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Aspect of Magic

Suggested Deities: Mystra, Azuth, Hecate

Worship of The Weave

The faith of these deities is pervasive in Drac'Tara, which is to be expected for a land as touched by magic as it is. the worshipers include those who use magic or work closely with it, such as alchemists and sages. The blue-clad priests of magic aspect temples often count wizards and sorcerers among their numbers, as well as the occasional bard. The goal of these faithful is simple: that magic be preserved and promulgated throughout the Realms. It isn’t unusual for the followers to keep an eye out for those who demonstrate high potential for using magic and help arrange for such persons to find tutelage with a suitable mentor.  

Common Ideals Among These Followers

  • Knowledge. We must learn all we can about magic to improve society. (Neutral)
  • Responsibility. Magic is a powerful force, it must be used responsibly to avoid disasters. (Lawful)
  • Mastery. I work hard to become a master of the Magical Arts. (Neutral)
  • Good. Magic should be used to improve the lives of others. (Good)
  • Common Good. The Weave of magic is a good that should be shared among all who wish to learn its secrets. (Good)
  • Freedom. Magic grants strength to the weak and freedom to the trapped. (Chaotic)
  • Power. I seek Power to improve myself and increase my influence in the world. (Neutral)
  • Protection. Civilization is the source of all konwledge, it must be protected. (Lawful)
  • Logic. Emotion clouds one's judgement and leads to poor decisions. (Neutral)
  • No Limits. Through magic anything is possible, nothing should fetter that. (Chaotic)
  • Creativity. Art and beauty bring joy and love to the world. (Good)

Earning and Losing Piety

You might increase your piety score through acts such as these
  • Using magic to help the weak and innocent
  • Teach another to use the weave responsibly
  • Solving a problem harmlessly using magic
  • Mastering a powerful spell
  • Finding or creating a rare or greater magical object
  • Learning the truth behind a great mystery
Your piety score may decrease through acts such as these
  • Experimenting with magic in an irrisponsible way
  • Creating or failing to prevent a magical disaster
  • Preventing another from learning to control his or her magic
  • Destroying or disposing of magical items wherein their knowledge and power will be forever lost
  • Failing to learn a spell you have discovered
  • Allowing sources of knowledge to be damaged or destroyed


Piety 3+ trait   You can sense the weave like your deity can. You can cast identify or detect magic a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier (minimum of once, and totalled between the two spells) with this trait, requiring no material components. You regain all expended uses of this trait after a long rest.  


Piety 10+ trait   You can cast glyph of warding with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.    Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  


Piety 25+ trait   You can redirect magical effects safely around you and others. You can use your reaction to grant advantage to one creature that you can see on a saving throw against a spell. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.  

Champion of Magic

Piety 50+ trait   You can increase your Charisma or Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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