Petre Cepice

The Petre Cepice is a skullcap presumed to have a variety of magical properties. The most common belief is that the wearer is protected from mental illnesses and attacks of any type, natural or magical. Other attributes associated with or suspected to be provided by the Petra Cepice are 1) improved senses like hearing, taste, smell, and sight; together or singly, 2) increased intelligence, 3) increased concentration, and 4) quick mastery of multiple languages.   The origin of the Petre Cepice starts with a regionally famed magician named Peter who was known to wear a skullcap at all times, including performances. The skullcap, as part of his stagewear, soon after his emergence of his reknown, became the rumored source or at least supplement to his magical prowess. These rumors were often encouraged and spread by lesser known competitors of Peter's on the stage. Peter was never known to address questions or rumors of the significance of the skullcap, merely allowing it to be a source of conjecture which he bellieved it added to his professional mystique.   Many believe the Petre Cepice to be simply an adornment like any other headwear and the magical properties ascribed to it are merely rumor to increase its story and value. As described above there are a few who actively search for and have attempted to claim ownership of this coveted artifact only to be proven false.   This Petre Cepice, per storied legend, has been lost to modern civilization leading to the common conjecture that its existence was created only through fable and has never actually existed. In truth, the Petre Cepice is nothing more than a decorative skullcap worn by Peter the Magician. In fact, more than one identical skullcap existed and were replaced as they showed any signs of wear and tear. Its pristine look only added to the mystique of the item.


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