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The World Before the Heavens

The homeworld of the Kaioshin race, or Kaios for short, Kaio-Sei is a massive planet with a bright star about the same as Earth's Sun. The system istelf, housing several planets, is encircled by dust clouds, making the system difficult to locate, adding to the mysticism of the Kaios as warriors emerging from seemingly nowhere to fight the Demon hordes in times long ago and returning to that same invisibility. As such, the Kaios have developed technology to see through said dust clouds, enabling them to watch the universe largely undisturbed. Kaio-sei itself is a planet with rolling green hills on its continents, grand, sprawling mountain ranges, like a larger, more idealistic version of Earth.    

Holy Flame

  • Set in the darkest cave on Kaio-Sei, a single, gas-fed flame serves as a reminder to all Kaios their role in the past, that of the "light in deepest darkness". Today, the mouth of the cave is set into a building which houses a massive training center for Kaio warriors, its inspiration now serving as a balance between light and dark. Outside this center is a small garden with statues in remembrance of the Sanction of Order.

Grand Archives

  • Dwarfing the Last Great Temple of Wisdom and Knowledge on Namek, the Elder Conservatory of Kanassa and the Library of Insignia V combined, the Grand Archives house every piece of lore, every observation, every piece of information the Kaioshin race has ever collected. An enormous building reaching into the skies, the Grand Archives is topped by several advanced observatories from which the Kaioshin race watches the universe.


  • A large, bustling Kaioshin city, home of one of Kaio-sei's major spaceports. Possibly one of the safer spaceports of the universe, Versimi Spaceport sees traffic mainly from Namek and Kanassa, occasionally humans from earth will come to Kaio-sei through here, hoping to learn the knowledge of the ancients.

Palat and Odaro

  • Twin farming towns linked by a bridge which crosses an enormous river in the highlands of the Arturus region. Every month, a farmers' market meets on the bridge for a swap meet.
Kaiosei cover
Population: 1 billion
Government: Aristocracy
Threat Level: Low
Resource Level: High


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