Mei Fun
Mei Fun
Medium Human, Tea Sommelier (brewer), Neutral Good
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Mei Fun is a young woman of perhaps 16 or 17, not even she is sure, that has spent her entire life in service to one terrible master or another. Brought back to the pirate aisles from a raid into Shou Lung territory as a slave when she was seven years old. She was initially put to work in the pirates collection rooms sorting the goods. They quickly found she could sort the tea by type and quality with barely a thought. Sometimes even the scent from a closed crate was enough. This garnered her some favor among the brotherhood as a valuable asset. While she was still a slave she did have some privledge and was allowed to dine apart from the other slaves and even be taught to read and write by some of the older Shou slaves that were brought back at the same time. Of course she later found this was only allowed so she could write invetories and note the qualities directly as the tea's were sorted.
She was eventually brought into negotiations with the various tea shops in the corrupt city of Tsurlagol where the pirates favored their trade to take place and she quickly caught the eye of the local trade guild. They purchased her for a handsome sum and immediately put her to work. Surprisingly she was treated much better by the pirates and the guild simply sent her from one cruel tea shop owner to another to survey their stock and weed out those tea vendors that were selling substandard product at elevated prices. Every tea shop she assisted grew in popularity after her visit and she began to develop a reputation as something special within the guilds tea shops and import business's. There was always one lecherous owner or another looking to bring Mei into their shop as their own slave. The guild however saw to it that she was protected as their property. Both in her feminine virtues as well as her physical security. She always had a minimum of two armed guards with her and another that most never even saw... however one day the most terrible man Hun Lao that ran the most profitable tea house in the city decided she would be his... Of course this bulbous man wouldnt do it himself and hired the thieves guild to capture her. They launched an attack on the group as they were on their way back to the guilds head quarters. They quickly dispatched the two guards but the shadowy assasin waiting in the shadows killed every rogue attacker dead in a matter of minutes. As he emerged from the shadows Mei saw him for the first time. He was barely a man but the most dealy person she ever met... He dropped a small back of silver coins at her feet and smiled. Take your chance and go.... or return to your masters at the guild. She never looked back. She slowly worked her way north on the Stormcrest Trail until she happened across Sevenecho but t was still too close to Trulagol for her so she headed west to Maerstar. While the town was friendly enough she recognized a few of the traders and needed a larger city to hide in where she could learn more about the only thing she knew.... tea. Eventually arriving at the large city of Procampur she found her home. At least for the forseeable future. She spent many years here offering her srives to one tea shop or another but never staying very long. Until one day a kindly old woman with glittering black eyes noticed her and took her under her wing. To help her learn about WHY she could do these things. She learned much about herself and her abilities most notably that she had an innate magical ability to work with all life cycles of the tea plant as well as the preparation of the brews. Strangely it did not carry over to any other kinds of plants but she didnt care! Tea was her life! Eventually a few years after they met the elderly woman passed and Mei grieved for many days. During this time the local guilds took ownership of the tea shop and gave Mei a pitance of payment as they woman had no family She left procampur sadly but with a small purse to help her on her travels. She decided to look for somewhere new to learn and grow. She found herself many months later on the doorstep of The Cloud Recesses in a small upstart village. She had a flashback of her life as a child in Shou Lung even though she was so young as she thought it completely gone from her mind. This was the place she felt she needed to be. Her purse now empty and her clothes and face ragged and dirty she crossed the threshold. Clutched in her arms you see an ornate tea box clutched tightly to her chest, the only item she was able to spirit away before the guild appropriated the tea house of the closest person she ever had toa mother. She takes a deeper breath inhaling the aromas. Her senses assailed by the smells of food and even more importantly to her..... TEA!