Deities of Krynn: Quick Reference in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Deities of Krynn: Quick Reference

Gods of Good Alignment Province Symbol
Paladine LG Good dragons, guardians, rulers Silver triangle
Branchala NG Music Bard's harp
Habbakuk NG Animal life, natural balance Blue bird
Kiri-Jolith LG Honor, war Bison's horns
Majere LG Meditation, order Copper spider
Mishakal LG Healing Blue infinity sign
Solinari LG Good magic White circle or sphere
Gods of Neutrality Alignment Province Symbol
Gilean N Knowledge Open book
Chislev N Nature Feather
Lunitari N Neutral Magic Red circle or sphere
Reorx N Craft Forging Hammer
Shinare N Trade, wealth Griffon's wing
Sirrion N Change, fire Multicolored fire
Zivilyn N Wisdom Great green or gold tree
Gods of Evil Alignment Province Symbol
Takhisis LE Evil dragons, hatred, night Spiral of five dragon claws
Chemosh LE Undead Yellow skull
Hiddukel CE Greed, lies Broken merchant's scales
Morgion NE Disease, secrecy Hood with two red eyes
Nuitari LE Evil magic Black circle or sphere
Sargonnas LE Fire, vengeance Stylized red condor
Zeboim CE Seas, storms Turtle shell

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