Luxite Material in Domen Aria | World Anvil
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"Luxite"   Is a very tiny crystalline mineral that appears opaque when held up to the light. Once polished, the crystal glows on its own with a warm light.


Material Characteristics

These are tiny, pointed mineral crystals, usually smaller than 1 millimeter in size that come in a variety of colors. However the geologic processes that created them are large spread, so there are often great quantities found together. While some of the minerals are exposed on the surface of many rocks, the vast majority of them are strewn internally throughout the rocks themselves. These mineral bearing rocks are called Lumenite.

Physical & Chemical Properties

These rare mineral crystals will glow on their own with a small amount of polishing.

Geology & Geography

These mineral sites are very rare and hard to find. They are said to be located near ancient magma flows rich in silica. One notable location where export can still be found is in the hills near the town of Arcana.

Origin & Source

While the individual mineral's name is called Luxite, when it is grown throughout a rock, the entire piece is known as Lumenite.

History & Usage


Initially viewed as a curiosity, people quickly found a use for the tiny crystals as an alternative light source to candles. In the past, communities located near the sources would quickly exploit them for their trade value until supplies start to run short. Hording would occur shortly thereafter. Today, with advances in their understanding and processing, the mineral bearing rock is highly sought after for turning it into Lumenol.


The original discovery of Luxite seems to have been lost to the winds of time. The most probable discoverers would most likely have been the dwarven people as they explored the undermountain depths or perhaps early humans finding exposed outcroppings during the dark surface nights.

Everyday use

With a small amount of polishing, the tiny minerals will glow with a soft natural light. When enough collected specimens are placed in a glass container, they can softly light a room as a small candle would. However, due to their small size they are most often used in mineral collections or in Lumenol processing.

Manufacturing & Products

The Luxite minerals in the Lumenite rocks are usually processed into the brightly glowing liquid called Lumenol.


Trade & Market

Dwarves, halflings, and gnomes will either have or know how to get this rare mineral. While hard to come by, it is common for Luxite to be available for purchase in many gem shops. Additionally, masons, quarry, and construction guilds are most likely to have bulk access to this mineral.


There are no special requirements for the storage of this material.
Very rare in most areas, but when found it is often in large quantities.
The most common color is white, but it can also be found in other more rare colors. The colors in increasing rarity are yellow, green, orange, blue, red, and purple.
Melting / Freezing Point
Luxite minerals will melt at temperatures above 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit.


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