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Aspect of Deception

Suggested Deities: Phenax, Cyric, Loki

To Worship with Dishonesty

Every lie is an homage to these deities. Because the most devout of these followers are criminals and gamblers, this aspect's influence is keenly felt in gambling halls and dens of thieves. But everyone has their own reasons to stray from the truth at times, and thus, they also find small ways to seek favor with one of these deities as they go about their daily lives.   Formal services to these deities are conducted at night, with the most sacred rituals performed on nights of the new moon. Offerings are made to attract their favor, with valuables from successful robberies, parchment filled with lies, or loaded dice being thrown into deep crags or buried at crossroads. Such sacrifices often vanish soon after, claimed by a deity or his servants. Devout criminals often offer stolen goods as part of their preparations for premeditated crimes.  

Common Ideals for These Worshipers

  • Pragmatism. The ends justify the means; I do whatever it takes to win. (Evil)
  • Duplicity. I lie when it suits me, which makes things so much easier. (Chaotic)
  • Secrecy. All deception requires secrecy, but not all secrets are meant to deceive. (Any)
  • Luck. Want more luck? Take more chances! (Chaotic)
  • Adaptability. Plans change, circumstances go awry. I must bend in response to changes, not break. (Any)
  • Greed. The only way to get what you want is to take it (Evil)
  • Solitude. Relationships are weaknesses that make you vulnerable (Evil)
  • Chaos. Chaos frees people from their mental shackles (Chaotic)
  • Ingenuity. There is always more than one way to achieve your goals (Chaotic)
  • Power. Reshape the world in your own image (Evil)
  • Lies. Sometimes a lie is better than the truth (Chaotic)

Earning and Losing Piety

You might increase your piety score through acts such as these:
  • Helping a fugitive escape justice
  • Pulling off a daring robbery
  • Obstruct champions of other gods
  • Building or restoring a temple to this aspect
  • Manipulating the leader of a faction or nation
  • Tricking someone into believing an outlandish lie
  • Causing a powerful person to be disgraced or imprisoned on a falshood
Your piety score may decreases through acts such as these:  
  • Forthrightly assisting lawgivers in their duties
  • Swearing and then honoring an oath
  • Bringing order in times of chaos
  • Peacefully ending political rivalry or fued
  • Revealing your plans and plots
  • Falling in love


Piety 3+ trait   As a devotee of this deity, you have proven yourself accomplished at deception. You can call on a blessing and cast disguise self with this trait. While the spell is active, your shadow still resembles your original form. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  


Piety 10+ trait   Your words are inspired by Drac'Tara's greatest liars. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks.  


Piety 25+ trait   When you are hidden from a creature and miss it with an attack, making the attack doesn’t reveal your position.  

Champion of Deception

Piety 50+ trait   You can increase your Dexterity or Charisma score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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