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Dragonnet (DRA-gon-et)

The dragonnet is a taxonmical family of dragon species that live in Dracia. There are 10 species of dragonnet currently.   The Silver Moon Dragonnet, a nocturnal hunter that fills in the same niche as the owl or bat. The Golden Sun Dragonnet, a daytime hunter that fills in the same niche as a hawk. The Northern Dragonnet, a crow-like scavenger that lives in the taiga. The Southern Dragonnet, a colorful fruit eating dragon that lives in the jungles. The Eastern Dragonnet, a colorful seed eating dragon that lives in bamboo forests. The Western Dragonnet, a more ground dwelling hunter that feats on reptiles and lives in deserts. The Red Dragonnet, a colorful scavenger that has an elaborate mating dance and lives in forests. The Blue Dragonnet, a secretive fruit eater that decorates its nest like a bower bird and lives near riverbanks. The Green Dragonnet, a quiet sneaky hunter that hides to catch small critters and lives in forests. The Yellow Dragonnet, a quick buzzing flower necter sipper that has a similar niche to a hummingbird.

Basic Information


The dragonnet species follows roughly the same body plan as the wyvern; long tail, one pair of legs and leathery wings. Only difference is that their necks are shorter except for the Blue species, which has a heron-like neck for fishing.   The Silver Moon species has specialized feathers at the end of their wings that are soft to muffle sound when flying.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The dragonnets are fairly intelligent, similar to corvids, and are capable of problem solving. Some species have been seen using tools.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All the dragonnet species have keen senses, but each one has a particular skill.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Some dragonnets live close to other larger dragons, often scavenging leftovers.
Scientific Name
Draco Parvulus
10 years
Conservation Status
All species are thriving
Average Height
less than 1 foot
Average Weight
less than 1 lb
Average Length
less than 1 foot
Geographic Distribution

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