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Fau (fau)


Faus are long mammalian Gendirlo with no appendages who live in the southern grasslands. They are the only Gendirl species to have poison as part of their biology.  
  The range where Faus can be found is similar to that of the Oundat  species. However, Faus are more likely to live north of the Sythen River. Populations and clans of Faus can be found as far south as the end of the grasslands, where humans have never treaded.    Lacking legs, Faus use powerful muscles on their undersides to move around. Despite their lack of legs, they can move quite fast, allowing them to chase some prey if needed. Faus are nearly ten feet long, making them among some of the smallest Gendirlo. Their fur is soft but short, a drab green with a grey diamond pattern on their top side with white on their underside.   A Fau can and will eat any type of food it can fit into its mouth. Faus cannot unhinge their jaws nor can they swallow anything that is larger than the diameter of their throat. When hunting live prey, Faus can kill with either the venom in their fangs or by constriction using their powerful muscles. Most of a Fau’s venom is made by their bodies, but those who live in the grasslands who supplement their diet with grasses tend to have more potent venom. Even weak Fau venom can paralyze or even kill a human with a single dose.   Faus have social structures similar to those of humans, where their clans are places for them to grow up and find companionship, and when they find a life mate they may move on or stay, depending on their desires or other factors.  
  Several Fau clans have kept alive the feud their species has had with Oundats. These clans condition their young to hate the large reptiles and teach them how to fight against them.

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Cover image: by Jen Wright


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