Nameless Innen Character in Dosjorya | World Anvil
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Nameless Innen


The Nameless Innen are a young man and a young Emen who are thought to have formed the first Innen bond in history. Their fated meeting happened in the midst of the conflict between the newly arrived humans and the Gendirlo. Their names have been lost through history, though a few speculate they may have never had names and had a different origin.  
What is Documented
  Having lived two thousand years ago, not much has survived describing what these two heroes look like. Manuscripts that do talk of these two individuals typically state that the man had short black hair, along with a short black beard once he became old enough to grow one. Some describe the man as short and thin from living deep in the wilderness even after forging peace between the two sides. Often he is described as wearing white clothes.   Nearly all human records omit any sort of detail about the Emen, but Coloktial records say the Emen was a runt that had been abandoned or left for dead. When it was found by the man, it was severely injured and needed help in order to survive. Most Coloktial articles state that the Emen is a male, but a few state otherwise.   What is universally accepted is that after these two met and the boy helped the Emen heal. Grudging trust became respect and friendship after their minds began to meld. They taught each other their language and explored the empty reaches of Dosjorya for a few years. When the boy had become a man and both could understand each others languages, they returned to Dosjorya with the hope of fostering similar friendships between humans and Gendirlo.   Legend says they landed in the middle of a battlefield before humans and Gendirlo were able to engage in violence, though more likely they asked leaders from both sides to meet in a neutral place and moderated negotiations. Though young, the Nameless Innen were able to garner the respect form leaders of both sides and successfully negotiated a halt to the conflict that had marred the land for years. The humans, knowing they had limited numbers and dwindling supplies, quickly accepted, and the Gendirlo hesitantly accepted as well. For both the sight of a man and an Emen together as allies perplexed them, and many humans until that point were reluctant to acknowledge the Gendirlo had just as much intelligence as them. A few more battles would be waged before a true peace was negotiated, but the Nameless Innen, serving as translators, helped to end the fighting.   After peace was made, they sought out other people capable of creating an Innen bond and gathered them in one place. Their motive was to gather all of those who could act as peace keepers, translators, and moderators and allow them to serve as guardians of the peace in Dosjorya. Alongside the Nameless Innen, these first Innena formed the Order of Innena.   Most people and Gendirlo know that the first Innen who saved the land, but know little else beyond that.  
Unknown Truths
Unbeknownst to anyone in Dosjorya, the documented history of the Nameless Innen, widely believed even when the pair roamed the land, is completely fabricated in order to not raise suspicion. The Nameless Innen are actually an entity that can have a physical form and a formless existence and was created by the Two gods, Maker  and Destroyer, through an unnatural process. When physical, they typically appear as a man and an Emen who glow blue, and when formless they appear as a purple haze. When unaided or dissipated in any way they can only visit individuals in dreams.   Their initial goal was to prevent the landfalling humans from destroying Dosjorya, for the destruction of this land would weaken the Two's influence in the world and allow the Six to reclaim it. Thinking ahead, the Nameless Innen gave the knowledge of the Innen bond to prevent such events from happening again, for the Two and the God of Joy altered the fabric of the world to create these bonds the moment humans arrived in Dosjorya.
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