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The Epitome of Nightmares

Known throughout the universe simply as "EON" the Epitome of Nightmares is the adopted homeworld of the Demon race. Long ago, EON was a rich world full of life and resources, but during a cataclysmic event where the dimensions between the Afterlife and our own were torn, a cosmic storm of spiritual energy decimated the planet and nearly destroyed it. Perhaps it would have been better if it had. The storm, now called the Maelstrom, is a rolling tempest of dark spiritual power, literally the evils of the universe manifested in physical form. EON is constantly barraged by this tempest making it one of the most dangerous planets in the universe. Any life that can survive here must have the skills and strength to weather an apocalypse, and if that weren't enough to turn away would-be travelers to EON, there are the Demons themselves.  


  • A mass of wrecked buildings pockmarked by a few palaces. Here, "noble" demon families; that is, the ones with large enough amounts of power that most lesser families leave them alone while the truly powerful clans haven't noticed them yet, reside. Surrounding these palaces are slave villages, in a more bloody version of the old Earther serf-and-lord system.

Burning Sea

  • Called such not because it itself is on fire, but because of the high sulfur content of the ocean. Members of the lesser demon clans and non demons who enter these waters experience pH burns from the chemicals in the water. Thus, the aquatic-based Demons find themselves largely opposed by the land-dwellers and are left to fight amongst themselves, creating "feeding frenzies" every so often which churn the dark waters white.

Breath of the Primoris

  • One of the several enormous gouts of flame jutting from the planet's surface. Around this, demonic wisps, or proto-demons, float around, feeding off the hateful fires' energy as well as each other as the brutal struggle for survival begins.

Plains of Calm

  • Like Jupiter has a massive "eye" of a constant storm, the Plains of Calm on Epitome are a place where the storms never blow their winds or acidic rain. Here is what passes for a spaceport on Epitome, a large, flat area of barren rock. It can only be called a spaceport in that it's big enough for a small ship to land on, not that Epitome gets much traffic beyond the very bold or the very daring...or the very foolish.


  • They say that this is the land of creation, the epicenter of all demonic creation. Prayonus is the home to Endless Pyre, the vast chasm of fire which is said to birth all demonic spirits before they take on physical bodies. It is a holy, sacred land in which the first conquers of demons are said to have had their fist battle. The great pyre burns in the center of the town within a vast temple, guarded by a plethora of holy figures who have a sadistic obsession with their religion. All of the ancient text surrounding what is believed to be the birth of demons is tightly tucked away here and -ALL- non demon visitors are turned away if not executed on spot for even asking to be allowed inside the Library of Origin and only a select few noble bloodlines are looked at to be even taken under consideration of admittance.


  • This city is -huge- big enough to easily fit about one billion demons within its borders, though only about half of that many actually live there. Why? Is it because it is far too dangerous of place? No, because this is where the noble families have made their breeding grounds and they -demand- that they be given the space they need to extend their broods. Power is everything to demons, and in the Universe that we now live in, even a big enough stack of zeni can topple mountains.


  • This city is a massive tower created mostly of the dead and living bodies of lesser demons who failed to serve the masters of Prayonus. It is a massive tower with a forty-one mile diameter and travels up over one hundred stories, each floor basically a different district of the city.

Zenith of Fear

  • During the initial struggle for the title of "Demon King" first came about, each of the four major noble clans took a region of the desolate planet and claimed it for there own brood. One of the considered nobles was known for the terror he wrought across Epitome during his campaign. Odevalmius commanded Fear from every demon he encountered, and at his passing, there was a tomb constructed in his honor, as was done with the rest of the Four Greater Demons. Now, there is a city within the country that protects his burial ground has been infected by the traces of power, the fear he commanded in life that still lingers throughout the region which is why it retains the name, The Zenith of Fear. Every mortal that lives or even enters the city, is put under the constant pressure that their worst fear is constantly stalking just around the next dark and ominous corner. Zenith is a country on the border to the ocean of fire, spreading Eastward to the main land. Its not just one city, but an entire country. Its a vast area, much like the European nations of today. Weather and terrain range from "lush" fields scattered rocky crags, and dark water lakes and rivers.

Paramount of Terror

  • With the Zenith of Fear taking over a quarter of this continent, the next goes to Renfitis, a subordinate of Odevalmius. When his master was finally slain in the bloody battle, Renfitis took it upon himself to make sure his tomb was well secured, then moved off to spread his own influence and to seek vengeance. He traveled from Zenith to the mountainous region that now is Paramount, brutally slaughtering all that would not bow their heads and become his underlings. The region was named Paramount of Terror because of Renfitis' brutality and the terror he wrought. Renfitis was not of noble blood, so his tomb was erected in the middle of the country and given a Noble's city, it was out of fear that his spirit would come back and lead another slaughter as not seen in this dimension or the next that his name is remembered. The country boarders to Paramount are south of Zenith, with the Maw of Killness, a hole in the world which is said to be the biggest bottomless pit in the universe. The size of Killness is roughly that of a small ocean of nothing only floating rock and debris float over the empty space. Legend has it that this is where the first spawn pit of demons was created, which is why such evil was able to spread across the universe so very quickly.

Nonpareil et Dementia

  • A vast sand country that was ruled by the noble, Ozmodania, a demoness who had the power to drive her enemies (and friends) insane. She did not rule the sands, nor did she die there, but when she was slain by Renfitis, he had her remains burned and spread across the barren wasteland. The moment her ashes were set in the soil, the entire desert turned black. It is said that her rage never left her body, even in death, and that when it found the medium of the sand, spread itself across the land in search for her killer and former lover. If one thought an oasis on Earth was something to fear, hell hath no fury than a woman scorn who can take over the mind. Dementia is a lone continent that is the closest land mass across the Dark Water Ocean that starts at the Eastern border of Paramount. Since Ozmodania's remains have taken control of the sands, it is an ever growing continent that threatens to one day engulf the entire planet in its vengeful, black sands.

Krim de la krim para Da'teous

  • If ever there was one who was expected to be the one and only true Demon King, then it was the eldest demon, the first noble, Da'teous. His special ability was not fear, nor terror, nor dementia. He was known and revered for one thing and one thing alone, his power. Where as the other recognized greater demons all had to manipulate their enemy by some means, he was just a superior martial artist and commanded such power that none of the other three could ever hope to defeat him less all three teamed up against him. He lead his followers, demons who were all drawn to him like moths to a flame to the barren valleys of the endless, where they dug underground to create their massive network of cities. Deep, deep down into the under dark does this country lay. Da'teous stretches from the other ocean of fire, all the way to Prayonous, completing the globe of the planet of demons.
EON cover
Population: Unknown
Government: Anarchy
Threat Level: High
Resource Level: Low


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