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Braeburn Applewood

Braeburn Applewood

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Braeburn is a muscular guy who is who carries himself with the gracefulness of a miner.

Body Features

Braeburn has dirty, dusty, long, unkempt blonde hair. His skin is a few shades lighter than a grey raincloud. He is 5'10 and weighs 193 bound. Across his body, there are claws and inhuman bite scars. He has a human bite scar over his right pectoral muscle.

Facial Features

Braeburn has two orc tusks (the left one appearing slightly longer than the right) that are no longer than 2 inches. His eyes are a deep and stormy grey that betray his typically large off-white smile. His facial structure is blunt and brutish.

Identifying Characteristics

Braeburn can usually be identified by his shoulder-length blonde hair which is rarely clean. When clean though it shimmers and radiates, as if the sun itself was caught in his hair.

Physical quirks

His left tusk appears to be a tiny bit longer than his right.

Apparel & Accessories

Braeburn wears steal scale mail armor that consists of a coat, leggings, and gauntlets. Along his joints, the scales part to reveal white leather underneath, and the scales appear to look like blood drops turned upside down. Braeburn wields a mighty maul made of stone and reinforced with iron. The shaft of the maul has grooves that run up and down it, akin to thick stone veins that lead down to a circle around a symbol on each side of the head. One side is the alchemical symbol for sulfur, and the other side is a stone. Braeburn also wears a backpack that has torches and mining equipment attached to it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Braeburn was raised in Herrons Grace orphanage since infancy where he was forced to work in the orchard. When he was an adult he escaped the orphanage with his friends Marie and Lupa, and went to a Saalben where they stayed for a bit. After being offered a job as a miner he took it in order to gain money to send back to his friends. After some time working he found out that in actuality he was being screened to join The Order of Sulfer and Stone, and was tested in combat unknowing in the mines. After agreeing to join in order to help people he lived out 16 years battling monsters of the dark mines and protecting the people, now leaving Earthspurr first time he plans to assist an old friend. . .

Gender Identity

Male. he/him




Braeburn taught himself to read and write at a young age, fascinated by the tales of alchemists that terrified his orphanage's director. After joining The Order of Sulfer and Stone he was taught the ways of alchemy.


Braeburn works as a Bloodhunter, slaying creatures that plague the mortal races of the world. That being said he is unable to ask for money in exchange for work, and only accepts money if offered first. He also has to explain that there is no need to pay him unless they want to.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Braeburn survived consuming The Red Stone fruit which alters its consumer's physiology to better accept the mutagens his order specializes in. This process is painful and extremely deadly, leaving 1/4th of the people who attempt it dead.

Failures & Embarrassments

He is afraid of the dark.

Mental Trauma

His experience in the Herron Grace orphanage has shattered his trust in government institutions.   His experience in the mines has reinforced his childhood fear of the dark, and cave ambiance sends him into a fighting mode.

Intellectual Characteristics

Braeburn excels at identifying monster types and is able to extrapolate data from the evidence that others could not.

Morality & Philosophy

Braeburn is against killing purebloods (non-bloodhunters) unless they are the masters of monsters. He thinks that society has a tendency to underappreciate people and leave others out to dry, and so he doesn't place much stock in the rules and customs, preferring to abide by the needs of his family and his own mortality.


Lying, creating or helping monsters (mind control does not count), unjust imprisonment, unjust rule.

Personality Characteristics


Braeburn is motivated by his desire to help his family and friends and protect a society that rejects him from harm.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Braeburn is a skilled monster hunter and alchemist   Braeburn is a complete idiot when it comes to common courtesy and romance

Likes & Dislikes

Braeburn likes rock cakes, friends, physical affection, people who work with their hands, and working out.   Braeburn dislikes apples, monsters, people who lie, orphanages, and people who don't work with their hands.

Virtues & Personality perks

Braeburn is brave and selfless and places the lives and happiness of others above his own

Vices & Personality flaws

Braeburn is too generous and will often leave nothing for himself. He will let even the most dangerous Pureblood live, should they not be involved with monsters. Braeburn is horrible at comforting people with words. He will often excuse his friend's bad behavior.

Personality Quirks

Braeburn chews his tongue when thinking. He hugs people multiple times during conversations. He likes to show off his hammer.


Braeburn often forgets to take baths or showers unless reminded and can go weeks without taking one, especially when on a job.


Contacts & Relations

The Order of Sulfer and Stone, Lupa

Family Ties

Lupa (adopted sibling) Marie (adopted sibling)

Religious Views

A devout worshiper of The Faith of The Seven

Social Aptitude

Very poor social aptitude, conversations with him are often awkward.


Braeburn makes very emotive facial expressions and likes using sayings and metaphors related to mining and caves.

Hobbies & Pets

Braeburn practices alchemy reads up on monsters and works out in his free time.


Braeburn speaks like a commoner, except when speaking about monsters or alchemy.

Wealth & Financial state

Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Torch Bearer, Journeyman Hunter
Date of Birth
4th Day of the 5th month 1829
Current Residence
Bright Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
198 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"By the stone under my feet." "Looks like someone gnawing on rocks."  "Druegar take you to caverns."
Related Reports
Known Languages
Common, undercommon, dwarfish, orcish.

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Ratation Experimentation
October 18th, 1863

With the battle against the night creatures over, and their bodies atomizing quickly after their defeat, I and my companions returned to Pridwins home briefly before going to the Tavern and relaxing after the battle. The townspeople seem quite amused with us and congratulated us on our exploits, and Lupa repaid said gratitude with Ale for everyone. I, however, did not drink as I still had business to complete regarding the composition of the Night Creatue blood. I went to Ronin and with his help uncovered the fact that Night Creatures seemingly have no weakness. Worse still I found out that the night creatures' undead tendencies come from being made from human beings, as trace compounds of deceased human tissue were found in their blood. Ronin and I also spoke on the epidemic affecting the citizens of the city, and I found that he was averse to rat experimentation. I suppose there are other methods of understanding a pathogen or disease, but I cannot allow the lives of a few rodents to trump the lives of hundreds of people. It'll be my sin to bear, not his. . .if things go according to plan. We traveled to the underground to follow Ronins lead about Felix, and that proved to be fruitless. However, the trip was not all for not, as we were able to acquire some of the drugs suspected to be spreading the ailment. Unfortunately, I do not have a space to perform my experiment to determine the origin of the poison, so I must use Marie's house. She will no doubt look at me differently now, even more so now that I understand her condition. Although, perhaps its better that she doesn't remember me, less to mourn as she sees how I've changed. . .At least Lupa remains the same, mostly, and ever eager to chase after some animal. Rickyious Mortyus is. . .troubling I hope her apprehension and phobia of Lycans and shifters do not end up causing problems for us down the line. I also hope Lupa doesn't let the strange looks and comments get to her, a mining expedition lives and dies by the cohesion of its members. . .it was very heartwarming to see Marie and Herrick interact. She is so much more different than she was, yet oddly she seems happier. I wonder what she'll become if her memories come back, heh, a mix of the old Marie and new. That could be interesting to see if she lets me see it that is. By the time our journey ends I doubt any of them will look at me the same, but maybe one could hope. . .

Hunter in The City
october 17th 1863

As I arrived at the city I was beset upon a guard who searched through my bag for various goods, I informed him of the trouble in Briar Wood but was directed to inform a guard posted at a higher gate of the city. I thought this was very strange, why should a normal, as far as he knows, citizen be tasked with delivering important information regarding the area surrounding the capital. Purebloods are their own worst enemy I swear. After entering the city I found a surprise; it was LUPA. After a brief catching up and Lupa re-gifting me money I had sent her, we entered the Tavern and ordered drinks. I suppose my entrance wasn't. . .proper, as a tiefling woman openly commented on it, but I could care less about the opinions of some random pureblood. I would be still at Earthspurr if I let such things bother me, Lupa however was not having any of it and went and conversed with the woman. Lupa is much the same, still mongering cocks and still ever watchful. Sitting at the table were some of the people I have a feeling I will be seeing a lot of. There was the plague doctor-esk Rickus Mortyus, the sickly but poetic Harric, and the opinionated teifling girl named Mariana. Jokingly, and very awkwardly I brought up her teifling heritage and its relation to the church, it obviously disturbed her in some way, but the pureblood revealed nothing of her Dynasty and its relation to fiendish forces. As we continued talking we learned that Harric was assailed and kidnapped by wererats, their wife was also taken. While important, it's a matter for another day. Soon it became clear that we all either knew Pridwen or had been summoned by him, each for various reasons. After some more conversation and Mariana proving a very mean-spirited pureblood, we left to attend to business with Pridwen. When we arrived we spoke with Pridwen. I was, naturally curious about where my sister was, and Pridwen revealed some information. It seems that they had been hangingout and his house. Oh he'll be hanging alright he if even thinks about hurting a hair of Marie's head. It was here that Pridwen slowly began to reveal what we were here for. Disease was spreading among the lower district, and he wanted us to conduct some research into it. It was also here that he revealed that he had been SPYING on us. I thought Pridwen could prove a useful pureblood ally, but it seems that I will have to use his connections to aid in my battle against the Night creatures and whatever foul entity could be behind the disease., and leave as soon as I can. Spying purebloods are not to be trusted, and I wish to operate without having my actions held above my hands. Plus. . .him and Marie are. . .just friends, close friends. Not as close as I am with her of course. When Marie eventually showed up I was overjoyed, Lupa however seemed strange. She kept commenting on Marie's back and if it had wounds and holes. . .perhaps loops has developed a fear of holes over the years. Either way, after Pridwen, began explaining himself the city was attacked by 3 different types of Night Creature. After a quick, but tough battle, we dispatched the voes. From what I saw we could have taken on a whole army, as everyone went all out. I had been warned about using my alchemic properties when in populated zones. Their bodies disappeared after they were slain, not leaving much for me to recover, but hopefully, we can recover something for Pridween to analyze. Now only two questions remain in my head. Who was watching me and Loops, and who is sending out these dangerous creatures of the night that are becoming more bold day by day/

The Trip to Sublidras
5th day after leaving Earthspur

After receiving a letter from a Doctor Ronin pridwen I informed my order that I would be taking leave to the capital in order to help out an old friend. After resting up I set out on my journey. It was jarring, leaving Earthspurr for the first time in 16 years. Sometimes I forget that I replaced the walls of the orphanage with the walls of caves and ruins. . .Things were normal, the journey tiring but manageable for someone as trained like me, that is until the third day. I came upon a town known as Briarwood that had been attacked, the people left butchered like miners first gemstone. I sprung into action, as such wroth destruction would seldom be caused by raiders or bandits so close to the capital. My hunch was confirmed true after encountering a creature I have dubbed Black-Briar. It was a hulking beast with black coloration and bat-like features. I was able to save the pureblood it was attacking, but not her child, and also managed to snag a wound on the creature's leg with my crossbow before I left. The physiology of the creature showed tell-tale signs of being undead (blood pigment, non-essential anatomy, etc). I tracked the creature's blood trail to the Stelling Forest, where its blood dried up in the sunlight before I could follow. I did some exploring in the ruins of the town, found reason to believe there to be multiple of these creatures, and recalled them having been a type of creature made by forge masters. After that, I made a promise to ensure the capital forces would be informed, despite being told it was likely nothing would come of it. After that the last two days of my journey were uneventful, and now I stand before the gates of Subildras.


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