The Casa Lav Alee

The Casa Lav Alee is a commune about 10 miles south of the town of Alee. It is here, that many people find themselves having reached a deep valley in their personal lives caused by the culmination of a variety of actions taken by those seeking refuge. Anyone who society or themselves are deemed to having been some type of burden or menace to society may take refuge here, provided they forswear their previous life and take up a vow to live a peaceful and productive life within the forms they are able.   The commune is not bound to any religion, merely a community of people living by a set of simple society rules. Those physically able work among the many needs of the commune. Those that are less capable regardless of any what might be considered limitations elsewhere are encouraged and taught to take on roles for which they can contribute to their best ability.   Criminals with charges pending, have escaped or otherwise not compelted any penal debt they owe, are not allowed to seek refuge at the Casa Lav Alee. The regents are extremely cooperative with all local authorities to protect the commune and ensure their constituents are committed to life change, not avoidance. Criminals, debtors, drug addicts, homeless, and physically disabled are all welcome provided they have cleared any debt, fiscal or penal.   The community works together to be self-sufficient for food, and often has a surplus that they use to expand the comunity. The community also has thriving arts, furrier, and textile operations to aid in the care of the community and its constituents. The community accepts male and female constituents.   Constituents may leave anytime. Many do after acquiring skills that will help them contribute to society as a whole, not just within the community. They acknowledge that the Casa Lav Alee has provided a foundation upon which they have built a new lilfe with this secoond chance.


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