Blue-crested Ykans
a.k.a Little Nut Ykans, Least Ykans
The blue-crested ykans are the smallest members of the ykan family, a group of flightless bird species found throughout Ela'k Forest and Jarrak Forest in western Dragonía.
Basic Information
Blue-crested ykans are quite small, about the size of a (our world's) quail. Like other ykans (such as common Ykan Birds and Splendid Ykans) they are flightless due to their lack of wings and instead use their strong legs to flee from danger.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Their diet consists almost entirely of nuts and seeds, hence the common name little nut-ykan1, though they occasionally feed on small insects and worms as well.
Additional Information
Uses, Products & Exploitation
Geographic Origin and Distribution
They're commonly found in the undergrowth of Ela'k- and Jarrak Forest.
1Original icelandic: litlu hnotuykanar, singular: litli hnotuykani
Western Dragonía.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most of their plumage is black and rusty red, with white markings behind the eyes, on the neck and underside. The beak and legs are grey.
The males have a noticeable crest on their head, which becomes bright blue during mating season and dull bluish-grey otherwise.
The males have a noticeable crest on their head, which becomes bright blue during mating season and dull bluish-grey otherwise.