
Liingo is term used to describe a locallized sub-language amongst surfers. Certain elements are broad terms. These are shared between groups and consist of terms for describing type of boards, waves, curent weather conditions, nicknames for non-surfers, many of which are derogatory, and other most basic terms shared in the surfing experience.   More localized terms are used to describe localized conditions, underwater formations that may be hazardous to a surfer and thus avoided or that provide the ost favoriable places to catch a good wave. This localized information and their terms are closely guarded withi a local group to protect their "patch of beach" from more casual tourists and visitors.   Liingo is dificult to learn, if only by the fact that no one will teach it to you. In order to learn it properly, an individual must join and commit to a local surfing group. Attaining membership is not easy and is only offered by introduction from a current member in good standing and acceptance fro teh leadership of the group.   The foollowing is an abbreviated list of extremely common terms that have been gleaned from overheard conversations. Barney – a surfer that is not cool, untalented, rookie Beach break – the places where the waves break over sandbars Benny – a person who is not a local Bomb – a massive wave Bro – dude, brother, surfer—can be both male or female. Choppy – rough waves due to wind conditions Chunder – totally unsurfable waves Deck – the top surface of a surfboard Ding – any damage done to your surfboard Grom – a young and inexperienced surfer; also known as a grommet or gremmie. Hang Loose – the salutation that accompanies the sign of Shaka Heavy – big, awesome waves that are sometimes dangerous Hodad – a person who hangs around the beach and does not surf Kook – a rookie surfer or someone who isn’t very good at surfing Leash – the piece of leather or cloth that ties the leg to the surfboard, grab one here Men in grey suits – sharks Namer – a surfer who shares a secret surf spot with others Paddlepuss – a person who plays in the white water and is afraid to stray from the beach Pumping – decent surfing conditions Shubie – a person who buys a surfboard and surf clothing, but does not surf Sick – astounding, impressive, amazing Stoked – pumped, extremely happy, excited Wax – the substance surfers use on their surfboard to help with traction


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