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Rotmire Revulsor

"We thought the stories were just tales to scare children. Then we saw the swamp come alive with decay and death. That’s when we knew the Rotmire Revulsor was real… and we were in its hunting grounds."
— Gosrin Quickstrike, Rogue Adventurer
    In the darkest, most fetid swamps lurks the Rotmire Revulsor, a grotesque embodiment of decay and corruption. Once a benign nature spirit, this fearsome creature was twisted by ancient dark magic into a monstrous predator. Standing with an imposing height and a body covered in rotting vegetation, muddy scales, and protruding bones, the Revulsor strikes terror into the hearts of all who encounter it.   Its sunken skull, glowing green eyes, and venomous bite are just the beginning of its nightmarish attributes. The Revulsor feeds on the rotting corpses it stores in hidden lairs, waiting for them to decay before consumption. Solitary and highly territorial, it uses cunning ambush tactics, necrotic fog, and environmental manipulation to hunt and defend its domain. The Rotmire Revulsor’s presence transforms the swamps into a dangerous realm of fear and decay, making it a truly terrifying force.

Basic Information


The Rotmire Revulsor is a grotesque and fearsome creature, its form a twisted amalgamation of decayed organic matter and dark magic. The head is sunken and skull-like, filled with long, razor-sharp teeth designed for a venomous bite that accelerates the decay process, breaking down flesh rapidly and making it easier for the creature to consume. Its eyes glow an eerie green, set deep within hollow sockets that add to its fearsome appearance. The body is a mass of rotting vegetation and muddy scales, constantly in a state of decay. It has a hunched, quadrupedal stance, allowing it to move with surprising agility through the swampy terrain. The limbs are muscular and clawed, ending in talons that can tear through flesh and vegetation alike. These claws help it to move stealthily and grasp its prey. A long, bony tail extends from its hindquarters, tipped with jagged spikes. This tail is used for balance and as a whip-like weapon.   Its skin is a patchwork of grey, black, and bone-white tones, covered in slimy, putrid growths. Muddy scales interspersed with decaying patches provide a semblance of protection. Throughout its body, there are rotten holes emitting a foul stench, which serve as both ventilation and a means of spreading its corrupting influence. Sharp bones protrude from various parts of its body, particularly along the spine and limbs, forming natural weapons and armor. These bones are brittle yet dangerously sharp.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Rotmire Revulsor's method of reproduction is as dark and twisted as its existence. Rather than conventional biological reproduction, it relies on the corruption and transformation of other beings.    When the Revulsor seeks to create another of its kind, it performs a dark ritual in the heart of its decayed territory. This ritual involves the infusion of necrotic energy and dark magic into a chosen victim who is captured and brought to the lair. This victim is often an intruder or a member of the dark cults that worship the Revulsor. The chosen victim must be strong-willed and resilient, as the transformation process is excruciating and can fail if the victim dies too soon.   Over several days, the victim is subjected to the Revulsor's corrupting influence. The process involves repeated exposure to the necrotic bite, the aura of dread, and the decay-infused environment. The victim's body begins to rot and transform, their mind breaking down under the psychic echoes and dark energy.   If the transformation is successful, the victim's body completes its grotesque metamorphosis. The result is a new Rotmire Revulsor, imbued with the same dark magic and corrupted essence as the original. This new creature is bound to the will of its progenitor until it fully matures and can act independently. The new Revulsor then ventures out into the swamp, spreading decay and corruption further, continuing the cycle of terror and transformation in the fetid marshes.

Growth Rate & Stages

The process of growth and maturation for a newly created Rotmire Revulsor is both rapid and gruesome, fueled by dark magic and the inherent corruption of the swamp.   Initial Transformation:
  • 1st Day 1: The initial phase involves the victim's body beginning to rot and deform almost immediately after the corruption ritual. This stage is characterized by severe pain and the breakdown of the victim's original form.
  • 2nd Day 2: The body starts to absorb the necrotic energy, and the physical changes accelerate. Protruding bones, rotting holes, and the formation of scales become evident.
  • 3rd Day 3: The transformation reaches its peak, with the victim losing all remnants of their former self. The skeletal structure solidifies, and the characteristic features of the Rotmire Revulsor become fully developed.
  Rapid Growth Phase:
  • 1 Week: During the first week after transformation, the new Revulsor experiences rapid growth. It feeds voraciously on decaying matter and rotting corpses, which fuels its development. Its sensory and extrasensory capabilities also begin to manifest fully. The creature's strength and agility improve dramatically during this period, allowing it to start patrolling the swamp and asserting its presence.
  Maturation Period:
  • 1 Month: Over the course of the next month, the new Rotmire Revulsor continues to grow and adapt to its environment. Its connection to the swamp deepens, allowing it to manipulate the terrain and summon necrotic fog with increasing proficiency. The Revulsor's aura of dread and venomous bite reach their full potency, making it a fully-fledged predator of the marshes.
  Full Maturity:
  • 2-3 Months: After 2 to 3 months, the Rotmire Revulsor is considered fully mature. At this stage, it operates independently, no longer bound to the will of its progenitor. It can now perform its own corruption rituals to create new Revulsors, perpetuating the cycle. Its abilities are at their peak, and it becomes a dominant force within its territory, feared by all who dare to venture into the fetid swamps.

Ecology and Habitats

The favored environments for the Rotmire Revulsor are dark, fetid swamps or marshlands that are characterized by decay, stagnant waters, and dense, overgrown vegetation. These environments provide the ideal conditions for the Revulsor’s abilities and habits.   The presence of the Revulsor causes a profound shift in the swamp’s ecosystem. Healthy vegetation and wildlife diminish, replaced by decayed plants and corrupted creatures that thrive in the rot. As the Revulsor moves through the swamp, it spreads its corruption, creating new areas of decay and rot. This process can transform a once-vibrant marsh into a desolate, haunted wasteland.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Revulsor prefers its food to be in an advanced state of decay. It will often wait several days or weeks before consuming a kill, allowing the body to rot thoroughly. The act of feeding is almost ritualistic. The Revulsor absorbs necrotic energy from the decaying flesh, which not only sustains it but also enhances its dark powers. The creature’s feeding cycles are irregular, dependent on the availability of prey and the state of decay. During periods of abundance, it may kill more frequently and store multiple bodies, ensuring a constant supply of food during leaner times.   The Revulsor is an expert at lying in wait, blending seamlessly into the swamp environment. It uses its camouflage to remain hidden until prey ventures close, then strikes with lethal precision. The creature can summon a necrotic fog to disorient and weaken its prey. This fog drains the vitality of living creatures, making them easier to catch and kill. It can also create quicksand, entangling roots, and sinkholes to trap and immobilize its prey. These traps are strategically placed around its territory to maximize hunting efficiency. Its bite is not only physically devastating but also venomous, accelerating the decay process in its victims. This venom ensures that even if prey escapes initially, they succumb to rot and are easier to track and consume later.    The Revulsor uses natural burrows, caves, and other hidden locations within the swamp to store its kills. These places are carefully selected for their inaccessibility and concealment, ensuring that the food remains undisturbed. Its lair is a heavily corrupted zone, marked by accelerated decay and filled with the stench of rot. This environment deters other creatures from approaching and helps preserve the bodies until they are ready for consumption. The Revulsor often reanimates the corpses it does not immediately consume, turning them into undead guardians for its lair. These minions protect the stored food and the lair from intruders. The creature's ability to sense lingering psychic energies and emotions allows it to detect intruders near its food stores. This extrasensory perception helps the Revulsor defend its food sources effectively.


Rotmire Revulsors are highly territorial and solitary. Encounters between two Revulsors involve ritualistic displays of power, such as summoning necrotic fog or creating environmental hazards, before engaging in direct combat. When physical encounters do occur, they are often fierce battles to assert dominance and control over their territory. These conflicts can be brutal, as both creatures possess potent abilities and a relentless drive to maintain their domain. On rare occasions, Revulsors may form brief alliances, particularly when faced with a common threat. However, these alliances are fragile and typically dissolve once the immediate danger has passed.   The Rotmire Revulsor has few natural predators due to its fearsome abilities and the inhospitable environment it controls. When faced with a predator, the Revulsor relies on its terrifying appearance and aura of dread to intimidate potential predators, often deterring attacks through sheer presence. If attacked directly, the Revulsor responds with relentless aggression, using all its abilities to ensure its survival such as its necrotic fog, venomous bite, and environmental manipulation to defend itself. It may also reanimate nearby corpses as undead minions to assist in its defense.    The Rotmire Revulsor employs ambush tactics, using its camouflage and environmental manipulation to catch prey unaware. It strikes quickly and decisively, utilizing its venomous bite to ensure a swift kill. After killing its prey, the Revulsor drags the carcass to its lair or a hidden storage site, where it allows the body to decay before feeding. This behavior minimizes the chance of other creatures scavenging its food.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Rotmire Revulsor is highly territorial and prefers to live alone, aggressively defending its domain from others of its kind. This territorial behavior ensures that each Revulsor has ample space and resources to sustain itself. As an apex predator, it hunts and feeds alone, relying on its stealth and cunning to capture prey.    In areas where territories overlap or during rare social interactions, a loose dominance hierarchy may emerge. Dominant individuals control the best territories and resources, while subordinates are forced to find less desirable areas. When the two Revulsors encounter each other they usually engage in ritualistic combat. These confrontations involve displays of power and occasionally physical fights, which establish dominance and territorial boundaries.   According to the Cult of Lazgrath, the Revulsors often mark their territories with necrotic energy and physical signs of decay, which serve as warnings to others. These signs may be large piles of skulls or bones arranged in special patterns or designs. These markings help maintain the social order and minimize direct confrontations.


This creature has never been domesticated in any manner. Any attempt to capture or restrain the revulsor immediately results in it turning on its captor and fighting until one of them is dead.

Facial characteristics

The face of the Rotmire Revulsor is a horrifying blend of decay and menace that resembles a sunken, skeletal skull, with deep, hollow eye sockets and exposed bone structures. Its eyes glow with an eerie green light, piercing through the darkness and murk of the swamp. These eyes exude a sense of malevolence and dread. The mouth is filled with long, jagged teeth, capable of delivering a venomous bite that accelerates the decay of its prey. Patches of decayed, rotting flesh hang from the skull, adding to its grotesque appearance. The flesh is grey, black, and bone-white, reflecting its corrupted nature. Sharp, bony protrusions jut out from the face and jawline, enhancing its terrifying visage and serving as additional weapons in close combat. The face features several rotten holes and cavities, exuding a foul stench and giving it a ghastly, hollow appearance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Rotmire Revulsor is predominantly found in the most remote and inhospitable swamps and marsh regions of Domen Aria. Its presence is associated with areas where decay and corruption have taken hold, creating a suitable environment for its dark nature. They are most likely to be found in the Dimwallow Swamp, the Bonewood Marsh, the Stenchwater Swamp, the Paya Quagmire, the Mi Edo Mire, and the Louco Bayou.

Average Intelligence

The Revulsor exhibits high levels of cunning, relying on its predatory instincts to hunt and navigate its environment. It understands the intricacies of its swampy habitat and uses this knowledge to set effective traps and ambushes. This creature has a deep, almost supernatural connection to its environment. It can sense changes in its territory, such as the presence of intruders or shifts in the natural decay, allowing it to respond swiftly and effectively. While not capable of complex reasoning or abstract thought, the Revulsor demonstrates tactical thinking in its approach to hunting and defending its territory. It can plan and execute ambushes, manipulate the environment to its advantage, and use its abilities in strategic ways. The Revulsor possesses a good memory, especially regarding the layout of its territory and the behaviors of potential prey. It learns from previous encounters, adapting its strategies to become a more efficient hunter and defender. Although primarily solitary, the Revulsor can communicate with other corrupted creatures and undead minions through a form of empathic or telepathic link. This communication is rudimentary and focused on simple commands and coordination.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Rotmire Revulsor possesses heightened senses adapted to its dark and decaying environment, making it a formidable predator in the swamps. The Revulsor's glowing green eyes can pierce through the murky waters and dense fog of the swamps. These eyes provide excellent night vision and can detect even the slightest movements, making it difficult for prey to hide. With an exceptionally keen sense of smell, the Revulsor can detect the scent of decay and rot from great distances. This allows it to locate potential prey, whether fresh or already decaying, and navigate through its territory with ease. The creature's hearing is acute, capable of picking up faint sounds such as the rustling of leaves or the movement of water. This sensitivity helps it track down intruders or prey even in the most silent of environments. The Revulsor's body is covered in sensory receptors that detect vibrations in the water and ground. This sense helps it identify the presence of other creatures and potential threats, even if they are out of sight.  While not as refined as its other senses, the Revulsor's sense of taste allows it to differentiate between various stages of decay, guiding it to the most suitable and desirable food sources.   

Extrasensory Capabilities

The Rotmire Revulsor possesses several extrasensory capabilities that enhance its already formidable perception and make it an even more terrifying presence in the swamps.   Necrotic Sense: The Revulsor can sense the presence of decay and necrotic energy within its surroundings. This ability allows it to locate dying or recently deceased creatures and detect areas of corruption and rot, making it an unparalleled hunter in its decayed environment.   Aura Perception: It can perceive the auras of living beings, distinguishing between different types of creatures based on the strength and color of their life force. This capability helps it identify potential threats and targets, even through obstacles or in total darkness.   Dark Magic Detection: The Revulsor is attuned to dark magic, able to sense its use and presence from afar. This ability allows it to track down practitioners of dark arts and those who may seek to harness or challenge its corrupting influence.   Psychic Echoes: The creature can pick up on lingering psychic energies and emotions in its territory. This allows it to sense fear, pain, and other strong emotions, which can lead it to hidden or injured prey and intruders.   Environmental Manipulation: Though not a sensory ability per se, the Revulsor's connection to the swamp allows it to manipulate the environment subtly. It can influence the behavior of the plants and lesser creatures in the area, creating an early warning system and further extending its awareness of its domain.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The Rotmire Revulsor's corrupted and decayed environment fosters relationships with several symbiotic and parasitic species that thrive in its presence.   Symbiotic Species:   Necroflies: Small, dark insects with an affinity for decay, these flies are drawn to the Rotmire Revulsor's rotting flesh. They help break down organic matter more quickly, providing a cleaner environment for the Revulsor and speeding up the decay process of its prey. In return, they feed on the carrion and rot.   Blightshrooms: Bioluminescent fungi that grow on and around the Revulsor’s lair, emitting a faint, sickly green glow. These mushrooms feed on the necrotic energy and decaying matter, providing additional camouflage for the Revulsor and creating a more foreboding environment. Their spores also help spread decay further into the swamp.   Rotting Rootworms: Small, worm-like creatures that burrow into the decayed parts of the Revulsor's body and surrounding swamp. These worms help aerate the soil and break down decomposing material, enriching the swamp environment.   Parasitic Species:   Death Leeches: Large, blood-sucking leeches with a dark green, slimy exterior. These leeches attach to the Revulsor and drain its necrotic blood, growing in size and becoming more aggressive. While they weaken the Revulsor slightly, their presence often goes unnoticed due to its regenerative capabilities.   Corpse Mites: Tiny, almost invisible mites that infest the decaying flesh of the Revulsor. These mites feed on the dead tissue, sometimes causing irritation and discomfort. However, they rarely pose a significant threat due to the Revulsor's natural resilience and the abundance of decayed matter to feed on.   Bone Borers: Small, beetle-like insects that burrow into the bones of the Revulsor and its prey. They weaken the structural integrity of the bones, making them more brittle. While they can cause pain and minor damage, the Revulsor's regenerative properties typically mitigate their impact.   

Notable Rotmire Revulsors

Lazgrath the Defiler:  Lazgrath was worshipped by the Cult of Lazgrath, led by High Priestess Narpala. The cult performed numerous dark rituals in his name, spreading decay and corruption throughout the Dimwallow Swamp. In response to the cult’s activities, a coalition of clerics and paladins launched the Searing Purge, an aggressive campaign to cleanse the marshes. Many cultists were killed, and the marshlands were partially purified. Lazgrath was banished to a remote part of the swamp, weakened but not destroyed. His current whereabouts are unknown, and he remains a lurking threat, waiting for the right moment to rise again.   Blademaw the Tormentor:  Blademaw emerged from the depths of the Paya Quagmire during a lunar eclipse, attacking a nearby village and leaving no survivors. This event is remembered as the Night of Terror. A bounty was placed on Blademaw’s head, leading to the Great Hunt. Many skilled hunters and adventurers ventured into the quagmire, but few returned. Blademaw was eventually defeated by a renowned hunter named Olum Jaeger. He used a combination of traps and holy weapons to weaken and kill the creature. Blademaw’s skull now adorns one of the walls in his hunting lodge as a trophy.   Fangrend the Eternal:  Fangrend is credited with the creation of the Stenchwater Swamp. His presence turned a once-thriving wetland into a desolate, decayed wasteland, known as the Stenchwater Curse. An alliance of local elves, humans, and druidic orders made a final stand against Fangrend, attempting to reclaim their land. The battle was fierce, with heavy losses on both sides. Fangrend was never fully defeated. Instead, he retreated into the deepest parts of the swamp, where he remains a constant threat. Efforts to eradicate him continue to this day, with many believing that his death would lift the curse on the land.   Rageclaw the Ravager: Rageclaw led a series of devastating attacks on settlements surrounding the Louco Bayou, an event collectively known as the Ravaging. Entire communities were abandoned due to his relentless assaults. A group of mages and warriors performed a binding ritual to contain Rageclaw’s rampage. The ritual was partially successful, weakening him and restricting his movements to a small area of the marsh. Rageclaw remains bound within a confined section of the Louco Bayou. While he is unable to leave, his presence continues to corrupt the area, and he still poses a significant threat to anyone who ventures too close.
Scientific Name
Espiritu Natura Revulso Putrescere
The lifespan of this entity is indeterminate and it may live for hundreds or even thousands of years.
Conservation Status
This creature has no conservation protection and anyone who sees one is asked to report it immediately so that it can be killed, banished, or destroyed if able.
Average Height
On average, the Rotmire Revulsor stands about 6 feet tall at the shoulder when on all fours. When it rears up on its hind legs, it can reach up to 9 feet in height, making it an intimidating presence.
Average Weight
The creature's decayed yet muscular body, combined with the dense scales and protruding bones, gives it an average weight of around 750 pounds. This substantial mass allows it to overpower most prey and withstand significant damage.
Average Length
From the tip of its nose to the end of its long, bony tail, the Rotmire Revulsor measures approximately 14 feet in length. The tail itself accounts for about 6 feet of this length, serving as both a weapon and a tool for balance and movement through the swamp.
Average Physique
Its head is skeletal and sunken, filled with long, sharp teeth. Its body is a mix of decaying plant matter, tough scales, and covered in rotten holes and patches of decayed flesh. Sharp bones and bony spikes protrude from its body. Strong, muscular limbs end in sharp claws and the tail is long and spiked.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The body primarily exhibits shades of grey, black, and bone-white, giving it a ghostly and decayed appearance. Areas of its body are covered in dark, putrid green and brown patches, resembling rotting vegetation and swamp muck. Muddy, dark brown scales are interspersed across its body, providing both camouflage and a rugged texture. The sharp bones and spikes that jut from its body are stark white or yellowed with age and decay, standing out against the darker tones of its flesh. The decayed flesh hanging from its form is a mix of sickly greenish-grey and mottled black, adding to the overall sense of rot and corruption. Near its mouth and along the edges of its wounds, faint greenish tint can be seen, indicative of the venom that courses through its body and the necrotic energy it exudes.
"I’ve seen men driven mad by the Revulsor’s gaze, heard the screams of those who fell to its bite. It’s a horror that haunts me still, a nightmare that walks the swamp."
— Reginar The Stout, Former Knight, Now Hermit


Aura of Dread: The Rotmire Revulsor exudes an aura of pure dread, causing any creature within close proximity to feel an overwhelming sense of fear and despair. This aura can disorient and weaken even the bravest of souls.   Venomous Bite: Its bite is not only physically devastating but also venomous. The venom induces a rapid decay in the flesh of its victims, making them more suitable for the Revulsor’s feeding habits.   Decay Infusion: The Revulsor can accelerate the decay of any organic matter it touches, using this ability to create decayed terrains around its lair and to ensure its food supply is always ripe for consumption.   Camouflage: Despite its grotesque appearance, the Revulsor can blend seamlessly into its environment, using the swamp's natural cover to ambush unsuspecting prey.    Necrotic Fog: The Rotmire Revulsor can summon a thick, necrotic fog that spreads through the marshes. This fog not only obscures vision but also drains the vitality of those caught within, causing them to weaken and rot from within.    Animate Dead: Utilizing the dark magic that corrupted it, the Revulsor can reanimate the corpses it does not consume. These undead minions serve as both guardians of its territory and hunters for fresh prey.   Swamp Dominion: The Rotmire Revulsor has an innate connection to the swamp, allowing it to manipulate the terrain. It can cause sudden sinkholes, quicksand, and entangling roots to trap and disorient intruders.  
"The Revulsor is not just a creature, it is the embodiment of nature’s wrath, a reminder that decay is as vital as growth. To embrace the Revulsor is to embrace the true cycle of life and death."
— High Priestess Narpala, Cult of Lazgrath


Unbelievably, the body parts of the Rotmire Revulsor, being steeped in dark magic and corruption, have various bizarre and potentially dangerous uses, often sought after by those practicing necromancy, dark alchemy, and forbidden rituals. These include:   Necrotic Lanterns: The glowing green eyes can be fashioned into lanterns that emit an eerie, unholy light. These lanterns are used in dark rituals or to navigate through cursed and haunted areas.   Scrying Devices: Used by dark seers and necromancers, the eyes can serve as tools for scrying, allowing the user to see through the eyes of the dead.   Venomous Weapons: The teeth can be crafted into weapons such as daggers or arrowheads that deliver a necrotic venom, causing rapid decay in the wounds they inflict.   Poison Ingredients: Ground into a powder, the teeth are used in creating potent necrotic poisons and alchemical concoctions that induce decay and rot.   Bone Armor: The sharp bones and spikes are used to create armor that offers both protection and intimidation. This armor is often worn by the dark cultists.   Ritual Implements: The bones can also be carved into ritual daggers, staffs, or other implements used in ceremonies invoking decay and corruption.   Necrotic Salves: The decaying flesh can be processed into salves or ointments that accelerate decay. These are used by necromancers to create undead minions or by assassins to cause debilitating infections in their targets.   Camouflage Cloaks: The scales can be sewn into cloaks or garments that provide excellent camouflage in swampy or decayed environments, used by spies and hunters.   Alchemical Components: Used in dark alchemical experiments, the scales can enhance potions that grant temporary invisibility or increased resistance to disease and decay.   Whip Weapon: The bony tail can be fashioned into a whip-like weapon, retaining its natural spikes for additional lethality. It’s a favored weapon for enforcers in dark cults.  
"I’ve traded in strange and cursed items, but nothing fetches a price like a talon or tooth of the Revulsor. Those who seek such trophies are either brave or foolhardy."
— Mirakar, Nomadic Merchant


The Eye of the Swamp: Some believe that the glowing green eyes of the Rotmire Revulsor can see into the souls of those who look into them. It’s said that anyone who meets its gaze will have their darkest secrets revealed and will be haunted by visions of their own death and decay.   The Corrupted Druid: Some say the Rotmire Revulsor was once a powerful druid who sacrificed everything to protect the swamp from invaders. However, in a dark twist of fate, the ancient magic used backfired, corrupting the druid and turning them into the malevolent Revulsor. Whispers suggest that remnants of the druid's consciousness still reside within the beast, eternally tormented and seeking redemption.   The Source of Eternal Decay: It is rumored that the Rotmire Revulsor’s heart is a powerful artifact of eternal decay. Those brave or foolish enough to seek it, believe it could grant immense power over life and death, but at the cost of their humanity, inevitably turning them into a creature of rot themselves.   The Whispering Fog: Some claim that the necrotic fog summoned by the Rotmire Revulsor carries the whispers of the dead. These whispers are said to be the voices of its victims, warning others of the creature's presence or, more disturbingly, trying to lure the living to their doom to join them in the afterlife.   The Cult of Decay: Rumors circulate about a secretive cult that worships the Rotmire Revulsor as a deity of decay. These cultists perform dark rituals to honor the creature, believing that by spreading rot and corruption, they can gain its favor and be granted unholy powers.   The Marsh Warden’s Curse: Local legends tell of an ancient warden who angered the gods and was cursed to guard the swamps forever as the Revulsor. According to the story, the curse can only be broken by a hero of pure heart who manages to defeat the creature and perform a ritual of cleansing at the heart of the swamp.   The Hidden Hoard: Treasure hunters whisper of a hidden hoard guarded by the Revulsor, amassed from the belongings of those it has slain. This treasure is said to be buried deep within its lair, protected by the creature’s necrotic magic and the undead minions it raises from its victims.  
"The power within the Revulsor is a dark symphony, a song of decay that resonates with the shadows. To master its essence is to command the very forces of entropy."
— Zironor, The Chaotic

Local Legends and Folklore

The Lost Druid: Tales speak of a once-powerful druid who ventured into the swamp to seek an audience with the corrupted spirit, hoping to bring about its redemption. The druid never returned, and it is said that their spirit now roams the swamp, still searching for a way to save the Revulsor.   The Green-Eyed Horror: Stories of the Revulsor's glowing green eyes have become a local legend, used to scare children into obedience. "Beware the green eyes in the dark," parents warn, "or the Rotmire Revulsor will take you."  

Origins and Lore

Once a guardian of the marshlands, the spirit that became the Rotmire Revulsor was twisted by a powerful dark ritual performed by an ancient cult seeking to harness the raw power of nature for their own nefarious purposes. The ritual backfired, corrupting the spirit and binding it to the forces of decay and rot. Now, it roams the swamps, driven by an insatiable hunger and a deep-seated hatred for all living things.    
"In the heart of the swamp where the shadows creep,   beware the Revulsor's glowing eyes that never sleep.   For in the realm of rot and mire,   its hunger is an endless fire."
— Liranor Redkiss, Bard and Storyteller

Cover image: by by me with Dall-E


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