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The Shattered World

A world shattered long ago due to a now-forbidden ritual, Kanassa is a rich, lush planet of jungles, oceans, quaint villages and shining cities. Here live the Kanassians, a humanoid, fishlike race.    


  • A dark wasteland found at the center of the northwestern fragments of Kanassa. At one tip of each one, one can find the ruins of the massive, shining city the Kanassians once inhabited, now a blasted crater with the foundations of a once-mighty ziggurat found in each. Winds howl and psychic impressions of those who died in the Cataclysm haunt the area like ghosts. The city's true name has been lost to the ages, its name now the Kanassian word for hubris.


  • A shining city of golden metal, depleted warp crystal decorations and local stone, Machari is located towards the edge of the largest continental fragment. Fanning out, it is called the "Flame of Kanassa" due to looking from the sky like a great, static flame. Here, scientific research is done to find ways to more permanently heal the planet, histories are read and other intellectual pursuits are performed.

Embassy 02

  • A diplomatic relation in knowledge seeking between the Kanassians and the inhabitants of Insignia V created a small, metal city on one of the smaller, otherwise-inhospitable fragments of the planet. Here, androids have a home away from home, resting in the grandeur of Kanassa's natural environment.

Pumice Forest

  • Once, a mighty volcano dominated this area of the world. After the Cataclysm, Kanassa ceased to have normal tectonic activity and this volcano fell dormant. Its rivers of magma have long since cooled into volcanic rocks: granite, pumice, obsidian, even diamonds are found here occasionally. Dominated mostly by local wildlife, a few smaller, unnamed Kanassian hamlets allow the meditation-minded a quiet retreat from the rest of the world.

Ocean Deep

  • Despite the shattering of the planet's surface, the Psiouns have not only been able to hold the world loosely together, but have even managed to preserve the oceans which dominate a grand portion of the planet's surface! Out, underwater entirely rests the capital city of Kanassa, Ocean Deep, a city built into a small oceanic trench's walls. Habitable only by the water-breathing Kanassians, few aliens gain access but through the extensive use of artificial gill technology. Here the Council of Elders lives and works from the Resplendent Dome with its elaborate decoration. Despite being underwater, the city is unafefcted by the effects of tide and erosion, coral, or other oceanic growth, and is a glittering underwater jewel of the planet.

Elder Conservatory

  • Like the Androids and Namekians, Kanassians seek knowledge and self-improvement. The Elder Conservatory is a massive, sprawling complex, where those of the Observer and Psioun castes are trained. Library upon library exists here, as well as countless meditation rooms for self-reflection and betterment of the mind, dojos and gymnasiums for the betterment of the body, and temples, for the betterment of the soul. Here, research is done into various things to let the imagination wander the creative and the dreamers of Kanassa provided with all the tools they need to make inventions. The Elder Conservatory is on one of the more luxurious continental chunks of the planet, surrounded by verdant nature and quietly flowing water.


  • A mid-sized town on Kanassa, home to the Chamber of Trials, where young Kanassians go to learn their place in the world. It also has one of Kanassa's auxiliary spaceports, and is surrounded on all sides by fertile farmland.


  • A large, sprawling city made of native stone, Mistreal is home to Kanassa's primary spaceport, such as the planet has, where those daring to go near the "corpse planet" are met with a fantastic city of shining spires, each like a compass needle pointing to the stars. Here is hoime to many Kanassian artisans, from painters, to sculptors, to musicians and playwrights. Each year, a celebration of the arts is held in Mistreol, bringing together a majority of the planet's population to showcase their community's finest works of art. Plays are held and a music hall which earned the respect of the Konatsu vibrates with the musical works of Kanassian songwriters.
Kanassa cover
Population: 4 billion
Government: Meritocracy
Threat Level: Average
Resource Level: Unknown


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