Woolly Rabbits Species in Dragonía | World Anvil
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Woolly Rabbits

Woolly rabbits1 are among the most important livestock kept by the Útels of Ela'k Forest in western Dragonía, as they are a source of meat, skins and, more importantly, Rabbit Wool, the main material used to make traditional Útel and -to lesser extent- Ameder clothing. They are also commonly kept as pets.
Cuniculture among Útels is the main responsibility of zaþin-naa, the caste of rabbit- and rodent farmers, while tanla-naa, the tailors' caste, is responsible for weaving and dyeing the rabbit wool into the colourful cloaks worn by members of different castes and all but the most basic clothing.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Woolly rabbits are fed a mixture of dried grasses and vegetables.

1Original icelandic: loðkanínur, singular: loðkanína.
Wooly rabbit
by Lappalingur
Western Dragonía
~5 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Woolly rabbits come in various colours, including white, grey, brown and black.
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