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Guilan Monks

Since the dawn of what has become come to be known as the Guila Era, the first people to have mounted the back of Guilong, the great dragon turtle, when he gave them salvation from the cataclysmic events of ancient times, there have been Guilan Monks who revere and pass down the teachings of Guilong himself. It is taught that the people's ancestors warred relentlessly and destroyed the earth and each other in the process. Guilong saw the grieving and poverty-stricken innocents who lived beneath the jaws of violence and political greed and offered them safety under the condition of peace as one people. Those who could not set aside their differences and beliefs annihilated what was left of humanity, and it is forbidden to venture into the Wujinde sea. Those who have tried have never returned. Some suspect that the same magic that gave Guilong's rescued people their unique appearances and metaphysical abilities became warped and twisted for the humans who remained on the earth below. Instead, they mutated into monsters who live only to terrorize one another, doomed to eternal torment and wordless aggression. Some have even suggested that the monsters became dragons, to which would explain the terrorizing that some dragons are responsible for now, come back to haunt the peaceful Guilan peoples in their anger that they could not triumph over Guilong. The monks firmly deny this legend, teaching instead that the dragons were the original inhabitants of Guilong's shell. Like people, some have taken centuries to become accustomed to the other species' presence, while others have long despised them.   The monk's greatest tents revolve around compassion, perserverance, and hospitality. They believe all should be treated kindly and with respect, lest humanity fall into ruin once again. They seek to educate and care for their communities, including the local dragons, to promote understanding between all who appreciate Guilong's generosity.
Religious, Monastic Order


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