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A strange planet, half covered in a nearly uninhabitable barren wasteland, and the other half a beautiful prosperous utopia, with bountiful crops and countless forests and fields. The northern hemisphere, the prosperous part, is inhabited by a race called the Djai-ra. The southern is home to a distinctly different race called the Djai-lo.   The Djai-lo are a savage, bulky, feline-like race. From their heads sprout four horns, which are arranged in a variety of ways from individual to individual, and vary greatly in style. Some have great long horns that appear almost devilish while others have small almost nub like horns. Their bodies are covered in short fur in a variety of patterns, and they have long tails that seem lion-like. Elongated snouts are equipped with long carnivorous fangs, and their hands with razor sharp claws. Their cubs are born almost fully functional, and within a few days are able to walk and interact with their environment, and only after a few months are already eating meat and gaining their independence. When the Djai-lo speak it is almost as if their words are carried on a low growling purr. While religious, their beliefs are more shamanistic.   The Djai-ra are more sophisticated, lean, dexterous, jackal-like race. They have thin sharply angled snouts, and much less pronounced fangs than their southern counterparts. Atop their heads were pointy dagger like ears. They often adorned themselves with fancy multicolored jewelry and expensive robes and other clothes. If forced to fight they preferred to use weapons, such as spears and swords, as opposed to their claws which were much shorter and dull. The fur that covered their bodies was extremely short, shiny, and fine. The Djai-ra young take many years to reach independence, and often lived in groups for many years before venturing out on their own.   What makes Seba-djai an even more unique planet is that it exists within a binary star system and is the only planet within its solar system. The main star is a large Red Star called Aten, "The Giver", and the second star is a Brown Dwarf called Nehmen, "The Taker". However, these two stars did not orbit each other politely, and Nehmen only arrived once ever 32, 000 years. Seba-djai is tidally locked with Aten, causing the southern hemisphere to be locked into an eternal, hot, unforgiving summer, however, the northern hemisphere experiences a bountiful eternal spring. Much to its namesake, when Nehmen arrives it upsets this balance. Once every 32, 000 years as it careens through the solar system it travels just close enough to Seba-djai to break its tidal lock with Aten and send it rotating. Over the next couple hundred years the planet continues rotating and switching seasons (much like our Earth) however as Nehmen continues further out into space it's influence lessens and Aten once again tidally locks Seba-djai, and somewhat by chance, always flips the two hemispheres leading to prosperity in the opposite half.   32, 000 years is quite a long time. Long enough for old stories and histories to be rewritten. Many did not believe that Nehmen even existed, and being such a small, speedy, dull star, is hard to detect in the night sky before it arrives. This errant star is very real as it turns out, and Seba-djai has begun its turn.   The Djai-lo, being a bit more of religious group, believe this is the will of the gods, The Giver and The Taker are a constant cycle and once the blessing is bestowed upon them they have been tasked by the gods to punish the non-believers. The Djai-ra base their beliefs more in ideology, and believe the prosperous lands are their right, and that they always have been. They see their southern counterparts as savage religious zealots who do not understand the delicate balance and needs of their race.   There was never peace on Seba-djai. But as Nehmen careened closer, and as the prosperity of the planet was in full shift, the two races had come fully to war. Who was to say whose beliefs were right? Would some hero arise, would aid from some far off land come to save them both? Was science the answer? Could the two races put aside differences from 32, 000 years of strife and finally come together...

Seba-Djai: East Galaxy
Population: 115,000,000
Government: Theocracy
Threat Level: Low
Resource level: Moderate


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