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Faerie Dragon

The Faerie (or Fairy) Dragons are one of the sapient dragons that live in Dracia.

Basic Information


A faerie dragon's head is short with big eyes sporting a pair of antenna-like growths near the forehead. These antenna shimmer, sparkle or glow whenever the dragon uses its magik.   These dragons have a small, cute appearance with shorter but slender limbs and feet. Their paws are dexterous perfect for climbing with ease.   Their necks and tails are longer than other dragons of comparable sizes. With tails that are prehensile enough to act as a second limb and long necks to snatch insects or reach down into flowers for nectar, faerie dragons are well adapted for their forest environment.   They have wings similar in structure to butterflies, moths and dragonflies. Some faerie dragons' wings look more like flower petals or leaves.  


Faerie dragons share the same body as the western dragon, down to the air sacs that help them fly. Their bodies are more flexible however.

Biological Traits

Faerie dragons exhibit different colors, wings and adornments between individuals; some look like they're made of blooming plants, while others have a more insect appearance. This also affects their magic usage.   Like the western dragon, faerie dragons have a distinct smell to them; unlike the western, their scents are more flowery or earthy as a way to disguise themselves from predators.

Genetics and Reproduction

Faerie dragon eggs are soft and transparent, revealing the shimmering rainbow colored yolk inside. Laid in fluffy nests and consisting of about 5 in a clutch, the eggs take 6 months to hatch from developing inside the body to hatching.

Growth Rate & Stages

When first hatched, a faerie dragon's wings are still developing, encased in scaly sacs on their backs. These stay in these sacs before finally emerging to their full glory after a week.   The mouse-sized youngsters stay close to their parents but after their first year, they make their own nests in the same tree or bush.

Ecology and Habitats

Faerie dragons prefer the security of dense forests and thick flower fields. Many of them cultivate gardens near their nests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Faerie dragons are omnivorous, happily eating berries, fruits, vegetables and insects. They are particularly fond of apples, peaches, cherries, flower nectar and, most coveted, honey.   They are territorial and go to great lengths to protect their grounds, using magic to produce illusions. Some adopt predatory disguises to scare away intruders, while others make the terrian more dangerous or barren than it actually is.


Other dragons would describe their faerie cousins as extraverted, whimsical and infamous for their short attention span.  


  The mischevious faerie dragons are most connected to magik than any other dragon species.   Faerie dragons find tricks and mischief to be their greatest gifts; lacking physical strength and magical prowess, these dragons rely on their wits for protection.  


  Along with vividly colored objects, faerie dragon like objects with strong emotions attached or sentimental items such as a favorite toy, recipe or family heirloom. They also keep magical items that do whimsical or unexpected things.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The more gregarious of the three main dragons, faerie dragons live in large communities consisting of extended families. Most groups, called hives, contain about 20 individuals but some can grow to have as many as 50. Smaller groups ranging from 3 to 10 are known as flutters.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Faerie dragons reside deep within quiet, temperate forests. They make their nests either high in the trees or in a out of the way place among flowers. Said nests are made of twigs, thick grass and moss; if humans live nearby, these wily dragons sometimes slip in to gather the man-made materials.

Average Intelligence

Faerie dragons are as smart as their western cousins, able to talk and plan ahead.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Faerie dragons have developed a variety of abilities to avoid bigger threats. They share some sensory traits with their western cousins.  


By shifting the color on their scales, faerie dragons can hide among foliage and flowers. Though not as dramatic as chameleons it works well enough to keep them hidden.  

Springy Bodies

While faerie dragons have a similar body structure to their western cousins, they're much more flexible. They can contort, stretch and squeeze their bodies through openings half their size. The skin of these dragons is loosly attached to their bodies; if anything tries to bite or grab they can easily squirm out of its grasp.  


These dragons use magik on a regular basis, be it for gathering food, distracting predators or just for plain fun.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

A faerie dragon's name can range from natural (inspired by plants) or whimsical.

Relationship Ideals

Faerie dragons love mates that can make them laugh.

Common Etiquette Rules

A creature that can put up with the faerie dragon's whimsy and mischievous nature often earns that faerie dragon's respect.

Common Myths and Legends

Human Beliefs

  The faerie dragon's mischevious nature may have contributed to the human myths of faeries, gnomes, dwarves and will-o-wisps. Even myths about scarier monsters like devils were perhaps faerie dragons using more intense illusions.  

Faerie Dragon Beliefs

  Like the western species, faerie dragons also practice beliefs similar to earth based religions. A key difference is that they have more trickster folk tales than other dragon species.   The most beloved of folk heroes for these dragons is Tricky Tavi, a smaller than average faerie dragon that uses their incredible mimicry to get out of situations or escape danger.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Faerie dragons often lair near or even inside western dragons' homes, enjoying not only safety but also a friendship with them. It's thought that their relationship is similar to an extrovert 'adopting' an introvert.   Lung are frustrating to faerie dragons; they believe that they don't know how to have fun.
Scientific Name
Draco Mariposa Sapiens
100 years
Conservation Status
Population is thriving
Average Height
8 - 10 in at the head
Average Weight
10 ounces
Average Length
Body length 13 - 15 in   Wing length 20 - 25 in
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Faerie dragons are incredibly colorful, ranging from pastels to vivid. Such coloration helps them disguise as flowers.
Geographic Distribution

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