
Master Chimon

A master of the martial arts and a dedicated leader of a prominent dojo, Chimon is a Tortle with the wisdom and knowledge that is to be envied by all. He is a capable warrior with a compassionate sensibility and aversion to violence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elderly yet frighteningly fast

Body Features

Hunched and broad with a joyful face.

Facial Features

Aged and wrinkled lines covering his face

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A being so old that the very temple he built for his dojo is older than any of his students. From a young age, a mere spawn of Shigeo's pools, he felt as if he should strive to for balance. To be centred and whole. He began his training, learning from several masters yet disregarding their core beliefs of violence and instead adopting his own, pacifism to a reasonable extent.    At the age of 790, Chimon found enlightenment and decided to build a place to pass on his vast knowledge. He especially catered to the other lost beings such as himself, born into the world with no meaning.    At the age of 800, Chimon fought against a Jotun which threatened the entire nearby region and prevailed victorious. He did not kill this being and instead taught him the ways of peace and honor, making a life long ally.   Early into his 900's, Chimon discovered a cave of illusions. He then used it as a meditation place. An area so full of distractions and annoyances that one must be a true master to ignore them and stay balanced.   As he neared the age of 1000, He named his three Honorable Students and sent them out to spread his teaching yet encouraged them to teach how they felt natural and to only keep the spirit of the Hinata beliefs.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Date of Birth
9th of Seedsow, 510 PA
Current Residence
Hinata Temple
Soft green eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rough green skin
6"4 (Hunched)
Code of Hinata
Aligned Organization


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