Surf Glider

The Surf Glider is an narrow oblong shaped plank of a lightweight wood used by a swimmer to glide across the tidal waves as they approach the western coast. It is only good for travelling short distances. Exact shapes and dimensions of surf gliders vary greatly depending on the riders preferences, abilities, and control. Some surf gliders accommodate a leather strap that is tied or connected to the board in some fashion which can then be tied to the riders ankle. This allows a rider who has fallen off the glider to easily retrieve it. Gliders may also sport a fin on the underside to aid in control of the board while begin ridden.   The riders of surf gliders may fail to navigate the tide and often fall off before reaching the shore. It is considered a recreational and athletic activity for the young and has resulted in the creation of a culture of those dedicated to the pursuit of "the perfet wave" and uses its own sub-language called @Lii. The act of gliding on the waves, or "surfing" as some call it, consists of two parts. First, the rider will lie on the glider and use their arms to paddle a distance out from the shore. At a designated position, the rider will then wait for a wave to come along, at which point the rider will turn the board to head toward the shore, and then stand up on the baord as the wave swell meets the back end of the board. This action takes speed, timing and balance to achieve success The wave then propels and board and thus a rider on the board back toward the shore.   Groups of gliders try to claim their own "patch of surf" and are very protective of it. Occasionally violence breaks out between rival groups to demonstrate and defend their territorial claim,
board, deck
Hang Ten


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