Dwarf in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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While known for their great subterranean nations, dwarves have long traded and traveled among the peoples of Krynn’s surface. The Cataclysm devastated many dwarven lands and destroyed some of their greatest underground kingdoms. Others, like the nation of Kayolin, were isolated from their allies as the New Sea flooded the land. And some, like the great dwarven realm of Thorbardin, turned inward and have yet to rejoin the world.  

Thorbardin and the Dwarfgate War

The kingdom of Thorbardin has endured beneath the Kharolis Mountains of southwest Ansalon for thousands of years, but the centuries since the Cataclysm have created new divisions within it.   The dwarves of Thorbardin divide themselves into ancient clans. Many generations before the Cataclysm, dwarves who dwelled on the surface established the Neidar clan, known for working the land and trading with other surface folk. In the wake of the Cataclysm, with food scarce and the future uncertain, the High King of Thorbardin sealed the gates of the kingdom to all outsiders, including the Neidar. Betrayed and hungry, these surface dwarves allied with other desperate refugees and unsuccessfully attempted to take Thorbardin by force. The conflict that came to be called the Dwarfgate War caused deep enmity between the dwarven communities of the surface and those that live below.  

Mountain Dwarves

Led by the aristocratic Hylar clan, mountain dwarves are the unquestioned rulers of Thorbardin. Many great fighters, engineers, and artisans call these magnificent halls home. Proud and reserved, most Thorbardin clans want nothing to do with outsiders—dwarves or otherwise. However, some dwarves grow tired of life within their ancient tunnels and wonder about rejoining the world above.   As a mountain dwarf, you might come from a dwarven nation like Kayolin or Thorbardin. You could be part of an expedition of traders or explorers, sent by your people to live on the surface for years before reporting back. Or you might have ventured forth on your own, eager to see what the wider world holds.  

Hill Dwarves

The dwarves barred from Thorbardin experienced the years following the Cataclysm on the surface. Now known as hill dwarves, they lived among the lands and peoples of the surface for centuries. Few still call themselves by their old name, the Neidar, preferring to forget their ties to their mountain dwarf cousins.   Some hill dwarves live as traveling traders, while others make their homes among the communities of Ansalon’s other peoples. Still other groups eke out lives in ruins or harsh lands as reclusive survivalists.   As a hill dwarf, you might come from lands near the great mountain dwarf nations or from a diverse town far away. Or perhaps you come from everywhere, having been raised in a traveling community that’s seen most corners of Ansalon.

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