The Lampblacks Organization in Doskvol | World Anvil
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The Lampblacks

The former lamp-lighter guild, turned to crime when their services were replaced by electric lights.  


Notable Assets

  • A fearsome gang of leg-breakers and mayhem-makers.
  • A number of smugglers on the payroll who run their drugs.


  • The Fog Hounds
  • Gondoliers
  • Ironhook Prison


  • The Red Sashes
  • The Bluecoats
  • Cabbies


The Lampblacks and the Red Sashes are at war over turf and vengeance for deaths on both sides. Bazso Baz is recruiting every free blade in the district for extra muscle and doesn’t take no for an answer. You’re either with them or against them. The Lampblacks are not particularly well-connected politically, but are akin to folk-heroes among the working class, who see them as “lovable rogues” standing up to the powers-that-be.

Notable NPCs

  • Bazso Baz 
  • Pickett (second, shrewd, conniving, suspicious)
  • Henner (thug, loyal, reckless)
Illicit, Gang

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