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Spectral Carriage

"The carriage leaves no tracks, no sound, only the faint scent of cold decay. It is a harbinger of doom, a vessel for those who tread the line between this world and the next."
— Niros Slade, Necromancer and Scholar of the Arcane
    In the twilight hours, when shadows stretch long and the air grows cold, a haunting presence glides silently across the land. This is the Spectral Carriage, a ghostly vehicle drawn by phantom horses and shrouded in an aura of eerie light. Guided by an enigmatic and ethereal driver, the carriage moves without a sound, its wheels turning above the ground, leaving no trace but a chilling mist in its wake.   Crafted through ancient necromantic rituals, the Spectral Carriage is a marvel and a menace, capable of phasing through solid objects and traversing vast distances with unsettling speed. Its interior can hold passengers and precious cargo, all protected by an array of spectral weapons and defenses. Legends speak of whispered secrets, cursed items, and an eternal hunt by spectral hounds, adding layers of fear and fascination to its allure.   Historically, the Firebrand family waged a relentless crusade against the Spectral Carriages, viewing them as abominations of necromancy. Their legacy of destruction and controversy adds to the dark mystique of these spectral vehicles. Whether used for clandestine missions, transporting valuable artifacts, or striking terror into the hearts of those who see it, the Spectral Carriage remains a symbol of the blurred lines between life and death in the world of Domen Aria.    
"With torches in hand and righteous fury in their hearts, the Firebrands became a beacon of hope for those terrorized by the ghostly carriages. Their flames cleansed the land, or so they believed."
— Sir Symond, Chronicler of the Order of Light


The carriage is controlled by necromancers or individuals with a strong affinity for spirits. It is often seen gliding through misty forests, ancient graveyards, and abandoned battlefields, leaving behind a chilling, otherworldly aura.   The arrival of a Spectral Carriage is often preceded by thick fog and an unnatural chill in the air. The mist swirls around the carriage, adding to its ghostly appearance. Those near the carriage feel an unnatural cold and a sense of dread. Their breath becomes visible, and they might experience a feeling of being watched by unseen eyes. The carriage moves in complete silence, save for the faint sound of wailing winds and distant whispers. This eerie quiet is often more unsettling than any loud noise.   The carriage appears as a semi-transparent, spectral outline of an ornate, Victorian-style carriage, complete with intricate carvings and wrought iron details. It is drawn by apparitions of skeletal horses with glowing eyes and misty manes, their hooves silent on any surface. Their breath is visible as a cold mist, and they leave only a trail of frost in their wake as the carriage wheels turn without touching the ground, leaving no tracks as well.   Both the carriage and horses emit a soft, pale blue light, illuminating the surroundings with an unnatural, haunting glow and a constant, faint sound of wailing winds and whispers accompanies the carriage, adding to its unsettling presence.  


Driver's Seat: The driver’s seat, located at the front of the carriage, is designed for one individual. It is a high-backed chair with intricate carvings and dark, enchanted cushions.   Passenger Area: The interior features four cushioned seats arranged in two rows of two, facing each other. The seats are plush, adorned with dark velvet and silver thread, designed to provide a sense of eerie luxury. Each seat has a small armrest with a spectral lantern for illumination. The interior is adorned with intricate, ghostly motifs, and there are spectral tapestries hanging from the walls, depicting scenes from ancient battles or legendary ghost stories. Up to 4 passengers can sit comfortably in the main compartment of the Spectral Carriage. An additional 2 passengers can stand in the compartment if necessary, though it may be cramped. This standing space is often used for additional guards or attendants.


Standard Cargo Area: Located behind the passenger area, the cargo space has a series of enchanted crates and containers. These crates can be magically resized or expanded to accommodate various types of cargo. The cargo area is shielded by protective enchantments to prevent tampering or theft. This protection can be activated by the driver or owner, ensuring that the contents are safe during transport. This main compartment can hold up to 500 pounds of cargo and is often used for transporting goods, artifacts, or important messages. The cargo area is separated from the passenger seating area by a decorative lattice.   Specialized Cargo: For unique missions or magical purposes, the carriage can carry up to 1,000 pounds of cargo if the entire space is used for this purpose. This requires the removal of the passenger seating.   Mystical Storage: The carriage has hidden, enchanted storage compartments within its framework. These compartments can hold additional small items or valuable artifacts and is accessible only to those who know the secret incantations or possess a special key. This hidden space can store up to 200 pounds of items and is shielded from magical detection.

Power Generation

Spectral Engine: At the heart of the Spectral Carriage is a spectral engine, an intricate, arcane mechanism that harnesses the energy of the spirit world. This engine is a swirling vortex of ghostly light and dark energy, contained within a crystalline chamber. The spectral engine converts spiritual energy into kinetic force, propelling the carriage forward. It draws power from the ambient energy of the spirit realm, making the carriage virtually self-sustaining as long as it remains in areas with strong supernatural presences. The engine is inscribed with runes of speed and phasing, allowing the carriage to travel swiftly and pass through solid objects. These runes glow faintly when activated, adding to the carriage’s eerie appearance.


Phantom Horses: The phantom horses are spectral beings, appearing as skeletal apparitions with ethereal flesh and glowing eyes. Their manes and tails are made of mist and shadow, constantly flowing as if caught in a ghostly breeze. These horses do not physically touch the ground. Instead, they glide above the surface, their hooves creating a faint, shimmering trail of frost or mist. Their movements are smooth and eerily silent, unaffected by terrain or obstacles. The horses are bound spirits, often those of noble steeds who were sacrificed in a binding ritual during the creation of the carriage. These spirits are tied to the carriage through powerful necromantic magics, giving them the strength and endurance to travel great distances without rest.   Ethereal Reins: The ghostly driver, controls the phantom horses using ethereal reins made of woven shadows. These reins transmit the driver’s will directly to the horses, guiding their direction and speed with precision. The reins are enchanted with binding spells that ensure the horses remain tethered to the carriage and responsive to the driver’s commands. These spells are renewed periodically to maintain their effectiveness.   Runic Wheels: The wheels of the Spectral Carriage are etched with ancient runes that enhance its movement. These runes glow with a spectral light, especially when the carriage is in motion. The runes allow the wheels to phase through obstacles, ensuring a smooth ride regardless of terrain. This ability is particularly useful for navigating through dense forests, rocky landscapes, or even buildings. Despite their ghostly appearance, the wheels are incredibly durable, able to withstand the wear and tear of long journeys and harsh conditions.   Spectral Winds: The carriage is surrounded by spectral winds that aid in its propulsion. These winds are conjured by the spectral engine and controlled by the driver through subtle movements and incantations. The winds not only enhance the speed of the carriage but also allow it to hover slightly above the ground, reducing friction and enabling smoother travel over rough terrain.

Weapons & Armament

The Spectral Carriage, while primarily designed for swift and stealthy travel, is not without its means of defense and intimidation. It's weapons are seamlessly integrated into the vehicle’s design, with hidden compartments and mechanisms that reveal them only when needed, maintaining the elegance of the carriage. Given its association with necromancy and the spirit world, its armaments are equally eerie and supernatural, emitting a ghostly glow and accompanied by a chilling wind.   Spectral Lances: Mounted on either side of the carriage are two spectral lances, long and translucent, appearing as if forged from ghostly energy. These lances can be extended or retracted at the driver’s command, but are usually short and contracted when not in battle. They can phase through physical objects but become solid upon impact with living beings or other spectral entities. When they strike, the lances cause not only physical harm but also drain a portion of the victim’s life force, weakening them and potentially disrupting any magical protections they have.   Ethereal Arrows: The driver carries a quiver of ethereal arrows, each one a shaft of condensed spiritual energy. These arrows can be fired from a spectral bow, which appears in the drivers hands when needed. The arrows pass through physical barriers and strike true against targets, both living and spectral. Upon impact, the arrows explode into a burst of ghostly flame, causing both physical and spiritual damage. They are particularly effective against undead and other supernatural entities.   Ghostly Chains: Hidden within the body of the carriage are coils of ghostly chains, forged from spectral iron and imbued with binding enchantments. These chains can be launched to entangle and immobilize attackers or potential threats. Once ensnared, the chains tighten and drain the energy of the bound target. The chains can bind both physical and ethereal beings, making them versatile tools for defense and capture. They can also be used to pull the carriage through difficult terrain if necessary.   Phantasmal Flames: Once per night, the lanterns on the carriage can emit bursts of phantasmal flames, a cold, ghostly fire that burns with an eerie blue light. These flames can be directed at attackers, creating a wall of ghostly fire that deters pursuit and damages those who come into contact with it. The phantasmal flames cause both physical and spiritual burns, leaving lasting wounds that are difficult to heal through conventional means. They also disrupt magical constructs and wards.

Armor and defense

Spectral Cloak: The carriage can envelop itself in a Spectral Cloak, rendering it invisible and intangible for short periods of time. This ability allows the carriage to evade detection and slip through enemy lines or escape from ambushes. While cloaked, the carriage is immune to physical and magical attacks, but it cannot engage or defend until the cloak is lifted.   Wailing Wards: Enchanted runes are inscribed along the exterior of the carriage, forming a protective barrier known as Wailing Wards. When activated, these wards emit a haunting and disorienting wail that can incapacitate attackers, causing them to flee in terror or freeze into a frightened state. The wailing sound also disrupts any hostile magic aimed at the carriage, providing a defense against spellcasters.   Haunting Aura: The carriage radiates a Haunting Aura, a field of spectral energy that affects the minds of those nearby. This aura induces fear, confusion, and hallucinations in attackers, making it difficult for them to coordinate or maintain focus. The longer the attackers remain within the aura, the more severe the effects become, potentially driving them to madness or causing them to flee in terror.  
"I once saw the Spectral Carriage cross a battlefield, and every soldier it passed fell to their knees in terror. It is a reminder that some forces are beyond our comprehension, and perhaps, our control."
— Lady Rellora, Historian and Chronicler of War

Societal Impact

The Spectral Carriage's association with necromancy and the dead has caused widespread fear and moral outrage across the land. Religious leaders and traditionalists decry its use as an affront to the natural order, leading to witch hunts and social purges against those suspected of necromantic practices.   The use of spirits for transportation has also raised many ethical questions about the treatment of the dead and new laws and social norms had emerged, dictating who can use the carriage and under what circumstances. Disputes often arose over whether the spirits were being exploited or if they had willingly chosen to serve.   The frequent passage of Spectral Carriages thins the veil between the living and the dead, leading to an increase in hauntings and supernatural phenomena. Regions where the carriage was often seen became plagued by restless spirits, causing terror and unrest among the populace with villages and towns becoming ghost stories in their own right. Inhabitants of these areas experience strange occurrences, phantom apparitions, eerie noises, and unexplained cold spots. Some villagers have formed groups to ward off the spectral presence, while others seek to harness its power for their own ends.   Noble families who possess Spectral Carriages also face internal and external strife. Rivalries and power struggles intensify as they vie for control over these powerful, yet cursed, vehicles. These families are seen as both privileged and cursed, living in grand estates haunted by the spirits bound to their service.  

Historic Owners Of Spectral Carriages

Vespen Morcant: Currently a spirit and the first spectral driver who was bound to the carriage through necromantic rituals. He still operates the “Black Carriage” of Kalla Darkrite, but has not been seen in some time. His current whereabouts and passenger is unknown.   Kalla Darkrite: Creator of the first Spectral Carriage, known as the “Black Carriage” and a powerful necromancer whose dark rituals laid the foundation for its creation and future copies. Alleged to have been killed by the Firebrands on numerous occasions but has returned time after time.   Baron Tikorr Von Thorn: A wealthy baron who used the Spectral Carriage to transport his ill-gotten gains and expand his power. The carriage was destroyed by a group of rebellious peasants instigated by Dercic Firebrand, who stormed his estate. Baron Von Thorn was overthrown and publically executed.   Rakar Ironhorn: A minotaur chieftain who used the Spectral Carriage to enforce his rule and transport his warriors swiftly across his domain. His carriage was destroyed in a fierce battle with human settlers led by Dercic Firebrand, who sought to reclaim their lands. Rakar was defeated and his surviving tribe scattered.   Bisella Stancer: Young necromancer who briefly controlled a Spectral Carriage before disappearing mysteriously. All that could be found was pile of black ash, reminiscent of Dercic Firebrands preferred method of execution.   Girrack The Grey: A renowned scholar and historian, he used the Spectral Carriage to gather ancient texts and artifacts from haunted ruins. Girrack’s carriage was destroyed by an angry mob led by Lady Vivierre Firebrand, who believed he was summoning spirits to harm their village. He barely escaped with his life and went into hiding.   Mograller The Cruel: A tyrannical warlord who used the Spectral Carriage to maintain control over his lands and instill fear in his subjects. His carriage was ambushed by rebels led by Tamos Firebrand. The rebels used magical explosives to destroy the carriage, and Mograller was captured and publically executed.   Kasset Mingler: Renowned half-elf adventurer and hero to some, who used a Spectral Carriage to travel swiftly across the continent. He was ambushed and killed in the Kartari Battlegrounds by Tamos Firebrand.   Lady Morlene Venallar: A noblewoman obsessed with the afterlife, she used the Spectral Carriage to commune with spirits and seek immortality. The carriage was destroyed by a coalition of local villagers and knights led by Sir Baldric the Unyielding, who burned it in a massive bonfire. Supposedly, Lady Morlene disappeared and was never seen again.   Niralla Worstar: A powerful sorceress who used the Spectral Carriage to conduct dark rituals and transport forbidden artifacts. Her carriage was destroyed by Sir Baldric the Unyielding and the Order of the Silver Flame during a raid on her stronghold, where she was captured and executed for her crimes.   Loupir Redeye: Leader of a rogue werewolf pack, he used the Spectral Carriage to evade hunters and strike fear into nearby villages. His carriage was stopped by Wistera Mistrider, who used ancient elven magic to unbind the spirits powering the carriage, rendering it useless. Loupir was killed in the ensuing battle.   Silden Bluecast: A Fro’ Igi wizard, specializing in ice magic, she used the Spectral Carriage to traverse dangerous frozen landscapes and perform forbidden rituals. Her carriage was shattered by Wistera Mistrider, who invoked an ancient spell to disrupt the necromantic energy. Silden was exiled to a remote icy wasteland for the remainder of her days.   Doricar Blackbane: Rival necromancer of Kalla Darkrite and obsessive collector of dark artifacts. Doricar Blackbane’s pursuit of the Spectral Carriage and his dark ambitions lead to a series of intricate schemes and deadly confrontations that heightened tensions within the necromantic community. He temporarily usurped control of Darkrite’s carriage before being absorbed by the vehicle itself.   Varden Scarblade: A dark elf, master assassin who used the Spectral Carriage to escape after high-profile killings. Aider Trueluck tracked Varden and sabotaged the spectral engine, causing the carriage to implode and drag Varden into the spirit realm.   Elsyialla Nightrain: A reclusive elven necromancer who used the Spectral Carriage to study forbidden magics in seclusion. Her carriage was destroyed by Alder Moonsight, who invoked powerful ancestral magic to banish it and free the bound spirits. Elsyialla was captured and exiled.   Verrepa Canopiarc: A high elf sorceress who used the Spectral Carriage to manipulate political intrigue within the Elven High Council. She was outmaneuvered by Alder Moonsight, who revealed her dark dealings. Her carriage was dismantled, and Verrepa was imprisoned in magical stasis.   Gravel Hardscrape: A renegade dwarf who used the Spectral Carriage to transport stolen relics and treasures from ancient tombs. His carriage was destroyed in a cave-in orchestrated by a rival treasure hunter. Gravel was trapped and presumed dead.   Leara Debane: A dark priestess who used the Spectral Carriage to conduct midnight rites and commune with dark deities. Her carriage was destroyed by a group of knights led by Victoria Firebrand during a raid on her hidden temple. Leara was captured and executed for her heresies.   Rallic Goodspeed: A former paladin who fell from grace and turned to necromancy, using the Spectral Carriage to hunt down those he deemed unworthy of salvation. Rallic was stopped by his former comrades who used a sacred relic to destroy his carriage and cleanse his corrupted soul. He was buried with honors, hoping that he found peace.   Naxs Ashbone: A fierce orc warlord who used the Spectral Carriage to lead surprise attacks on enemy tribes. Naxs was ambushed by a coalition of rival tribes who used enchanted weapons to destroy the carriage. He fell in battle, and his tribe disbanded.   Basdor Coincairn: A dwarf merchant who used the Spectral Carriage to secretly transport valuable goods and avoid highwaymen. His carriage was destroyed during a raid by rival merchants who uncovered his secret routes. Basdor lost his wealth and influence, living the rest of his life in obscurity.   Nariama Bellsong: A bard with a talent for necromancy, she used the Spectral Carriage to travel and gather stories of the dead. She was betrayed by a jealous rival who used her own spells against her, causing the carriage to implode. Nariama’s spirit now haunts the ruins of her last performance hall.   Lord Cirranold Carous: A wealthy nobleman who acquired a Spectral Carriage for his personal collection of dark artifacts, he was later found dead under mysterious circumstances. He is rumored to be the first casualty of Dercic Firebrand II’s reinvigorated crusade against the dark arts.   Corina Bonegrin: A feared necromancer who used the Spectral Carriage to spread terror and collect souls for her dark experiments. She was stopped by Myra Drite, who used her necromantic expertise to sever the connection between Corina and the spirits powering the carriage, causing it to disintegrate. Corina was killed in the confrontation.   Lessia Darkrite: A descendant of Kalla Darkrite, Lessia sought to reclaim her ancestor's legacy by using the Spectral Carriage to further her own necromantic studies. She was stopped by Myra Drite, who saw the danger in Lessia’s ambitions. The carriage was dismantled and Lessia was imprisoned in The Spike.   Rinssa Waterstrike: A pirate queen who used the Spectral Carriage to smuggle contraband and evade capture on land. She was ultimately stopped by Relverra Darkwood, who conjured a powerful storm that disrupted the spectral magic, causing the carriage to crash into the sea. Rinssa was taken by the waves and presumed drowned.
The Ghost Carriage
Current location
Despite being an extremely rare vehicle, several of these carriages have existed throughout history. After their purge by the Firebrand family, it is now believed that only one, the original “Black Carriage” remains.
With a width of 6 feet, the carriage can comfortably accommodate up to four passengers sitting side by side. The narrow design allows it to navigate through dense forests and narrow pathways with ease.
The Spectral Carriage is approximately 12 feet long. The ghostly horses in front add an additional 10 feet to the overall length when in motion.
Standing at 8 feet tall, the carriage has a grand and imposing presence. This height includes the ornately carved roof and the spectral lanterns hanging at the corners, which emit an eerie glow.
The carriage travels at speeds up to 50 miles per hour. This allows it to cover great distances quickly, often appearing and disappearing in the blink of an eye. The ghostly horses seem to glide effortlessly, their hooves never quite touching the ground.
Complement / Crew
The carriage requires only one crew member, the driver, although they must be a tethered spirit.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
The carriage can hold from 4 to 6 passengers and from 500 to 1200 pounds of cargo.


The first Spectral Carriage was created hundreds of years ago by the powerful necromancer, Kalla Darkrite, who sought to harness the power of the dead for practical use. Using ancient, forbidden rituals and negative energy, she bound the spirits of a fallen warrior and noble steeds to her service, creating the first Spectral Carriage. Over time, other necromancers and spirit-tamers attempted to replicate her methods, spreading the use of the carriages across the land.  
"The Spectral Carriage does not merely travel through our world, it slips through the fabric of reality, touching realms beyond our understanding. To ride in it is to journey through the unknown."
— Alder Moonsight, Elven Seer and Mystic


Elite Travel: It serves as a luxurious means of travel for the wealthy or powerful, often used for ceremonial purposes or high-stakes negotiations.   High-Risk Transport: The carriage is often used for transporting high-value or dangerous cargo, such as cursed artifacts or sensitive diplomatic documents.   Stealthy Operations: The Spectral Carriage’s ability to phase through objects and move silently makes it ideal for covert missions. It can carry secret messages or forbidden items without detection.  
"To see the Spectral Carriage glide silently through the mist is to glimpse the boundary between life and death. One cannot witness its passage without feeling the chill of the grave."
— Elder Marthalis, High Priest of the Temple of Light


Ethereal Veil: When the carriage is in motion, it is surrounded by a soft, misty veil that obscures the interior from external view, adding an additional layer of secrecy.   Phantom Passage: The carriage can make brief, instantaneous journeys between locations through a network of spectral pathways, allowing it to bypass physical barriers and reach hidden destinations.   Phase Through Objects: The carriage has the unique ability to phase through solid objects, including walls and trees. This makes it incredibly difficult to track or capture, as it can bypass physical barriers with ease.   Silent Movement: Despite its speed, the carriage moves silently, with no sound of hooves or wheels. This silent travel adds to its eerie presence and makes it perfect for stealthy missions or sudden, unexpected appearances.   Ghostly Glow: The spectral lanterns and the ethereal glow of the carriage make it visible even in complete darkness. This glow can be dimmed or brightened at the command of the driver, adding to its mystical properties.   Supernatural Attraction: The presence of the Spectral Carriage often disturbs the local supernatural balance, attracting spirits and other ethereal beings. This interaction can be both a boon and a bane, providing opportunities for communion with the dead but also drawing the attention of malevolent entities.  
"To command the Spectral Carriage is to hold dominion over the spirits. It is a power both coveted and feared, for the price is often one's very soul."
— Ricknar Blackstone, Archmage of the Obsidian Tower


The Unseen Passage: The carriage can traverse not only the physical realm but also the ethereal plane, allowing it to travel vast distances instantaneously. Some say it can even cross into the realm of the dead, delivering messages or retrieving souls.   Truth: The Spectral Carriage indeed has the ability to phase through solid objects and move swiftly across great distances, but whether it can truly enter the realm of the dead is a matter of speculation and fear.   The Eternal Chase: The Spectral Carriage is forever pursued by a pack of spectral hounds, creatures from the netherworld sent to reclaim the souls bound to the carriage. These hounds are said to appear on moonless nights, their howls chilling the blood of anyone nearby.   Truth: There have been sightings of ghostly hounds in the vicinity of the carriage, especially during its nocturnal journeys. Their exact nature and purpose remain a terrifying mystery.   The Haunted Route: Certain routes taken by the Spectral Carriage are said to be haunted, marked by a trail of ghostly apparitions and unsettling phenomena. Villagers along these routes report increased hauntings and supernatural occurrences whenever the carriage passes.   Truth: The passage of the Spectral Carriage does disturb the supernatural balance, often attracting spirits and causing temporary hauntings along its route. This has led to these areas being feared and avoided by the locals.   The Cursed Cargo: Any item transported by the Spectral Carriage becomes cursed, bringing misfortune to its owner. Merchants and nobles whisper of deals gone wrong and treasures that brought only ruin after being carried by the carriage.   Truth: While the carriage itself is not inherently cursed, the nature of its spectral energy can taint certain items, especially those already imbued with dark or unstable magic. This has led to tales of cursed cargo and the misfortunes that follow.   The Lost Passengers: There are tales of passengers who boarded the Spectral Carriage and were never seen again. Some say they were taken to the land of the dead, while others believe they were claimed by the spirits within the carriage.   Truth: The carriage has indeed been involved in mysterious disappearances. Whether these passengers were taken by supernatural forces or met some other fate is a subject of dark speculation and fear.   The Whispering Wails: Those who ride in the Spectral Carriage report hearing faint whispers and wails, believed to be the voices of the spirits bound to the carriage. Some claim these whispers reveal secrets of the afterlife or foretell future events, while others warn of impending doom.   Truth: The whispers are the echoes of bound spirits and residual energy from the spectral engine. Occasionally, they do reveal glimpses of hidden knowledge, but they can also drive the listener to madness if not heeded cautiously.   The Phantom Highwayman: A notorious bandit, known as the Phantom Highwayman, is said to have been killed while attempting to rob the Spectral Carriage. His spirit now haunts the carriage, seeking revenge on all who ride within it. Travelers have reported seeing his ghostly figure alongside the carriage, his eyes burning with vengeance.   Truth: Encounters with the Phantom Highwayman are rare but have been reported. Whether he is truly bound to the carriage or simply a vengeful spirit attracted to its power is unknown.  
"The Phantom Highwayman is a tale mothers tell their children to keep them from wandering at night. Yet those who know the truth fear the carriage more than the highwayman himself."
— Old Man Gavin, Village Storyteller

Cover image: by by me with Dall-E


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