Donam'ua - The Great Disc a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition setting

Year 264 of the Fifth Age

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At the dawn of time, the Gods forged the world of balance out of the primordial chaos. A great disc, with one side shining in the light of the Astral Sea and the other bathed in glow of the Elemental Chaos. Between the two is the center of the great disc - the Deep - a labyrinth of underground tunnels and chambers.   All the while, the Gods grow distant. They act in great strokes maybe once an age. They exist beyond the Veil that surrounds the Great Disc, but do not cross it. The world belongs to the lesser mortal races and their ceaseless conflicts and struggles. From the great age of the Elven magisters who experimented with magic to the point of tearing the world apart, to the war against the dragons that tyrannically held the mortal races down with their savage claws. The Lower Realms of the central continent of Andu'ra have experienced four ages spanning thousands of years of conflict. Now as the Disc turns into its Fifth Age, the people look to the future with a mix of fear and hope for what lies ahead.   At the heart of this future are the adventurers who continue their work to preserve the balance in their own way.


XIIIth Order

Dungeons & Dragons 5e

A secret group of heroes, hidden from the world, may be the last chance to save it.

Donam'ua - The Great Disc Campaign

Dungeons & Dragons 5e