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The World of Three Suns

Namek is sparsely urbanized, with one or two cities on the entire planet, with smaller villages, hamlets and such dotting the landscape everywhere else. Its islandic terrain style doesn't allow for cities to get very big, but the ones that do exist are splendid to behold.    

Jiya Village

  • A small city near one of the final battle sites of the last Saiyan conquest, the Nameks here live in quiet contemplation and training. Not far removed from one of Namek's major monasteries, one can see Namekian warriors coming from these monasteries to be in the fresh air.

The Forum

  • Ironically the smallest city population-wise on Namek, although it's the capital city. Here, the Elders meet and discuss the prosperity of Namek under the guiding hand of the Grand Elder. The city is magnificently carved from the ivorylike material all Namekian cities are made of. Here, aside from the Elders, Nameks of all walks of life can come and freely exchange ideas among the parklike build of this sprawling, ringlike city. In the center, the "Eye of Namek", a calm pool of water, is said to only be disturbed when Namek is in danger. As such, it has not seen so much as a ripple, even in the highest winds, since the Saiyan invasion.

The Scriptorium

  • A collection of scholars from all races gathers in this sprawling complex. A spacepad here is one of Namek's few spaceports, mainly used by small ships carrying their intellectuals to and from all worlds. Similar in design and function to Kanassa's Elder Conservatory, but far larger, this is one of the few structures on Namek visible from space.

The Last Great Temple of Knowledge and Wisdom

  • Scholars debate its title of "Last" since not even ruins have been found of others. No one save Elders are allowed in, and even then, rarely. As such, its true purpose is shrouded in mystery. Elite Namek warriors consider guarding this Temple the pinnacle of their military career, the highest of all honor guards.

Monastery of the Eternal Flame

  • A small, blue flame, mysteriously unquenchable, burns on an altar in this white-walled dome palace. Namekian monks, warriors in training, live a quiet life of training, farming and meditation. Namek healers also work here, helping any one of the three or four villages surrounding it. There are a few monasteries like this on Namek, with names such as Monastery of the Quiet Stream or Monastery of Blowing Leaves, each with its own martial art style. Once a year, each monastery sends its best warrior to the Last Great Temple of Knowledge and Wisdom as a guardian, and their next best, in a spirit of friendly competition , to the Forum, for a grand show of acrobatics and martial arts to perform for the elders.

Embassy 17

  • The Androids of Insignia V have an embassy here as well, exchanging both combat arts, philosophical discussion, artworks and other things with the Namekians. It is a small fleck of gunmetal against Namek's rolling oceans, forests and mountains.

Trisol Hall

  • When the Saiyans attacked Namek, one warrior marked the location where the three suns' rays converged on the surface. Here, as the ultimate show of goodwill (and a little bit of arrogance), rests a Saiyan palace. In this palace lives the Saiyans' ambassador to Namek, who holds an arena for friendly matches against any Namek warrior who wants to test their mettle against a Saiyan. A small Saiyan, Halfbreed and Namek population has grown up in farms and villages around this palace.

    Naranja Forest

    • Here, on a larger island, like so many other islands on Namek, are Namek's trademark ball-on-a-stick shaped trees. Billions of them in great, rolling forests, small stands and everywhere in between cover the planet's landmasses and Naranja Forest is only one of the medium-sized ones. Here, Namekians come for quiet meditation away from the relative bustle of village life, true silence is rumored to be findable here.
Namek cover
Population: 2 billion
Government: Noocracy
Threat Level: Low
Resource Level: Low


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