Lord protector and Royal advisor Thraindor

Born in the shadow of Vendrick, Thraindor's early years were marked by fragility. His body was weak, lacking the robustness and vitality that his older brother so effortlessly showcased. But where nature deprived him of strength, it blessed him with a voracious appetite for knowledge and an indomitable spirit.   With every ailment that threatened his young life, Thraindor fought back, bolstered by his family's unwavering support. Determined to transcend his frailty, he immersed himself in a world of books, seeking answers to strengthen his feeble constitution. These early experiments, while fraught with challenges, laid the foundation for the scholar he would become.   As Vendrick's ambitions swelled, so did Thraindor's resolve. The two brothers, each brilliant in his own right, became a force of nature. While Vendrick was the brawn, Thraindor was the brain. Together, they navigated the complexities of war, diplomacy, and nation-building. Their synergy was palpable, with Thraindor's strategies perfectly complementing Vendrick's might.   Post the unifying wars and the grueling siege against the giants, the kingdom ushered in an era of peace. This tranquility provided Thraindor with a golden opportunity to delve deeper into his scholarly pursuits. Fascinated by the essence of existence, he dedicated himself to understanding the very fabric of life. Laboratories replaced battlegrounds, and test tubes took the place of swords, as Thraindor embarked on a quest to unravel the enigma of life itself.


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