Bakaris the Younger Character in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Bakaris the Younger

Bakaris “the Younger” Uth Estide shared the same name as his father, his father’s father, and so on for generations. Bakaris placed inordinate value on his good looks, fashionable clothes, and athleticism, but he was known more for his arrogance, pettiness, and short temper. He cared nothing for his family name, but he deferred to his father—partly from unbroken childhood habit, and partly because all his privilege depended on his father’s wealth. Bakaris also had a violent streak. While living in Estwilde, he murdered the son of a local leader during a duel, and he and his father fled to Vogler to escape the consequences. Bakaris took quiet pride in that killing, and he fantasized about one day winning respect via the point of his sword. He loathed being called “the Younger,” a diminutive his father encouraged.   Shortly after Vogler was destroyed and the villagers fled to Kalaman, Bakaris met with the Kirk to negotiate an unknown deal. While at the Crooked Nail, the Heroes of Kalaman confronted Bakaris. Not being a fool, Bakaris chose to withdraw from the confrontation, that is, until Harrod preyed upon Bakaris' short temper and picked a fight, a fight Harrod decisively won.   In the days leading up to the Siege of Kalaman, Baakaris was captured during a scouting mission for Kalaman and was soon presumed dead. He took the opportunity to switch sides, seeing a greater chance for glory in service to the Dragon Queen than an honorable death for a people he despised. His only saving grace (though many would disagree) is that he sent word to his father about his change in loyalties and invited his father to join him.   During the Siege of Kalaman, Bakaris attacked the Heroes of Kalaman and was slain by Harrod Hamstrom.
Status: Deceased
Disposition: Hostile
Species: Solamnic Human

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