Well, well...

The navigation gallery was a massive room filled with screens that detailed all manner of reports and information. A lot of space for two sharshi to manage but it'd become something of a second home room to both Trhayrh and Rryuhd. They'd tried to operate in shifts so that there was always at least one of them in the room to tend to the course, mind the logs, check communications, then work on whatever reports or studies they had on the side. Pet projects that they used to idle away the cycles while two large screens on one wall forever marked both their course and displayed a running relay of communication logs and relays. Sharshi did not often run into one another in the vast wilds of open space, but it did happen on occasion.   When a quiet ping let them know their ship had picked up a signal from another ship nearby, both Trhayrh and Rryuhd shared a look across the room before the Profession slid to his feet and wandered over to check the screen. Slender digits that ended in manicured talons tapped on a few keys before he clicked a laugh and glanced over his shoulder. "Get Dahzha. He's going to want to see this."   The signal was a well known distress call, repeated in several more different languages and sounds, before it replayed in Sharshi clicks. Repeating the message over and over, indicating it was automated. Their boss Raedhya gave it one listen through before he gave the go ahead to track it and investigate. Not because they were in a hurry to do any rescuing - the odds that there would be any one alive from the aforementioned signal were rather slim - but the sharshi didn't pass up a chance to scrap anything they came across either. As soon as their ship had picked up the signal, they'd pinged their coms and received nothing in response. It was likely old wreckage.   When they touched down near the faintly smoking metal, their hypothesis was confirmed. Both Rryuhd and Trhayrh won the bet that it belonged to one of the syu|s that bounced around the galaxy. Prolific traders and smugglers but terrible shippers and mechanics. The sharshi stumbled upon their trash more than any other. The biggest down side to that was the frequent bodies accompanied with the wreckage. The syu|s might be inept for those that traveled the stars but the sharshi didn't wish them any ill will. Just wished they'd spend a little less time haggling at every meeting and a little more time tending their hulls.   Dahzha was the first out of the sharshi ship. The landing site was torn up by the crash. A formerly lush field of tall, broad leafed flowers of yellow and white had been smashed and rolled in mounds of dark brown dirt. Plowed up and around the wreckage of the silver and black metal that used to be the syu|s ship.   Behind the tall white and teal sharshi, Raedhya was the second off. The Saes peered around the clearing framed by taller plants akin to narrow trees. The air was thin but sweet, likely the smell of the flowers. The sampling of the planet before they'd actually opened their doors read that it was suitable for habitation, so it wasn't breathing or bacteria that the Saes was worried about. Instead, he tilted his head to the side and called back, "Si'ersh, take a look around."   The tall sharshi brushed past Raedhya, tail intentionally clipping the Saes on the way past in a friendly shove before he was loping off to do as requested. The hunter's long strides ate up the ground so he was out of sight in a breath.   Raedhya crossed his arms, intending to stand outside the crash while he waited for Dahzha's initial report now that the other sharshi had climbed into the mess.   Just as the ship's quartermaster Shohahn came to stand next to Raedhya, Dahzha called out, "Saes, you need to come in here and see this." The confusion in the other sharshi's tone lent a little more urgency to Raedhya's response. Normally, the scrapper just wanted to show him some odd piece of tech or something silly he'd found. This sounded serious.   Raedhya had to pick his way carefully into the torn up side of the vessle, long tail curling around a few thick support beams to help his climb into one of the main galleries before he picked his way through a hallway that was tilted on its side from the odd angle the ship had ended up.   Raedhya was vaguely familiar with the syu|s layout but the odd and eccentric nature of the race meant many of their ships were inconsistent, frequently cobbled together, and no real layout he could count on to make sense.   Near the back he found Dazha braced just inside one of the larger storage sectors - or what he assumed was an area used for storage given the amount of stuff tossed around. Set out, and the cause for alarm, were four slender pods filled with delicate creatures cradled in transport fluid. A sort of viscous material used to suspend animals that were put to sleep during long travel - or when someone wanted to smuggle something they shouldn't.   "Soyd," Raedhya hissed.


Saes. Captain. Boss.


Quartermaster. Former warrior.


Professor. Navigator.


Scribe. Reporter.  


Hunter. Butcher.


Scrapper. Mechanic. Tinkerer.


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