendary island continent of Dinos, a land characterized by its sweltering climate, dense prehistoric forests, and vast wetlands. This region is home to a diverse array of plant life, offering ample food sources for Ankylosaurus. The habitat is also marked by frequent thunderstorms, volcanic activity, and various natural hazards that shape the living conditions for all its inhabitants. Additionally, less reliable adventurers recount sightings of these magnificent creatures in and around the distant jungle nations of Mokele and Mbembe, and the nearby islands shrouded in the mists of the uncharted Vastus Ocean.

Average Intelligence

Ankylosaurus has a relatively small brain compared to its body size, a trait common among large herbivorous dinosaurs. The brain's size and structure suggest that Ankylosaurus has basic sensory and motor functions necessary for survival, such as finding food, recognizing mates, and avoiding predators. Its limited cognitive functions is sufficient for essential behaviors and survival strategies but not for complex problem solving or social interactions that require higher cognitive abilities.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Ankylosaurus has a range of sensory capabilities adapted to its environment and lifestyle. This creature has well-developed eyesight. The positioning of its eyes on the sides of its head, it suggests a wide field of view, helping it stay vigilant against predators. This lateral placement is useful for spotting threats approaching from various angles and directions. It is also believed to have a keen sense of hearing. The inner ear structure of Ankylosaurus is adapted to detect low-frequency sounds, which helps in recognizing the approach of large predators and in communicating with others of its species. The large smell receptors of the Ankylosaurus, indicates that it had a good sense of smell. This is useful for detecting food sources and recognizing the scent of predators or other dangers in its environment.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Ankylosaurus has a symbiotic relationships with many smaller birds and tiny lizards that help clean its skin and armor. These animals feed on parasites and dead skin, providing a mutual benefit where the smaller creatures get food, and the Ankylosaurus received grooming and parasite removal.    As an herbivore, Ankylosaurus plays a role in seed dispersal for certain plants. By consuming fruits and vegetation, it helps spread seeds through its droppings, aiding plant reproduction and benefiting the ecosystem.   Ankylosaurus is an unfortunate host to various external parasites such as ticks, lice, and mites. These parasites feed on the blood and skin of the dinosaur, causing discomfort and potentially transmitting diseases.
"In the ancient cave drawing, the Ankylosaurus is often depicted as a symbol of unwavering strength and protection. Its image adorns the shields and armor of many indigenous warriors, a testament to its revered status."
— Shara Dharing, Cleric of Strix and Lantern Bearer
Scientific Name
Dinosauria Ankylosaurus Magniventris
Many believe this, and similar creatures, to be some of the left over experimental beasts of the ancient Goliaths.
This species lives about 30 on average with a maximum of about 50 years.
Conservation Status
This species is not under any kind of governmental protection or conservation laws. Very few have heard of its existence and of those who have, even less are inclined to believe it to be anything more than just a tall tale.
Average Height
The average height of Ankylosaurus is about 6 to 8 feet tall at its highest point, which is usually its rounded back, as its head is positioned much closer to the ground.
Average Weight
This is a heavily built creature, with an estimated average weight of about 7 to 8 tons.
Average Length
Ankylosaurus can reach lengths of up to about 20 to 25 feet from the tip of its snout to the end of its tail.
Average Physique
Ankylosaurus is a large, heavily built dinosaur, well-protected by thick bony plates covering its back and sides. Its most distinctive feature is a large, bony tail club used for defense against predators. It has a wide, flat skull with a beak-like mouth and small, leaf-shaped teeth for eating plants. Its short, muscular limbs supported its heavy body, making it an efficient herbivore well adapted to feeding on low lying vegetation while being capable of defending itself from threats in its home habitat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Ankylosaurus appears to range in earth tone colors from light brown and orange, to light and dark grey, with many having a mottled appearance. Their bony plates tend to range from off-white to yellow, and orange in color.
Geographic Distribution
"The Ankylosaurus embodies the paradox of nature's chaos. A creature so heavily armored and seemingly invincible, yet vulnerable in its quest for sustenance. It is a living contradiction, a puzzle that speaks to the intricate dance of life and death."
— Malco Lanim, Chaos Wizard

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The newly discovered Ankylosaurus, has several valuable uses and unique byproducts that adventurers, settlers, and indigenous people desire. From its armor plates to its bones and marrow, there are many opportunities for significant economic value. These items are traded among various regions, contributing to local economies and fostering trade relations.   The thick bony plates of Ankylosaurus are highly sought after for crafting durable armor. These plates can be fashioned into protective gear for indigenous warriors, providing excellent defense in battle. The massive bony tail club can be repurposed into formidable melee weapons or used as a model for creating similar weighted weapons. These clubs are prized for their crushing power and durability.   The bone marrow of Ankylosaurus is believed to have unique medicinal properties. Healers, alchemists, shamans, and witchdoctors use it in concoctions aimed at enhancing strength or accelerating healing. The digestive juices of Ankylosaurus result in the creation of unique stones that are harvested for their potent effects. These stone byproducts are used in potions or remedies to cure poisoning.   In various cultures the Ankylosaurus is be revered as a symbol of strength and resilience. Its bones and armor are used in totems, amulets, or ceremonial artifacts to invoke these qualities.  
"The market for Ankylosaurus byproducts is untapped! Armor, weapons, potions, the possibilities are endless. We could establish a monopoly and charge exorbitant prices. This expedition could pay for itself tenfold!"
— Peert Dullow, expedition financier


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