BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Aspects of Horizons, Mysteries, and Time

Suggested Deities: Kruphix, Kronos

Worshipping the Unkown and Abstract

Many pray to these deities when they need to find something lost, but few dedicate themselves to this worship. Cults devoted to these deities fiercely guard their secrets, and their initiates refrain from drawing attention to themselves. Some followers and champions of time and mystery travel the world in secret, searching for hidden truths. Many use secret signals to enable them to find safe lodging with other worshipers nearly anywhere.   Rituals honoring these deities are usually performed at boundaries, both temporal and spatial: shorelines, riverbanks, equinoxes, and sunsets.   

Common Ideals For These Followers

  • Balance. Too much power in any one place is a threat to us all. (Lawful)
  • Selflessness. I accept the burden of knowledge so that others don’t have to. (Good)
  • Knowledge. I seek out dangerous secrets so that I can know the nature of reality. (Neutral)
  • Power. The best thing about knowing a secret is getting to use it against everyone else. (Evil)
  • Mystery. The cosmos is more beautiful if its greatest truths remain unknown. (Any)

Earning and Losing Piety

You might increase your piety score through acts such as these:
  • Keeping a dangerous secret despite personal cost
  • Revealing a critical truth at an important moment
  • Mediating a major dispute or conflict
  • Aiding the weak or impeding the strong
Your piety score may decreases through acts such as these:  
  • Revealing a secret that should remain unknown
  • Selfishly refusing to share information
  • Showing favoritism toward any other god or group
  • Furthering the aims of another god in defiance of Kruphix’s will


Piety 3+ Kruphix trait   As a devotee of Kruphix, you have proven yourself a devotee of reality’s mysteries and laws. You can cast detect magic with this trait a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   In addition, you know the mage hand cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.  


Piety 10+ Kruphix trait   You can cast detect thoughts with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.   In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.  


Piety 25+ Kruphix trait   As a true champion of Kruphix, you can use your mage hand cantrip to protect yourself. While your spectral hand is within 5 feet of you, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC against ranged attacks.  

Champion of Horizons

Piety 50+ Kruphix trait   You can increase your Constitution or Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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