Gods of Evil in Dragonlance | World Anvil
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Gods of Evil

The evil gods of Krynn embody power, vengeance, and other ideals that elevate self above community. They wish to rule the mortal world, believing only they are worthy of such dominion. They rely on temptation and subjugation to secure the service of lesser creatures. In every age, some mortals are willing to sell their souls for power, and the gods of evil are eager to oblige.  


Takhisis, leader of Krynn’s evil gods, is known as the Dragon Queen, the Queen of Darkness, and—on other worlds—Tiamat. She is the god of power, pride, and control and the queen of chromatic dragons. She tempts mortals to her service with offers of dominance over others. Barred from Krynn since before the Cataclysm, she found her chance to return in the following centuries. She sometimes appears as a mighty human warrior with gleaming armor and long black hair, but her proper form is a five-headed dragon.  


Chemosh is the god of undeath and false redemption, tempting his followers with the promise of immortality. Those who heed him find that while they may live forever, their bodies still decay and putrefy. Followers of Chemosh embrace his baleful reputation, dressing in white skull masks and black robes.  


Hiddukel is the god of greed and treachery. He holds domain over all ill-gotten wealth in the world, and criminals and unscrupulous traders worship him in secret. While Hiddukel gladly accepts their worship, his true goal is the acquisition not of riches but of souls.  


Solitary and secretive, Morgion is the god of disease and decay. He doesn’t consult or act harmoniously with the other gods, preferring to brood in his otherworldly fortress, the Bronze Tower, and pursue his own schemes. His worshipers follow his example, meeting in the dark and maintaining secrecy in all things.  


Nuitari, the god of evil magic and darkness, is patron of the Mages of High Sorcery’s Order of the Black Robes and other wicked mages. He encourages selfish and destructive magic. His power flows through the black moon that shares his name, visible only due to the stars it blocks in the sky.  


Sargonnas is the unpredictable god of flame, vengeance, and wrath. Though he’s a consort to Takhisis, he schemes against her as often as he fights on her behalf. He is worshiped by those who seek retribution. His true form is that of a monstrous minotaur, and many minotaurs revere him as Sargas.  


Zeboim is the god of the ocean in its destructive aspects, including storms and dangerous sea creatures. She is a mercurial god, and even her followers aren’t safe from her frequent bouts of rage. Most sailors pray to Habbakuk to keep Zeboim at bay, but some make offerings to Zeboim to allay her wrath.

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