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Potonula Isle


Ages ago this was a small, tropical island continent dominated by one large active volcano. This island was named by the Lawa people after it's volcano, Tepla Kalnu, meaning "Mountain of Heat". Due to its large size and height, the prevailing winds have to drop off the moisture and rain on one side of the volcano before being light enough to rise over it, and then dry out the environment on the other side. This created a wet side and dry side of the island and combined with the various altitudes of the landscape, many small diverse ecosystems were created on as such. They range from tropical jungles, to temperate pine forests, hot flat grasslands, cold rocky outcroppings, overflowing rivers, humid marshes, freshwater lakes, brackish bays, and salty seas.   All was well, until for some unknown reason the island began to sink thousands of years ago. Ancient myths claim that the spirits of nature were angry, some say it was because of evil magic, other claims it was was vengeful gods, some suggest that the island was just too heavy. Whatever the reason, most of the continent disappeared below the ocean leaving just the large volcano and a few smaller islands rising above the waves. After this terrifying event, the Lawa people renamed the island Potonula Isle, meaning "Sunken Island". Despite sinking, the island was still very large and maintained its diverse ecosystem, but the tribal groups began to squabble over fewer resources, fight, and eventually went to war. The Lawa people prevailed and took control of the main island and volcanic region. The other tribes were supposedly pushed to the smaller islands where they live today.

Fauna & Flora

Plants   Perhaps the most notable thing people first discover about the islands is the tremendous greenery and plant life that covers the lands. Several hundred species live here, ranging from tropical fruit and nut trees, berry bushes, shrubs, ferns, epiphytes, bromeliads, orchids, water plants, cattails, rushes, giant lilies, and various grasses and mosses. Ocean dwelling plants, kelps, and seaweeds are also plentiful in the tidal zones.     Insects   The amount of insect variety here is quite staggering. They range in all sizes, shapes, and colors, from those going unnoticed to those trying to kill you. Hundreds of species of each can be found here. Those of note include beetles, bees, wasps, caterpillars, butterflies, moths, lady bugs, dragonflies, ants, flies, and mosquitos.     Birds   Over a hundred species of birds permanently live on the islands or travel here from farther away. It would be impossible to list all the species of forest, sea, and migratory birds that can be seen on the islands. Notable birds include hummingbirds, herons, fire hawks, sea hawks, seagulls, geese, and albatross.     Mammals   Several mammal species live here including bats, rats, rabbits, deer, feral pigs, goats, sheep, and cattle, seals, dolphins, and whales.     Reptiles   The reptiles here are mostly benign sea turtles and small lizards with a few species of sea snake mixed in.     Amphibians   The high humidity and infinite pools of water allow tremendous species of frogs, toads, and salamanders to thrive in this environment.     Fish   Many varieties of fish live here and are a major food source for both humanoids and other animals. Both fresh and salt water fish can be found here, depending on whether it’s shallow pools, slow streams, flooded landscapes, coastal bays, shallow seas, or open ocean.     Invertebrates/worms   Often overlooked are the creatures below the leaf litter and water, such as many species of worms, leeches, snails, crayfish, shrimp, starfish, octopus, and squid. Many isopods, spiders, centipedes, and scorpions can be found under old tree stumps or in rock piles. Tremendous variety of corals are also found just off shore.     Humanoids   Several confirmed humanoids live on the main island and smaller surrounds islands. They include tribes of seafaring goblins, forest dwelling Lacertian, mountainous kobolds, and several groups of both friendly and unfriendly humans.     Rumored Organisms   In addition to the expected plants and animal species living on and around the island, occasionally giant versions of each can be found there as well. There are also many rumored but unsubstantiated creatures hidden among the vegetation and rocky crevices. Tales of the Sirens, Aquanin, Sea Monsters, Peryton, Harpy, Ogres, Basilisk, and even a Phoenix have been told around the campfire.

Natural Resources

Potonula Isle has many natural resources readily available. Due to the fertile soil, sunshine, and rainfall many plant and animal species are offered for trade.   Many rare ingredients known for remedies, potions, and spells can be found here.   Lumber, sugarcane, pineapples, coffee, spices, herbs, nuts, fruits, and flowers are all sought after.   Additionally some obsidians and rare minerals can be located here if one knows but where to look.   Although few large creatures now live on the island, many varieties of fish, crustaceans, and even a few mammals can be found just off shore and make for an excellent meal.


While outsiders are welcome to visit and trade, they are expected to adhere to the village elders and chieftains strict guidelines and not interfere in any cultural activities or involve themselves in any national disputes. The laws here are very strict and anyone found breaking them will either be swiftly banished or put to death.
Alternative Name(s)
Once known as Tepla Kalnu, it now sits mostly sunken beneath the waves.
Inhabiting Species
Dangers:   This tropical island holds great beauty but can also hold many dangers to the unwary. Those that have visited this magnificent island and survived to tell the tale, often report on the many dangers of Potonula Isle. From intense, heat, dehydration, and sunstroke to infectious disease, poisonous plants and animals, magical creatures and angry locals.     Diseases:   Due to the high temperatures, humidity, dark places, and pools of water, disease can cause a tragic end to come to one's adventures here. This environment is an ideal breeding ground for all sorts of diseases, infections, and illnesses to occur. Dracunculus and Black Wash are two of the many varieties found here.    
To honor the volcano spirit, is to honor the Lawa people. We can then honor your presence here.
— Lawa tribal elder
You have nothing to fear from the peaceful Lawa people. We are kind and gentle. You need only fear Isi Ild, the spirit of the volcano.
— Lawa tribal shaman


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