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The Cloister of Gardens

The walled Cloister of Gardens is Dorwine's major temple to Amiel, the Lady of Law - Dorwine's goddess of justice. In the Cloister is kept the original Scrolls of Law, which act as close to a constitution as Dorwine has. These scrolls were said to have originally been written by the hand of the Lady of Law herself. The Brothers of the Cloister are renowned throughout Dorwine as learned jurists, none more so than Abbot Reed Hilltopple. People come from all over the kingdom to consult the Abbot on matters of law. Although many come for legal opinion they often stay for the garden for the gardens that give the Cloisters their name are among the most beautiful in Dorwine. Wildflowers grow in abundance amongst the trees and everything appears haphazard and organic. The gardens reflect the belief of the Brothers that the law tempered by mercy makes justice. The gardens represent mercy.     Sitting among the gardens are the buildings of the Cloisters themselves. At the centre sits the temple to Amiel and next to this the Chapterhouse. Nearby is also the Library of Law which houses the scrolls as well as an extensive library and the offices of the Brothers. To the other side of the temple sit the actual cloisters, the home to some 60 or so Brothers. These Brothers can be found throughout the Cloisters, many engaged in the meditative practice of tending to the plants and trees of their garden.   Also housed in the Cloisters are the Knights of the Garden. The Knights number exactly 100 and are all Paladins. They are lead by Grandmaster Nisra Thrahak, a wily old mountain dwarf. 50 knights remain at all time to defend the Cloisters. The remaining 50 roam Dorwine, usually in pairs. These knights dispense justice and defend the innocent. Although they are essentially vigilantes their conduct is condoned by everyone. The Knights are known by the flower garlands they wear about their helms at all times.


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