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Elven Eversteel

Elven Eversteel is not merely a material, it is a testament to the ancient and mystical techniques of the elven master blacksmiths, the Everforgers. It’s a blend of artistry and arcane knowledge that results in a substance of unparalleled quality and wonder.
— Remeslo, Master Artificer
    Elven Eversteel, said to last forever, is a legendary alloy known for its unparalleled strength, durability, and resistance to decay. Forged through an ancient and secretive elven process, this rare material combines Arcane Silver, Starstone, and high quality steel. Its bright, steely-silver hue emits a faint, ethereal glow under moonlight, adding to its mystical allure. Revered across Domen Aria, Eversteel is not only a testament to the masterful craftsmanship of elven blacksmiths, the Everforgers, but also a symbol of their deep connection to magic and nature. From powerful weapons and indestructible armor to sacred relics and special items, Elven Eversteel stands as a hallmark of excellence and timeless beauty in elven culture.


Material Characteristics

Elven Eversteel is a bright steely-silver in color, exuding a pristine and polished appearance. Its surface is remarkably smooth, almost mirror-like, reflecting light in a way that gives it a subtle, mesmerizing sheen. The material possesses an otherworldly quality, with a faint white glow that becomes particularly noticeable under the moonlight, casting an ethereal and mystical aura. This glow is not only visually striking but also serves as a testament to the magical properties infused within the alloy during its forging process. The edges of weapons or armor made from Eversteel are exceptionally sharp and fine, maintaining their keen edge indefinitely without the need for sharpening. The metal is surprisingly lightweight for its strength, making it ideal for both delicate and robust applications.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Physical Properties:   Color and Luster: Elven Eversteel is a bright, steely-silver color with a smooth, polished surface that reflects light brilliantly. Under moonlight, it emits a faint, ethereal white glow, giving it a mystical appearance.   Density and Weight: Despite its strength, Eversteel is surprisingly lightweight, making it ideal for crafting both delicate and robust items. This unique balance of strength and lightness is a hallmark of elven craftsmanship.   Hardness and Durability: Eversteel is incredibly hard and durable, resistant to all forms of physical wear, including scratches, dents, and chips. It maintains its sharp edges indefinitely, eliminating the need for frequent sharpening.   Malleability: While extremely strong, Eversteel is also malleable during its forging process, allowing skilled elven Everforgers to shape it into intricate designs and forms without compromising its structural integrity.     Chemical Properties:   Corrosion Resistance: Eversteel is immune to rust, corrosion, and acid, even in the harshest of environments.   Arcane Conductivity: The alloy's composition, particularly the inclusion of Arcane Silver, makes it an excellent conductor of magical energy. Enchantments placed on Eversteel items are exceptionally potent and long-lasting.   Thermal Stability: Eversteel remains stable under extreme temperatures, whether in the frigid conditions of the polar regions or the intense heat of a forge. This stability ensures its durability in various environments.   Energy Absorption: The Starstone element within Eversteel grants it the unique property of absorbing and dispersing energy, both magical and physical. This makes it highly resistant to spells and impacts, providing superior protection to its wearer or wielder.

Geology & Geography

The Eversteel cannot be found anywhere on the planet and must instead be crafted and forged from rare and secretive metals. The three known materials that make up the alloy are Arcane Silver, a magical metal found in the deepest veins of the world. Starstone, a celestial mineral that fell from the heavens during a meteor shower eons ago. And Steel forged from the purest iron ore from deep below the surface world.

Origin & Source

This metal can only be created from very high quality iron, steel, Startsone, and Arcane Silver, and must be done so by an elven blacksmith with very special skills and unique knowledge of the manufacturing process. These crafters are very rare Metal Callers who have specialized in Eversteel and are known as Everforgers.

History & Usage


Throughout the history of Domen Aria, Elven Eversteel has been perceived with a mixture of awe, reverence, and envy. Its rarity and the mystique surrounding its creation have made it a material of legend and great significance across various cultures and epochs.   In ancient times, Elven Eversteel was regarded as a gift from the gods, believed to be a divine material bestowed upon the elves for their piety and dedication to the arcane arts. Tales of its creation were intertwined with myths of celestial beings and legendary heroes, and items made from Eversteel were often seen as relics of immense power and significance.   During periods of elven dominance, Eversteel symbolized the pinnacle of elven craftsmanship and magical prowess. It was used to forge the weapons and armor of elven kings, queens, and legendary warriors. The material became a status symbol, a mark of elven superiority and their deep connection to the arcane. This magnificent metal was also integral in creating powerful artifacts and enchanted items, further cementing its legendary status.   In the medieval era, as human kingdoms and other races rose to prominence, Elven Eversteel became a coveted and rare commodity. Human kings and nobles sought out Eversteel items to demonstrate their power and legitimacy, often through trade, diplomacy, or even conflict. Possessing an Eversteel weapon or artifact was seen as a mark of exceptional wealth and influence.   During darker periods of history, such as the reign of tyrannical rulers or during cataclysmic events, Eversteel was often hidden away or fiercely guarded by its elven keepers. Myths arose about lost Eversteel artifacts buried in forgotten ruins or hidden deep within enchanted forests. Adventurers and treasure hunters embarked on perilous quests to find these fabled items, adding to the material’s legendary mystique.   In more recent history, the knowledge of forging Elven Eversteel has become even more scarce, with only a few master elven blacksmiths still possessing the ancient secrets. This has only increased the material’s rarity and value. Today, Eversteel is seen not only as a symbol of historical and magical significance but also as a bridge to the past, a tangible connection to the ancient traditions and arcane mysteries of the elves.

Everyday use

This exceptionally rare material is never used to make mundane objects or be presented in everyday use. Even the magnificent weapons and armor are kept secured away and only brought out for special holidays or desperate battles.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Throughout history, items made of Elven Eversteel have inspired countless songs, stories, and works of art. It is often depicted in epic tales of heroism and legend, symbolizing the enduring legacy of the elven people and their unparalleled mastery of both craft and magic. The material’s timeless resistance to decay mirrors its everlasting place in the lore and culture of the elven people.


The refinement process of Elven Eversteel is a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few elven master blacksmiths, the Everforgers. The process involves several meticulous steps:   Step 1. Ritual Preparation: The process begins with a sacred ritual to honor the gods and spirits of the metals. Everforgers sing ancient elven prayers, invoking blessings to awaken the latent energies within the raw materials, Arcane Silver, Starstone, and high-quality steel.   Step 2. Purification: The raw materials are purified in a magical forge powered by enchanted flames. This step burns away impurities, ensuring the highest purity of each component. Special herbs and arcane glyphs are often used to enhance the purification process.   Step 3. Alloying: The purified Arcane Silver, Starstone, and steel are combined in precise proportions within a crucible inscribed with ancient elven glyphs. The mixture is heated to extraordinary temperatures, allowing the elements to meld seamlessly together. During this process, the Everforgers channel their own magical energies into the alloy, imbuing it with additional strength and resilience.   Step 4. Shaping and Tempering: The molten alloy is carefully poured into molds and shaped into the desired forms with Ironwood hammers. The Eversteel is then repeatedly heated and quenched in an enchanted water bath, further enhancing its durability and imbuing it with a mystical sheen.   Step 5. Blessing and Enchantment: The final step involves a ceremonial blessing by the High Priestess of the elven community. The newly forged Eversteel is enchanted with protective songs and imbued with the blessings of the elven deities, ensuring its resistance to decay and its exceptional longevity.

Manufacturing & Products

Elven Eversteel is used to craft a variety of exceptional items, each benefiting from the material's unmatched qualities. The most common products are weapons, armor, and shields. However other items such as magical wands, staffs, rings, amulets, scroll cases, and spell tubes have been made. Additionally smithing tools, musical instruments, navigational instruments, jewelry, and even statues and sculptures have been constructed out of this unique material.

Byproducts & Sideproducts

The highly secretive and meticulous manufacturing process of Elven Eversteel does produce a few byproducts, although elven Everforgers have developed ways to minimize and manage these effectively.   Silstar Residue: Is a fine, glittering dust left over from the purification of Arcane Silver and Starstone. Elven Everforgers collect this residue carefully, as it still contains traces of magical energy. It is often repurposed for use in enchantments, potions, or as a component in other magical crafts.   Slag: Are the impurities and non-metallic waste separated from the raw materials during the purification process. This byproduct is collected and either disposed of in an environmentally safe manner or used in less critical applications, such as reinforcing the foundations of elven structures.   Enchanted Ash: Is the ash produced from the enchanted flames and herbs used during the purification process. Enchanted ash is often scattered in sacred groves or used in rituals to promote growth and fertility in elven lands, it is believed to return the magical energy back to nature.   Heat and Smoke: Excess heat and smoke is generated during the high-temperature alloying and forging stages. Advanced ventilation systems in elven forges capture and filter the smoke, reducing pollution. The excess heat is sometimes harnessed to power other parts of the forge or used in nearby settlements for heating.   Quenching Wastewater: The water used to quench and temper the hot Eversteel becomes infused with residual magical properties. This water is carefully collected and treated. In some cases, it is used in agricultural practices or stored for future quenching processes, ensuring no magical properties are wasted.   The elven Everforger’s commitment to maintaining balance with nature and their deep understanding of magical and environmental principles allow them to manage these byproducts responsibly. This ensures that the creation of Elven Eversteel is not only efficient but also harmonious with the natural world.


While Elven Eversteel is a material of unparalleled quality and mysticism, its refinement, manufacturing, and usage does pose certain hazards. The elven Everforger’s deep knowledge and careful practices mitigate many of these risks, but they cannot eliminate them entirely.   Refinement and Manufacturing Hazards:   Arcane Energy Exposure: The process of purifying and alloying Arcane Silver and Starstone involves intense arcane energies. Prolonged exposure can lead to arcane poisoning, which manifests as fatigue, headaches, and in severe cases, long-term health issues such as arcane burns or loss of magical ability. Elven Everforgers use protective enchantments and wards to shield themselves from harmful arcane energies. Regular health check-ups and purification rituals are also standard practices.   Extreme Heat and Fire: The high temperatures required for melting and forging Eversteel can cause severe burns or heatstroke. Elven forges are equipped with advanced safety mechanisms, including enchanted cooling systems and protective gear made from fire-resistant materials.   Toxic Fumes: The enchanted herbs and substances burned during the purification process can release toxic fumes. Forges are designed with sophisticated ventilation systems that filter and expel harmful fumes. Elven Everforgers also use breathing apparatuses enchanted to filter out toxins.   Silstar Residue: Lingering magical energy in the residue can cause unpredictable effects if not handled properly. The Residue is collected and treated with care, and only experienced mages and alchemists are allowed to handle them.     Usage Hazards:   Magical Feedback: Items made from Eversteel, due to their high magical conductivity, can sometimes cause magical feedback. This occurs when a spell cast through or at the Eversteel item backfires or reacts unpredictably. Users are trained in the proper handling of Eversteel items, and enchantments are carefully tuned to minimize the risk of feedback.   Mental and Physical Strain: Wielding or wearing Eversteel items for extended periods can be mentally and physically straining due to their inherent magical properties. Users are advised to take regular breaks and undergo training to build resilience. Protective amulets or charms are often worn to mitigate the strain.   Attraction of Magical Creatures: The mystical properties of Eversteel can attract magical creatures, both benign and malevolent, who are drawn to its arcane energy. Users are often accompanied by guardians or wards when venturing into areas known for magical creature activity.

Environmental Impact

The elves' approach to the refinement, manufacturing, and usage of Eversteel reflects their commitment to preserving the natural world. They employ a range of strategies to ensure that their actions do not harm the environment, balancing their need for this precious material with their respect for the planet. These measures include:   Sustainable Practices: Elven Everforgers and miners use sustainable methods that minimize environmental disruption and ensure the continued availability of natural resources.   Environmental Restoration: Any environmental impact is countered with efforts to restore and enhance natural habitats, often leaving them better than before the extraction or usage of materials.   Cultural Integration: The elven culture integrates environmental stewardship into all aspects of Eversteel production and use, ensuring that every step honors and protects the natural world.   Through these thoughtful practices, the elven society ensures that Eversteel remains not only a symbol of their craftsmanship and magical prowess but also of their unwavering commitment to the balance and health of the environment.

Reusability & Recycling

Elven Eversteel is a material of unmatched quality, but it possesses a critical limitation, it cannot be melted down and reforged, or even repaired if somehow damaged. Once forged, Eversteel retains its properties permanently, and any attempt to melt it results in a catastrophic loss of its unique characteristics. Any reforging attempts result immediately in a metal that is brittle, cracked, dull, and effectively worthless.


Trade & Market

Given its rarity and the closely guarded secrets of its creation, Elven Eversteel is not commonly available in ordinary markets. However, there are certain ways and places where one might acquire this exceptional material.    Elven Everforgers: In hidden elven enclaves and strongholds, often deep within ancient forests or secluded mountain valleys. Only a handful of elven master blacksmiths, the Everforgers, possess the knowledge and skill to forge Eversteel. These artisans typically work in closely knit communities where they pass down their secrets through the generations. They do not openly sell Eversteel, but may create items on commission for those who have earned their trust and respect.   Elven Nobility and Royalty: Almost all elven courts and royal palaces is where Eversteel artifacts are easily found and kept as symbols of status and heritage. Elven nobles and royalty might possess items made from Eversteel, often as heirlooms. While they rarely sell these treasures, they might be willing to part with them in exchange for significant favors, alliances, or other priceless artifacts.   Ancient Markets and Secret Auctions: Rumored to be in secretive markets known only to a select few, such as the Midnight Bazaar, which appears in different locations across Domen Aria. Occasionally, items made from Eversteel find their way into secret auctions or ancient markets frequented by powerful mages, collectors, and nobility. These events are often invitation only and shrouded in secrecy, making access difficult for the uninitiated.   Reputable Antiquarians and Artifact Dealers: Often found in major cities and magical hubs, such as the arcane city of Veloria or the bustling port of Sailwater. Some antiquarians and artifact dealers, known for their connections and discretion, might occasionally offer Eversteel items. These dealers usually have strong ties with elven communities or other trusted sources and can command exorbitant prices for such rare goods.   Adventurers and Treasure Hunters: Occasionally found at adventurer guilds, remote inns, or wandering bazaars. Some adventurers or treasure hunters may come across Eversteel items in their travels, especially in ancient ruins, hidden temples, or forgotten elven strongholds. They might sell or trade these items, though such opportunities are rare and often fraught with risk.


Eversteel is typically stored in highly secure locations such as vaults, treasure rooms, or hidden chambers within elven strongholds. These places are often protected by layers of physical and magical security, including enchanted locks, guardian spirits, and powerful wards. While Eversteel does not corrode or decay, it is often stored in environments that reflect its significance. Temperature and humidity control ensure that any accompanying materials, such as ceremonial wrappings or enchanted containers, remain in pristine condition.

Law & Regulation

Usage Rules:   Respect for Craftsmanship: Only master elven blacksmiths, known as Everforgers, are permitted to work with Eversteel. Their extensive training and deep understanding of the material's properties ensure that it is crafted with the utmost skill and respect. Violations are considered severe and can result in banishment or other harsh penalties.   Purpose and Intent: Eversteel is reserved for items of significant importance, such as royal weapons, ceremonial armor, and powerful artifacts. Its use in mundane or trivial objects is strictly forbidden. Requests for forging Eversteel items must be approved by the Council of Forgers or a similar authoritative body within the elven community.   Magical Enhancements: Any enchantments placed on Eversteel items must be performed by skilled elven enchanters. The material’s high magical conductivity requires precise and knowledgeable handling to avoid unintended consequences. Unauthorized enchantments are prohibited and offending enchanters may face severe repercussions.   Preservation and Care: Owners of Eversteel items are required to maintain them properly and to seek elven assistance for any necessary adjustments or repairs to the metals peripheral containers, such as scabbards or cases. Misuse or neglect of Eversteel artifacts is seen as a grave disrespect. The elders of the offended council may confiscate neglected or misused items to ensure their preservation.     Distribution Rules:   Elven Authority: The distribution of Eversteel is tightly controlled by elven authorities. It cannot be sold or traded without explicit permission from the ruling council or the high king or queen. Unauthorized distribution is met with severe penalties, including imprisonment or exile.   Gifts and Honors: Eversteel items are often given as gifts or honors to individuals who have performed great deeds or established strong alliances with the elven community. Such distributions are highly ceremonial and symbolic. Each gift is recorded in elven annals, and recipients are expected to honor the trust and respect implied by the gift.   Trade and Diplomacy: Eversteel may be used in diplomatic exchanges to solidify alliances or peace treaties. These transactions are rare and conducted with the highest level of discretion and formality. Any diplomatic trade involving Eversteel must be approved by the highest levels of elven governance.   Inheritance and Legacy: Eversteel items are often passed down through elven families as heirlooms. These items are imbued with ancestral significance and are expected to remain within the family lineage. Attempting to sell or trade inherited Eversteel without family and community approval is considered a betrayal of lineage and is punished accordingly.     Enforcement and Oversight:   Council of Forgers: The Council of Forgers, composed of the most respected and wisest of elven master smiths, oversees the usage and distribution of Eversteel. They ensure that all rules are followed and that the material's sanctity is maintained.   Forge Wardens: A dedicated group of elven fighter/mages, known as the Forge Wardens, protect the forges where Eversteel is crafted and stored. They enforce the rules and protect against any attempts at unauthorized access or distribution.   Cultural Enforcement: Cultural norms and traditions play a significant role in ensuring compliance. The elven community collectively respects and enforces the rules, viewing any misuse of Eversteel as a dishonor to their heritage.          
by by me with Dall-E
More than extremely rare.
There is no smell to this material.
Those who taste this material swear that it is reminiscent of spring blossoms.
This material is a bright steely-silver color that seems to glow very faintly white under moonlight.
Common State
This material exists as an immutable solid once its formation is set and finished.
Related Professions
"In the heart of the forge, under the gaze of the stars, Eversteel is born, not of mere metal, but of magic, tradition, and the enduring spirit of our people."
— Kanton Ironwood, the First Everforger


In the elven Age of Legends, 5,000 years ago, the elven master blacksmith, alchemist, and craftsman Kanton Ironwood embarked on a quest to create an unbreakable material. Driven by the tales of mythical heroes and divine artifacts, Kanton journeyed to the mystical Enchanted Forges of Everglade, nestled deep within the lush, magical forest.   After decades of trial and error, Kanton arrived at a combination of Arcane Silver, Starstone, and rare herbs in the forge’s enchanted flames. The result was a bright, steely-silver alloy that emitted a faint white glow under moonlight. This new material, which Kanton named Eversteel, possessed extraordinary strength, durability, and magical properties.   The discovery of Eversteel marked a turning point in elven history. It became the foundation for legendary weapons, armor, and artifacts that shaped the fate of the world during the elven Age of Legends. Kanton Ironwood’s creation was heralded as a divine gift, and his name became synonymous with unparalleled craftsmanship and innovation.   Artifacts forged from Eversteel became symbols of power, wisdom, and resilience, passed down through generations as treasured heirlooms. Kanton’s legacy endures through the enduring strength of Eversteel and the continued reverence for his groundbreaking work.  
"Each strike of the hammer, each whisper of the arcane, brings Eversteel to life. It is not just a material, but the embodiment of our legacy."
— Laflion Silvanroot

Notable Eversteel Items

  The Everblade: Forged by the first Everforger, Kanton Ironwood over 5,000 years ago. The Everblade is said to have been used by Kanton Ironwood to defeat the red dragon Zelthorax, whose reign of terror had decimated several elven settlements. The blade’s unmatched sharpness and magical properties allowed Kanton to pierce the dragon’s scales and deliver the fatal blow. The Everblade is believed to be hidden in Kanton Ironwood’s tomb, deep within the Moonwatch Mountains, protected by ancient guardians and arcane wards.   The Sunbask Staff: Forged by Laflion Silvanroot for Miranna Sunbask. This Eversteel staff was used by High Priestess Miranna Sunbask to heal the Oaken Blight that plagued the elven forests. The staff’s enchantments amplified her healing magic, restoring the land and saving countless lives. The Sunbask Staff is housed in the Temple of the Moon in Eldarae, and is used in rituals and ceremonies to honor Miranna’s legacy.   The Eternity Chalice: Forged by Cassin and Wicksin Dusklight for Miranna Sunbask. The Eternity Chalice was used in sacred rituals and is said to purify any liquid poured into it. High Priestess Miranna Sunbask used it to heal the sick and bless the elven lands during troubled times of drought and famine. The Eternity Chalice once resided in the Temple of the Moon, where it was used in major religious ceremonies to bless water and elixirs. Some centuries ago it mysteriously disappeared and was presumed stolen in a heinous act.   The Harmony Bell: Forged by Cadebbel Briskmorn and Maestro Lynlyrell Rivertune. This bell is used in religious and cultural ceremonies and produces a pure, resonating tone that is said to bring peace and harmony to all who hear it. It played a crucial role in calming tensions during the Elven Unification Council. The Harmony Bell is kept in the Temple of Song in Eldarae and is rung during major festivals and diplomatic gatherings.   The Evershield: Forged by Cadebbel Briskmorn for General Arrionar Skycaller. The Evershield was instrumental in the defense of the Citadel of Dawn against a siege by the undead army of the necromancer Tharmov. The shield’s ability to absorb and redirect magical energy turned the tide of battle, allowing elven forces to break the siege and defeat Tharmov. The Evershield is kept in the Citadel of Dawn, where it continues to serve as a powerful defensive artifact.   The Starstreak Spear: Forged by Benator Chillwind for Captain Cirannis Suncatcher. The Starstreak Spear was used by Captain Cirannis to repel an invasion of dark fae from the Shadowrealm. With this spear, Cirannis was able to close the portal that the dark fae were using, saving countless lives and securing the elven borders. The Starstreak Spear remains in the possession of Captain Cirannis, who continues to serve as a protector of the elven realms.  
"Eversteel does not rust, does not break, and does not forget. It carries the memories of those who forge it, wield it, and honor it."
— Ancient Elven Proverb


  The First Blade: It is said that the very first Eversteel blade was forged by the elven god of smithing himself and gifted to the first Everforger. This mythical sword, known as the Everblade, is rumored to possess the power to cut through any material, including dragon scales and enchanted barriers. Some believe it lies hidden in an ancient elven vault, waiting to be claimed by a true hero.   Immortal Guardian: Legends tell of an Eversteel golem created to guard the most sacred elven relics. This golem, known as the Sentinel of Eternity, is said to be indestructible and powered by the very essence of the stars. It awakens only in times of dire need to protect the elven lands from catastrophic threats.   The Lost Forge: Whispers speak of a lost elven forge hidden deep within the enchanted forest of Eldarae. This forge is believed to contain the secrets of Eversteel’s creation, guarded by ancient and powerful wards. Many adventurers have sought it, hoping to unlock the knowledge and riches within, but none have returned.   Cursed Armor: There are tales of a cursed suit of Eversteel armor that brings doom to its wearer. Known as the Doomplate, it is said to have been forged with a flaw during a lunar eclipse, imbuing it with dark energies. Those who don the armor are granted immense power but are doomed to suffer tragic fates.   The Eversteel Heirloom: Some believe that certain noble families possess Eversteel heirlooms with hidden powers. These items, passed down through generations, are thought to contain dormant enchantments that awaken only in the presence of great danger or when wielded by the rightful heir.   The Shadowy Merchant: Stories circulate about a mysterious merchant who appears only during the darkest nights, offering Eversteel artifacts for sale. This figure, shrouded in shadow, is said to demand not gold but secrets and rare magical items in exchange. Some speculate the merchant is an elven exile or a powerful mage seeking to collect forbidden knowledge.   Starborn Enhancement: A rare and ancient elven ritual, now mostly forgotten, is said to enhance Eversteel items by exposing them to a meteor shower. This process, known as Starborn Enhancement, supposedly imbues the metal with even greater power and a shimmering aura that changes with the phases of the moon.   The Eversteel Prophet: A reclusive elven prophet is believed to have the ability to foresee the destiny of any Eversteel item. According to legend, this prophet can touch an Eversteel artifact and reveal its future, including its wielder’s fate and the pivotal moments it will witness.

Cover image: by by me with Dall-E


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