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Eastern Lung ((LOONG))

The eastern dragon, or lung, is one of the sapient dragons that live in Dracia.

Basic Information


The eastern dragon has a broad head with a wide nose, slender ears and curved teeth. Like their western cousins, they have round pupils. The horns of these dragons resemble the branched antlers of deer but aren't shed, continuing to gain points as the dragon ages. Both sexes have a pair of long whiskers that grow up to half their body length. However, the males have a full furry mane along their lower jaw, their head and below their nose.   A lung's body is slim and long, covered in smooth round scales and with a serrated ridge on it's back that extends to the tail. This dragon looks like it has a regular diamenter throughout it's body similar to a snake; however it's chest and pelvis are in acuallity are slightly wider than it's neck and tail. While its four legs look short their paws packed with muscle, each with five talon tipped fingers. Tuffs of fur grow in patches on their legs, with the tail having a growth of long fur at the tip.   Their slender bodies are well adapted to ungulating through the water, while their strong feet help grip the rocks or ground to keep it steady in even strong currents.   All eastern dragons have a small hump located at the base of their skull. Though it feels firm like a bunched up muscle, it is actually the source of all of their qi and allows them to fly. It's unknown how this is done, but the lung have several working theories.  


  The eastern dragon shares similar anatomy to snakes, with one lung longer and bigger than the other and a flexible skeleton. The heart and digestive system share similiarites to the western, however their muscles are more evenly distributed.

Biological Traits

Lung are one of the few dragons that exhibit strong sexual dimorphism.  


The male lung standout with their bushier manes, larger horns and bigger tusks. All of which are used in display for females and fighting other rival males.  


The female lung have narrower horns, no manes and smaller tusks. However their physical capabilities are the same.  


These dragons can come in all colors and appearances:  


Red: Common Yellow: Common Green: Common Blue: Uncommon Purple: Rare

Genetics and Reproduction

The eastern lung stays with one mate at a time. And like their European counterparts, only lay fertilized eggs.   The female lung lays a single round, pearl-colored egg once a decade. It's sometimes misidentified as the opalescent orb depicted in human myths.   Once laid the egg incubates for 13 months, the longest of any dragon. The egg stays hidden in the parents' cave, not carried on their person as described in some stories.

Growth Rate & Stages

Eastern dragons take the longest to mature, with individuals reaching adult age at around 50 years.  


  A newly hatched lung has the large head but lacks the adults' signature horns, whiskers and fur. They're sometimes mistaken for big-headed lizards the size of dogs.   The hatchling inherits some of the parents' skills and memories. This is done by the adults passing on a sliver of their qi onto the egg. The parents can choose which qualities that can be passed on, but only one each.   These skills are buried deep in the young lung's mind when it hatches. It can take years for the innate abilities to come to the surface, sometimes appearing as late as the adult stage. Thorough training can expediate the process.  


  The lung at this stage begin to look more like smaller adults, complete with fur tufts and longer whiskers. They've grown to stand as tall as a human but are 3 times longer.   As the lung grow their horns begin to sprout. At first they're straight, but over the years the horns develop 'branches'. These branch become an indicator for age, with a branch growing for every 9 years.  


  The oldest lung are highly respected by their communities, sought out for their wisdom and power to bring rain to drought stricken areas.

Ecology and Habitats

The lung love to make their homes near water, be that a river, a lake or a waterfall. Failing that they stay near shrines or temples as long as their is some sort of water souce nearby.   These dragons cultivate beautiful zen gardens and koi ponds near their residences.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The lung are the foodies of the dragon species, enjoying a wide range of meat and vegatables. They are one of the few dragons that actively flavor their food with herbs and spices.


Lung are among the more calmer and studious of the main three.   They are much more likely to be more dissasotiative at a younger age than other dragons.   Due to their associations with humans revering them, the eastern dragons have developed an obligation to act as teachers and sages. This often puts high expectations on the dragons.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like their western cousins again, the lung live in small family units. A bigger group united by a philosophy is called a harmony. Such groups can be as small as 3 to as much as 20 individuals; however, these dragons don't gather in groups of 4.


There's been speculation that the eastern dragon species has domesticated itself due to their more docile nature and association with humans, though this remains unconfirmed.   What is confirmed by these dragon is that they do domesticate other animals to help with food aquication, act as guards or messengers, and protect younger dragons. The eastern dragons don't domesticate such critters in the same way human do; instead they impart a piece of their magic onto their chosen animal that will increase their intelligence to the point of sentience. And unlike humans, these animals are treated more like friends than beasts of burden by the dragons.   A byproduct of this domestication process is a more dragon-like appearance in the creatures. This may have fueled myths of eastern dragons having different appearances than the traditional body type.

Average Intelligence

The lung are the smartest of all dragonkind, even surpassing humans.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Along with being the smartest dragon in Dracia, the lung also have incredible powers.  


The lung's two long whiskers are packed with sensory nerves; they can sense wind, water currents, nearby creatures or magical energies through these appendages.  


In leiu of wings, lung are able to use magic to produce anti-gravity effects on their bodies. This allows them to fly as if their snaking through the water.  

Water Adaptation

The eastern dragon is well equipted to hunt in the water; smooth scales to reduce drag, a flat tail for propultion and a large lung to help them stay underwater for 30 minutes to ambush prey.  


Like other dragons, the eastern has loud vocalizations. However they are unique in that their voices sound metallic, varying as gentle as tiny bells to as explosive as large gongs.  


Lung call their inner magic qi though the magik remains the same. Younger lung are taught for much longer than other dragons to control their qi. They often use their qi to control water, shapeshift and create mist. Older lung can even change the weather and cause flooding with their power.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Lung use Asian names, mostly Chinese.   An eastern dragon's last name is the Chinese name for dragon plus the color or element. So a purple colored dragon's last name would be zhulong, for example, while a dragon who associates itself with rain has shenlong.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

In addition to Draon, lung also speak Chinese. Given their intelligence these dragons are capable of speaking multiple languages.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The lung venerate the Chinese culture.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Many of the lung's traditions and customs are similar to many Asian-based cultures.  

Qi Orb

At some point in their lives, lung are given a single smooth, round stone to help channel their powers.

Common Myths and Legends

Human Beliefs

  The dragons of the east have a spiritual relationship with humans.  

Eastern Dragon Beliefs

As expected, lung practice Taoism.
Scientific Name
Draco Imperia Sapiens
600-800 years
Conservation Status
Least concern
Average Height
2 meters (6 feet) at shoulder (adult)
Average Weight
800 lbs (adult)
Average Length
25 meters (about 75 feet) at full length (adult)   Neck: 7 meters (21 feet)   Body: 10 meters (30 feet)   Tail: 8 meters (24 feet)
Average Physique
The eastern dragon has a more narrow build than their western cousins.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The eastern dragon can come in many shimmering colors, from red, yellow, vermillion, azure, and even black or white.

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