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Ling, Magling, Jokling

The Ling are the Eastern neighbors of the Human region. They are fiery combatant nature make them quick friends with the aggressive and determined Human. Combat is a strong part of the Ling society, with each Ling trained to fight and test their strengths against each other. The unique trait of the Ling is that every member is naturally stealthy, combative, and magical.   Joklings are Ling that are so greatly skilled at combat that their bodies do not develop a strong connection to the magic of their species; allowing for amazing fighting skill to become developed instead.   Maglings are Ling that are so greatly skilled at magic that their bodies do not develop a strong ability of for combat; allowing for amazing magical skill to become developed instead.

Basic Information


The Ling are roughly 3-4' tall, with skin tones along the Orange spectrum. Their eyes are large and solid red. Their hair varies from blues and purples, orange and reds, to greens and yellows.   Joklings tend to be lighter in shades than average Lings.   Maglings tend to be darking in shades than average Lings.

Biological Traits

Average life expectancy of 75 years due to their aggressive nature and strong desire to explore and combat new dangers, most of the species can use magic; traditionally fire in nature.

Genetics and Reproduction

Lings will only have one child at a time and will be pregnant for about six months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ling grow to adulthood in roughly 14 years.

Ecology and Habitats

The warm lush lands of the Ling is perfect for this warm blooded species. Fire is a common magic for their kind and so they are more geared towards warmer and tropical climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mostly fruits, nuts, and vegetables; though meat is also occasionally consumed, though always cooked.

Biological Cycle

Ling will generally live to around 150 years old, before passing from old age.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Communal. Society comes first; though individualism is strongly encouraged.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The natural magical abilities of the species is strongly valued and other nations will seek out Ling to have access to the magic. They are also naturally skilled at combat, which is useful; especially to their Human allies.

Facial characteristics

Traditionally long hair, short pointed eyes, large solid red eyes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most of the Ling live within the Ling region, though many have moved into the Human region for exploration, adventure, or most commonly to join the army.

Average Intelligence

Average for Lings   Above Average for Joklings   Superior for Maglings

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ling do not see darkness or shadows.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are traditionally short, with no last names; such as Ler and Pentai. Ling don't need last names because they are all apart of the same community.

Beauty Ideals

All Lings are beautiful, both to each other and other species; though the large solid red eyes are considered unnerving to some species.

Gender Ideals

Like their skills with combat and magic, Ling genders are very fluid, from male to female, and everything inbetween.

Courtship Ideals

Ling will often sing to a potential mate; which has granted the species naturally beautiful voices.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships are fluid, with many Ling having multiple mates of both genders.

Average Technological Level

Weapons and armors are prized in Ling society, and so are of high quality and strength. Societal items are build for the many over the few. Magical items are crafted by the Maglings and are always very powerful.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Ling and Human

Common Etiquette Rules

Sharing and caring.

Common Dress Code

Light clothes and colors.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Community above the individual; though the individual does not have to feel bound to the community and my freely explore. If you are not working on the me, you should be working on the we.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Community meals are a must, even for the individual. By gathering to eat every day, you can share your accomplishments and struggles; and use both to either give aid to another or receive aid.

Common Taboos

Avoiding others simply to avoid them. Skipping meals. Harming the community.


Created by the Immortal of Fire, the Ling is one of the original species of the world. They grew and expanded into a culture and society, after the Immortals sacrificed themselves to banish the Dragons and Drakronus from the world; which where devastating and ruling the species; as well as all other species on the world. Recently they have discovered the humans and became allies with them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

A brief war with the Humans, though admiration for their determination and strength of force convinced the Ling to instead become allies with the Humans, instead of enemies. Cooperation for the betterment of the Community is better than dying for no real reason.
The Ling were created by, and raised around, the magic of the Immortal of Fire. Though the Immortal has since passed, the magic of his relic and tower still has lasting effect on the species.
150 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
All Ling are physically strong and durable.   All Joklings are in amazing physical shape, capable of performing acts of strengths greater than species of larger sizes.   All Maglings are physically weak and frail.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ling's skin come in shades of orange.   Jokling's skin comes in shades of light orange and yellows.   Magling's skin comes in shades of dark orange and purples.

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