The Pirate's Code

Below are the code expected all Free Pirates to obey.
    • Every member of the crew gets an equal share of treasure. Anyone caught taking more than his fair share of loot, or refusing to report its discovery in a timely manner, shall be marooned. The captain receives extra shares of any treasure, as do shipwrights, carpenters, and officers to lesser degrees.
    • Every member of the crew must tend to his own weapons and keep them ready for battle. Anyone who shows cowardice in the face of the enemy or deserts in battle shall have his throat cut or be marooned
    • No crew member shall hide his abilities from the crew. A sailor who can perform magic shall use his abilities on behalf of the ship.
    • No crew member shall take a position on a new ship or talk of leaving until each crew member has acquired at least 1,000 gp worth of treasure through his labors.
    • No fighting is allowed between crewmates. Quarrels shall be set aside until shore leave, at which point grievances may be settled with violence on shore.
    • All crew members must obey the captain and his officers.
    • Any pirate found stealing from crewmates shall take 30 lashes and be put ashore at port.
    • The person who spots a sail shall have first pick of its loot.
    • Any crew member who loses a limb in service to the ship shall be paid 800 gp for its loss.
    • Every sailor has an equal right to vote in decisions put to the crew by the captain.