Hooffing It: Meals On The Move by Hesta Bucatar Document in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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Hooffing It: Meals On The Move by Hesta Bucatar

"Hooffing It: Meals On The Move by Hesta Bucatar"


Hesta Bucatar is a local chef from the city-state of Neidr in The Pythos Empire, renown for her cooking expertise, particularly with horse meat. She wrote this cook book in order to help new cooks create great meals for The Konj Kuvar and to make a little extra coin. The books success has been such a triumph that Hesta has been able to buy and renovate her eatery, The Excellent Equus and open an additional placed called Cavall Cuisine.

Document Structure


The first edition books, begin with a table of contents, followed by a diagram of a horse and the various cuts of meat available. The final and largest section contains many of Hesta's recipes and cooking directions. After the initial run and surprisingly swift sell out of books, a second edition was requested in order to meet demand. The second edition remains the same as the first with the exception of an additional introductory statement praising the Holy Emperor and giving a brief acknowledgement to those who who got her started as a cook and those who work at her establishment.

Publication Status

Although it is relatively new to the book market, it is highly sought after by chefs and cooks throughout The Pythos Empire. All of the top chefs are thought to have a copy by now and more books are being transcribed day after day.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

Those who had eaten at The Excellent Equus were thrilled that a copy of Hesta's cook book would be available to them and those who could afford it book the book as soon as possible. Rival cooks and chefs also hungrily scooped up a copy for themselves. It is said that the emperor's personal chef made a special trip to Neidr and requested an autographed copy for himself.
Manual, Culinary

Cover image: by Kyle Kim


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