Dragon Army in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Dragon Army

The Dragon Queen’s forces are organized into five Dragon Armies. Draconians fill the ranks of each, though the armies’ numbers also include humans, goblins, hobgoblins, ogres, and others who seek wealth and a return to pre-Cataclysm glories. Each Dragon Army is supported by chromatic dragons and their smaller kin, such as dragonnels and wyverns. These winged terrors provide a staggering advantage not seen on battlefields for over a thousand years.   The Dragon Queen has elevated her five most cunning and devout followers to the rank of dragon highlord, each commanding one of her armies. The highlords all report to Takhisis’s champion, Duulket Ariakas, but there is no shortage of treachery between—and within—the Dragon Armies. The Dragon Queen encourages these conflicts, trusting them to bring the most ruthless and capable leaders to prominence.   The Red Dragon Army. The first, largest, and most powerful of Takhisis’s forces is commanded by the fanatical Dragon Highlord Verminaard. Verminaard’s force follows whispers from the Dragon Queen into the southern lands of Abanasinia.   The Blue Dragon Army. The ambitious Highlord Kitiara Uth Matar commands the Blue Dragon Army. Second in power among the Dragon Queen’s forces, the Blue Dragon Army prepares to join the Red Dragon Army’s multipronged invasion of Solamnia.   The Green Dragon Army. Salah-Khan, a Khur leader, has only recently been given command of the Green Dragon Army after uniting the region’s nomads under Dragon Army rule.   The Black Dragon Army. The half-ogre Lucien of Takar commands the Black Dragon Army, whose focused force supports the other armies and occupies the lands they conquer, including Nordmaar and Goodlund.   The White Dragon Army. This army is led by Highlord Feal-Thas, a Silvanesti elf and black-robed member of the Mages of High Sorcery.

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