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The Treaty Of Whitebark Forest

The Treaty Of Whitebark Forest was an agreement between the elven people and humans of the region.  It set forth a proposal stopping the fighting, in exchange for lands, materials, and knowledge.  It established clear borders denoting the elven lands and gave the humans several homelands of their own.  The elves would teach the humans of their forestry and agricultural techniques and the humans would safeguard their lands and patrol neutral areas and alert the elves to any foreign invaders.  There would also be an exchange of magical information and practices and well as religious freedoms for all.  Agreements to sustainable and safe trade practices were reached that were profitable and beneficial to each.  Finally they agreed to cooperate and fight against common enemies such as the giants, orcs, and other forces in the world.


After almost 500 years of fighting, destruction, and pillaging, the leaders of both sides saw that they were only destroying each other and not combating the other forces in the world.  If they could stop, regroup, and perhaps work towards a common goal or common foe, they could finally grow and advance, and secure the freedom and prosperity for their peoples.

Document Structure

Publication Status

The humans have all but lost their copies to ransacked vaults, ruined cities, and the ravages of time.    The elves claim to have their copies secured away in royal vaults and historical archives.

Legal status

This treaty is valid under all elven and human law.

Historical Details


This document officially marks the end of the wars, battles, and fighting between the elven people and the humans.


This treaty marked the end of the fighting between the elves and humans, established borders, determined natural resource divisions, created trade agreements, and provided the exchange of knowledge, including the teaching of magic.
Ratification Date
Signed on the spring equinox of 5527 B.S.
Expiration Date
There is no actual expiration date.


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