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Aspects of Slaughter, Murder, and The Hunt

Suggested Deities: Mogis, Malar, Bhaal, Typhon, Tiamat

Worshipping as a Bringer of Death

These deities exhort their followers to channel their hatred and rage into ever greater acts of cruelty and violence. They demand actions over words, making their followers an active and dangerous lot. From the spurned lover thirsting for revenge to the blood-drenched warrior on the battlefield, all honor these deities with the shedding of blood in anger.   Minotaurs are the most ardent worshipers of these aspects and regularly hold bloody rites in his honor. Warchanters, the minotaur clergy of Mogis, whip their marauders into a near-mindless frenzy before battle; the ensuing slaughter gives glory to their deity's name.   The appearance of the blood moon is a most holy occasion for the faithful of these deities, since the moon represents his hateful crimson eye. At such times, followers prepare and consume a feast of meat, either raw or barely cooked, along with copious amounts of intoxicants, followed by ritual self-mutilation—scarring themselves to demonstrate their devotion to their deities.  

Common Ideals Among These Followers

  • Savagery. I express my rage through combat. (Chaotic)
  • Hate. Hatred of my foes warms my heart and gives me power. (Any)
  • Fury. My only release from life’s endless grind is surrendering to my inner beast. (Evil)
  • Ruthlessness. The ends justify the means and victory is to be obtained at any cost. (Evil)
  • Pride. No one can best me in my chosen endeavor and woe to those who try. (Any)
  • Death. All things must die, that is the way of things. (Neutral)
  • Vengeance. Nothing will stop me from killing the one(s) who wronged me. (Chaotic)
  • Supremecy. Anyone who cannot defend themselves deserves to die. (Evil)
  • Slaughter. All will fall before you. (Evil)
  • Competition. The hunt is a test of wits and strength to prove ourselves. (Chaotic or Neutral)
  • Strength. The strong survive while the weak perish. (Evil)
  • Ferocity. It is only through fierceness that we can protect our way of life. (Neutral or Evil)

Earning and Losing Piety

  You might increase your piety score through acts such as these:  
  • Defeating a champion of Victory
  • Taking vengeance against a powerful foe
  • Burning a polis or a settlement to the ground
  • Desecrating a temple to Victory as an offering
  • Succeeding on a great hunt
  • Killing a large number of creatures in a single day
  • Refusing the comforts of civilization
  • Murder a helpless person
  • Executing a perfect assassination
  Your piety score may decrease through acts such as these:  
  • Failing to carry out a sworn vendetta
  • Rejecting a duel or a challenge out of fear
  • Publicly displaying weakness or compassion
  • Calling a city your home
  • Buying food over hunting and gathering it yourself
  • Wearing fashionable clothing
  • Showing someone mercy
  • Saving someone's life
  • Stopping someone else from killing


Piety 3+ trait   As a devotee of your deity, you have shown yourself to be a brutal combatant. You can call on your deity's favor and cast wrathful smite with this trait. The blessing manifest as a blood-red glow around your weapon, causing it to shed dim light in a 5-foot radius until the spell ends. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  


Piety 10+ trait   You can cast blinding smite with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Constitution is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  


Piety 25+ trait   Countless battles and vicious visions have given you focus. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.  

Champion of Slaughter

Piety 50+ trait   You can increase your Strength or Constitution score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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