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Planet Terra IV, fourth planet of a red star in the Enigma Cluster. It exists near the center of the North Quadrant of the universe. In the past, this planet was conquered and plans to terraform it into a life sustaining planet were put into place. When a grueling galactic war broke out, the efforts to finish the terraforming of Terra IV, also known by its residents as Bastion, were ceased. The planet is a cold, icy world. As the supplies run out, the residents slowly die off.   Deep in underground bunkers, where the terraforming tech still operates on limited fuel supplies, there lies the answer to complete the terraforming and save Bastion, but the warlord that rules the supplie lines and is forcing the near starvation of its residents is hiding this secret, and using it to maintain his position of power.  


  • The Warlord, an old Namek named Gastro, rules with an iron grip. His four lieutenants are a posse of old mercenary buddies of his. They've hoarded the wealth and supplies on Bastion, and aim to maintain that control for as long as possible.
  • Toff is a savage Ghetti that specializes in telekinesis and mental attacks. He is a less than brilliant Ghetti that follows Gastro simply because he has nothing better to do.
  • Barra is a saiyan whose clan was wiped out. He was saved by Gastro, and has sworn an oath of loyalty to the old Warlord.
  • Fetti is a hydian beauty that uses the power of her charm to disarm and disable her foes before finishing them with nightmarish assassin skills. She has fallen in love with Gastro, after she failed to kill him when they first met.
  • Chokka is fat and bulbous demon. He has followed Gastro since he was defeated in battle. He is a demon of gluttony, and often is found gorging on the foodstuffs the group has horded in the warlord's labyrinth.

Terra IV (Bastion): North Galaxy
Population: 250,000,000
Government: Dictatorship
Threat Level: Medium
Resource Level: Low


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