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Crimson Tears

"I've seen the horrors of Crimson Tears up close. The pain, the suffering... it's unlike anything else. We do what we can to ease their torment, but the shards... they keep coming. It's like fighting a losing battle against an invisible foe."
— Anpele, priestess of Alacrita, Goddess of Life and Healing
    Crimson Tears is a rare and devastating affliction that plagues the inhabitants of Domen Aria, believed to have originated from the cursed Lens of Javull hidden deep within the ancient tombs of the Withered Forest of Marcidus Silva. This disease uniquely targets the eyes and tear ducts, causing sufferers to weep blood that crystallizes into sharp, painful shards upon exposure to air. Highly contagious, it spreads through contact with infected blood, these crystallized shards, and tainted water sources. With no known cure, Crimson Tears evokes widespread fear and superstition, leading to the isolation and stigmatization of the afflicted. As the disease progresses from mild discomfort to severe pain and blindness, it leaves a lasting impact on individuals and communities, challenging healers and adventurers alike to confront its devastating effects.

Transmission & Vectors

Crimson Tears is believed to have originated from a cursed relic known as the Lens of Javull, named after the devil known as Javull. This blood-red crystal relic was discovered deep within an ancient tomb in the Withered Forest of Marcidus Silva. The disease spreads through any contact with the infected blood or the shards that form from the crystallized tears. It can also be transmitted through tainted water sources, especially those contaminated by the shards of infected individuals.


The known causes of Crimson Tears follow three main pathways.   The Lens of Javull, an ancient and powerful artifact found in the Withered Forest of Marcidus Silva, is believed to be the primary cause of this disease. Gazing through this infernal relic is said to allow the devil Javull, to gaze back into the user's soul and infect them with the disease.   Water sources contaminated by the blood tears or crystallized shards of infected individuals can also spread the disease to those who drink or bathe in it.   Practitioners of forbidden blood magic may accidentally or intentionally spread the disease through their rituals, linking the affliction to arcane misdeeds.  
“They say that the eyes, are the windows to the soul. And so through this open window I will take them.  Their souls, will be mine!”
— Javull, Duke of Distortia and Warp Devil


Initial Stage:
  • Day 1-3: Mild fatigue. Slight fever. Occasional redness and irritation in the eyes.
  • Day 4-7: Blood-tinged tears causing discomfort and mild vision impairment.
  Intermediate Stage:
  • Week 2: Significant increase in blood tears. Intense pain in the eyes and surrounding facial area. Inflammation of the tear ducts.
  • Week 3-4: Crystallization of blood tears upon exposure to air, forming tiny, sharp shards. External cuts and abrasions around the eyes and cheeks due to the shards.
  Advanced Stage:
  • Month 2: Severe damage to the tear ducts leading to constant blood tears. Increased formation of painful blood shards. Partial or complete loss of vision.
  • Month 3: Severe scarring around the eyes. Potential secondary infections from constant wounds. Chronic pain and eventual blindness.
  These symptoms progressively worsen, making the disease both a physical and emotional burden on those afflicted.


While there is no known cure for Crimson Tears, several treatments focus on alleviating symptoms and preventing the spread of the disease. Healers, apothecaries, and alchemists employ a combination of herbal, magical, and surgical methods to manage the condition. It is said that removal of the eyes will stop the advancement of the disease.   Pain Management:
  • Potions and salves made from soothing herbs like Calmwort and Moonblossom are used to reduce inflammation and pain around the eyes.
  • Elixirs infused with healing magic are used to dull the pain and provide temporary relief.
  Shard Removal:
  • Skilled healers use fine tools and magic to carefully remove accessible blood shards around the eyes and cheeks without causing further damage.
  • Eyewash solutions made from purified water and Silverbark extract to help flush out small shards from the tear ducts.
  Blood Purification:
  • Alchemists create draughts using ingredients like Purity Root and Goldenleaf to cleanse the blood and slow down the crystallization process.
  • Rituals performed by clerics or mages are used to purify the blood through divine or arcane intervention.
  Preventing Secondary Infections:
  • Antiseptic ointments and salves containing Ambergris and Sage Oil are used to prevent infections in the wounds caused by the blood shards.
  • Lesser restoration spells are used to close wounds and promote faster healing.
  Supportive Care:
  • Encouraging patients to rest in a clean, safe environment and stay hydrated to support their body's natural defenses.
  • Using protective eye patches, bandages, and coverings to shield the eyes from further injury and reduce exposure to contaminants.
  Isolation Measures:
  • Isolating afflicted individuals to prevent the spread of the disease, particularly in areas where water sources may be contaminated.
  Some believe that the disease can ultimately be cured by destroying the Lens of Javull, but the exact location of this cursed relic within the ancient tomb in the Withered Forest of Marcidus Silva remains a mystery. Until then, these treatments aim to manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life for those afflicted by Crimson Tears.  
"Compassion is our greatest weapon against this plague. Let our hearts remain open, even when our eyes are closed by fear."
— High Priest Deernis


The prognosis of Crimson Tears is generally grim, with the severity of the disease leading to significant physical and emotional suffering. The progression and outcome depend on several factors, including the stage at which the disease is diagnosed, the effectiveness of treatments, and the overall health of the afflicted individual.   Early Stage Prognosis:
  • If Treated Promptly: Individuals diagnosed in the initial stages who receive prompt and effective treatment may experience some relief from symptoms. Pain management and shard removal can slow the progression of the disease, but complete remission is not possible.
  • Without Treatment: If left untreated, the disease quickly progresses to more severe stages, leading to increased pain and complications.
  Intermediate Stage Prognosis:
  • With Ongoing Treatment: Treatment can help manage pain and reduce the frequency and severity of blood shard formation. However, patients typically experience chronic discomfort and a gradual decline in vision.
  • Without Effective Treatment: The disease continues to worsen, leading to severe inflammation, increased shard formation, and significant damage to the eyes and surrounding tissues.
  Advanced Stage Prognosis:
  • With Intensive Care: Intensive care, including surgical shard removal and advanced blood purification, can alleviate some suffering. However, by this stage, patients often face irreversible damage, including blindness and chronic pain.
  • Without Intensive Care: In the absence of intensive care, the disease often leads to complete loss of vision, severe scarring, secondary infections, and a considerable decline in quality of life. Death may result from complications related to infection and chronic pain.
  Long-Term Outlook:
  • Survivors: Those who survive the advanced stages of Crimson Tears often live with permanent disabilities, including blindness and severe facial scarring. They may also suffer from psychological trauma due to the chronic pain and social stigma associated with the disease.
  • Mortality Rate: The mortality rate can be high, particularly in regions without access to skilled healers and advanced treatments. Many afflicted individuals succumb to complications and deadly infections within a few months of disease onset.

Affected Groups

The most affected groups would be those who are physically close to those who have the disease such as relatives and caregivers. Additionally anyone who travels through the Marcidus Silva such as adventurers or traders would also be at high risk of contracting the Crimson Tears. All races, age groups, and demographics are equally at risk when an affected person is nearby.

Hosts & Carriers

Crimson Tears primarily affects humans and other sentient beings, who serve as the main hosts, shedding blood tears and crystallized shards that transmit the disease. Contaminated water sources, such as rivers and lakes, act as secondary hosts, facilitating the spread to those who drink or bathe in the tainted water. Animals and wildlife that come into contact with contaminated water or consume the remains of infected individuals can also act as secondary carriers, though they are typically less affected by the disease. Objects and artifacts, like clothing, tools, or weapons, that have been in contact with infected blood or shards can carry the disease, posing a risk to those who handle them without proper precautions. Additionally, areas around the Withered Forest and the ancient tomb where the Lens of Javull resides may be contaminated, with the soil and vegetation potentially holding the disease of their surfaces.


Preventing the spread and contraction of Crimson Tears involves a combination of personal precautions, environmental measures, and societal practices. Avoiding contaminated regions and cities, wearing protective eyewear, using purified water to wash hands and face, avoiding contaminated people, wearing gloves and masks when working with afflicted people and their belongings, using protective potions and wearing protective amulets and charms will all help to prevent someone from contracting this condition.  
"Every shard is a piece of the puzzle. With each fragment, we come closer to understanding the whole."
— Nariv the Alchemist


Crimson Tears first emerged centuries ago, following the discovery of the cursed relic known as the Lens of Javull, hidden within an ancient tomb deep in the Withered Forest of Marcidus Silva. The relic, believed to have been created by the devil Javull, began to afflict those who ventured too close, with a mysterious and deadly disease. Early accounts describe the afflicted as weeping blood that crystallized into sharp shards, leading to intense pain and eventual blindness.   Over time, the disease spread to nearby communities through contaminated water sources and contact with infected individuals. Historical records indicate that the disease's outbreaks were sporadic but devastating, causing widespread fear and superstition. Legends such as the Blood Oracle and tales of heroic quests to destroy the Lens of Javull became intertwined with the disease's lore.   Efforts to understand and combat Crimson Tears led to the rise of notable figures such as Arella the Seeker, who dedicated her life to researching a cure, High Priest Deernis, who offered compassion and aid to the afflicted, Zerafina the Martyr, who sacrificed herself to contain an outbreak of Crimson Tears, and many others. Despite these efforts, no definitive cure was ever found, and the disease remained a persistent threat.   The cultural impact of Crimson Tears is profound, influencing religious practices, inspiring myths and legends, and shaping the lives of those in affected regions. Today, the disease is both a medical and mystical challenge, with ongoing efforts to alleviate its symptoms and uncover the secrets of the Lens of Javull.    
"I give my life so others may live. Let my sacrifice be a beacon of hope in this dark time."
— Zerafina the Martyr. Her final words to her followers before locking herself within a sanatorium of infected people to contain an outbreak.

Cultural Reception

The cultural reception of Crimson Tears in Domen Aria is steeped in fear, superstition, and a mix of reverence and stigma. Many view the disease as a divine punishment or curse from the gods, particularly the Warp Devil Javull, leading to widespread fear and the stigmatization of the afflicted. Infected individuals are often isolated or expelled from their communities, causing them to suffer from loneliness and despair. This social ostracization extends to their families, who are seen as cursed or unclean. Superstitions abound, such as avoiding eye contact with the afflicted or shunning areas where outbreaks have occurred.   Religiously, the response varies. Some cults and sects worship the disease as a form of divine cleansing or a trial to prove faith, actively seeking the Lens of Javull for its perceived spiritual significance. Conversely, more benevolent religious groups view caring for the afflicted as a holy duty, providing aid and comfort. Legends and myths further complicate perceptions, with tales of the Blood Oracle, an afflicted individual with prophetic abilities, mixing reverence and fear towards those suffering from the disease. Stories of heroic quests to destroy the Lens of Javull and end the curse inspire adventurers and add to the disease's mythical status.   The medical and magical communities play a crucial role in managing the disease, with skilled healers, apothecaries, and alchemists both revered and feared for their knowledge. Communities rely on their expertise to manage outbreaks, while mages and clerics offer magical protections and charms to guard against the disease, leading to a flourishing trade in such items.  
"We must not turn away from those in pain. Crimson Tears is not just a disease, it is a call to our compassion and humanity."
— Lady Saris of Aeloria. At a fundraising event for research and support for those affected by the disease.
by by me with Dall-E
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species
"The cure is out there, hidden in the folds of time and nature. We must be relentless in our search and unwavering in our hope."
— Arella the Seeker. Her final recorded entry before her mysterious disappearance.

Notable People Associated With Crimson Tears

Arella the Seeker: A renowned adventurer and scholar who dedicated her life to finding a cure for Crimson Tears. Arella is known for her extensive research into the disease and her numerous expeditions into the Withered Forest. Though she never found the cure, her writings and discoveries have provided invaluable insights into the nature and origins of Crimson Tears. She vanished mysteriously during her last expedition, fueling further speculation and legend.   High Priest Deernis: The leader of a benevolent religious order dedicated to aiding those afflicted by Crimson Tears. High Priest Deernis and his followers offer sanctuary and care to the afflicted, believing it is their divine duty. His compassionate approach and efforts to reduce the stigma surrounding the disease have made him a beloved figure in affected communities.   Zerafina the Martyr: A healer who sacrificed herself to contain an outbreak of Crimson Tears. Zerafina's selfless actions during a major outbreak saved countless lives. She isolated herself with the infected to prevent the disease from spreading, ultimately succumbing to it herself. Her martyrdom is celebrated in many communities, and shrines dedicated to her memory are places of pilgrimage for those seeking hope and protection from the disease.   Vargin the Dark Scholar: A scholar who delved into forbidden knowledge to uncover the origins of Crimson Tears. Vargin's research into the dark history of the Warp Devil, Javull and the origins of the Lens of Javull has unearthed critical, albeit disturbing, information. His work, though often shrouded in secrecy and controversy, has provided a deeper understanding of the disease's mystical origins. He is a polarizing figure, both reviled and revered for his willingness to confront dangerous knowledge.   Nariv the Alchemist: A skilled alchemist known for developing treatments to alleviate the symptoms of Crimson Tears. Nariv's potions and salves have brought relief to many suffering from the disease. He continues to experiment with new ingredients and methods, hoping to one day find a definitive cure. Nariv's laboratory is a place of hope for the afflicted, and his work is highly respected.   The Crimson Seer: A modern day prophet who claims to have visions linked to the disease. This enigmatic figure, believed to be afflicted with Crimson Tears, travels from village to village, offering cryptic guidance and warnings. The Crimson Seer's presence is both feared and sought after, as his visions often predict significant events and disasters.   Meldrin the Blind: A former knight who became blind after contracting Crimson Tears and later turned to a life of meditation and wisdom. Eldrin is revered as a sage and spiritual guide. Despite his affliction, he offers wisdom and guidance to those struggling with the disease, promoting acceptance and inner peace. His resilience and serenity in the face of suffering inspire many, and his teachings are sought by those looking for solace and strength.   Lady Saris of Aeloria: A noblewoman whose family was devastated by Crimson Tears. Lady Saris has become a prominent advocate for those afflicted by the disease. Using her wealth and influence, she funds research, supports affected families, and campaigns for better treatment and care. Her dedication has led to significant advancements in the understanding and management of Crimson Tears, and she is a beloved figure among the afflicted.   Rayelle the Healer: A legendary healer said to have once cured a village of an outbreak through unknown means. Rayelle's miraculous cure is a source of hope and inspiration. Though the exact method of her cure remains a mystery, her story is often recounted as a testament to the possibility of overcoming the disease. Many seek to retrace her steps in hopes of replicating her success.   Farin the Explorer: A famous explorer known for his detailed maps and accounts of the Withered Forest. Farin's expeditions into the Withered Forest have provided critical information about the landscape, including the location of the ancient tomb where the Lens of Javull is believed to reside. His writings offer insights into the dangers and mysteries of the forest, aiding those who seek to understand or combat the source of Crimson Tears. He eventually vanished, with many believing he succumbed to the disease in the depths of the forest.   Renjo the Outcast: A once respected mage who was exiled after contracting Crimson Tears. Renjo, now living in isolation, has dedicated his life to studying the arcane aspects of the disease. His knowledge of dark magic and the mystical properties of the Lens of Javull has made him both feared and respected. Though his methods are unconventional and often controversial, his insights have been crucial in understanding the magical underpinnings of Crimson Tears.   Calmira the Wanderer: A nomadic healer who claims to have found a way to temporarily halt the progression of Crimson Tears. Calmira travels from village to village, offering her unique blend of herbal remedies and minor enchantments that can temporarily alleviate the symptoms of Crimson Tears. While her methods do not provide a cure, they offer much-needed respite for the afflicted, making her a welcome and hopeful presence wherever she goes.   The Blood Oracle: A legendary seer believed to have been the first known victim of Crimson Tears. According to legend, the Blood Oracle gained the ability to see the future through her blood tears. She is said to reside deep within the Withered Forest, offering cryptic prophecies to those brave enough to seek them out. Her prophecies often contain references to the Lens of Javull and the fate of those afflicted by the disease.  
"In my blood, the future is written. Through pain, I see what others cannot."
— The Blood Oracle


The Blood Oracle's Prophecy: It is said that those afflicted with Crimson Tears may develop prophetic abilities, becoming seers who can glimpse the future through their blood tears. The most famous of these is the legendary Blood Oracle, who is believed to reside deep in the Withered Forest.   Immortality at a Price: There are whispers that those who survive the advanced stages of Crimson Tears and adapt to the constant pain and bloodshed gain a form of dark immortality. These individuals are said to possess enhanced strength and longevity but are eternally bound to the curse.   Healing Waters: Some believe there exists a hidden spring in the depths of Marcidus Silva, whose waters can purify the blood and cure Crimson Tears. Many adventurers have sought this miraculous spring, but none have returned to confirm its existence.   The Cult of Crimson: A secretive cult, known as the Cult of Crimson, is said to worship the disease, believing it to be a divine gift. They allegedly seek out the afflicted, offering them sanctuary while conducting dark rituals in hopes of harnessing the disease's power for their own gain.   Protective Amulets: Traveling merchants sell amulets claiming to protect the wearer from contracting Crimson Tears. These talismans are said to be blessed by ancient forest spirits, though their efficacy remains dubious and largely unproven.   Eyes of the Beast: It's rumored that certain wild beasts in Marcidus Silva have developed a natural immunity to Crimson Tears. Consuming the eyes of these beasts, prepared through secret alchemical processes, is believed to grant immunity to the disease.   The Lens's Curse: According to some, the disease is not a natural affliction but a curse placed by the devil, Javull himself. Destroying the Lens of Javull, hidden in the ancient tomb, is rumored to be the only way to lift the curse and eradicate the disease.  
"To understand the curse, one must embrace the darkness from which it was born. Only then can we hope to unravel its mysteries."
— Vargin the Dark Scholar


  The Crimson Sentinel: Legends tell of a warrior who, after being afflicted with Crimson Tears, journeyed to the tomb in the heart of the Withered Forest of Marcidus Silva. Instead of finding a cure, he was transformed into a crystal golem, his body a mass of blood-red shards. This golem, known as the Crimson Sentinel, is said to guard the Lens of Javull, preventing anyone from destroying the source of the curse.   The Cure: According to an ancient and mysterious legend, there exists a secret method to cure Crimson Tears that involves the very source of the disease itself, the Lens of Javull. It is whispered among the bravest adventurers and most desperate sufferers that if an afflicted person looks through the Lens of Javull at the precise moment when the blood moonlight filters through the ancient tomb's entrance striking the lens, their sight will be miraculously restored, and the disease cured.   This rumor suggests that the Lens holds dual powers, one of destruction and one of healing. As the tale goes, the Lens, when viewed at this specific celestial alignment, channels the purifying light of the moon, reversing the curse and expelling the dark power of Javull from the afflicted’s body. Those who undergo this ritual are said to not only be cured of Crimson Tears but also to emerge with their eyesight restored, perhaps even enhanced, granting them a newfound clarity and perception.   However, this rumor is shrouded in mystery and skepticism. Many who have sought the Lens have never returned, and those who claim to have been cured are rare and often regarded with suspicion. Despite this, the legend persists, offering a glimmer of hope to those suffering from the disease and inspiring countless quests to uncover the truth of the Lens of Javull’s healing vision.  
"I feel it inside me, growing sharper each day. My tears... they burn. Each drop a reminder of my doom. I fear to sleep, for the nightmares bring more shards. If only I could find the Lens of Javull... maybe then, I'd find peace."
— Afflicted's Lament

Cover image: by by me with Dall-E


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