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Necromancers dungeon


The necromancer’s dungeon is a dark, oppressive labyrinth deep within the cursed tower. Hidden behind a massive, ancient door marked with the symbol of Kermosh, the god of necromancers, the dungeon is a chilling place. The corridors are narrow and winding, with walls etched in faded symbols of dark magic. Rusty iron bars line the cells, and the floor is covered in dust, old bones, and the remnants of horrific experiments. The dungeon's air is thick with the musty smell of decay, and an unsettling silence pervades the entire area, broken only by the occasional drip of water from unseen cracks in the stone.  

History and Function

  This dungeon was once the domain of a powerful and feared necromancer who lived over 2,000 years ago. It served as both his laboratory and his prison, where he conducted unspeakable experiments on the living and the dead. The necromancer was infamous for his ability to curse his victims and reanimate corpses, turning them into mindless servants. The dungeon was where he perfected his dark arts, using the captives he kept in its cells as unwilling subjects for his gruesome experiments. The dungeon’s purpose was not only to torture and control but also to further the necromancer’s understanding of life, death, and the power he could wield over both.  

Key Events with the Party

  • Initial Exploration: The party discovered the dungeon while exploring the cursed tower. Upon entering, they were immediately struck by the dungeon's eerie atmosphere and the sense of lingering evil. They carefully navigated the maze of corridors, finding cells filled with the remains of the necromancer’s victims and rooms that held cruel, ancient torture devices.
  • Uncovering the Past: As they ventured deeper, the party found a moldy journal written by a terrified maid who had served in the tower. The journal revealed the necromancer's cruel experiments and the terror he inspired in those around him. They also discovered a torn painting, which they mended to reveal the necromancer’s likeness—a grim, noble-looking man in robes decorated with celestial symbols
  • Supernatural Threats: The party’s presence in the dungeon disturbed the restless shades that haunt the area. These shades, likely the spirits of the necromancer’s victims, attacked when the party attempted to move a cursed woman’s body from the altar room. The shades seemed drawn to the powerful necromantic energies still lingering in the dungeon, making it a deadly place for the party to explore.
Related Report (Primary Locations)