BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 4: Echoes of the Undead

General Summary

The party emerged from the crumbling necromancer’s dungeon to find themselves faced with new challenges and mysterious encounters. They met a bird-like Aarakocra named Jörn, who shared troubling news from the north and hinted at connections to Torven’s clerical order. A fierce battle with an undead bear forced the party to reconsider their next steps, ultimately leading them back to the town of Vogler. Along the way, they uncovered signs of larger forces at play, culminating in a chilling discovery upon their return.  

Key Events

  • Emerging from the Dungeon: The party left the crumbling necromancer’s dungeon, noting that Torven's shield had inexplicably changed color from blue to green.
  • Meeting Jörn: The group encountered Jörn, an Aarakocra who introduced himself as a messenger from a northern temple that had been attacked. Jörn explained that he was freed by a cleric bearing the same symbol as Torven and mentioned having knowledge about the Golden General.
  • Internal Debate: The party debated their next course of action—whether to travel north to investigate the temple or return to Vogler for a funeral. The discussion was interrupted by the sudden appearance of an undead bear falling into the ravine.
  • Undead Bear Battle: The party fought and defeated the undead bear, which proved to be a formidable foe. During the battle, they heard disturbing humanoid sounds coming from the bear, mentioning something about betrayal. Afterward, they found no tracks at the top of the ravine, suggesting the bear might have been summoned.
  • Decision to Return to Vogler: The party decided to return to Vogler, bypassing the tower they had previously found on their way to the dungeon.
  • Ambush Site Discovery: At the site of a previous ambush, the party found evidence of about 20 hoofprints scattering in different directions. They released a young farmer, nicknamed Braveheart, to return to Vogler without payment, as they had not been compensated by Raven.
  • Jörn's Reconnaissance: Jörn scouted the area from the sky and reported seeing a large military camp with tents for over 100 soldiers, a central pavilion, and what appeared to be draconians and large lizards, possibly 10 meters in length.
  • Return to Vogler: The party returned to Vogler, where Torven updated Becklin Uth Viharin and the town guards but avoided answering questions about Raven, claiming ignorance of his whereabouts.
  • Brass Crab Encounter: At the Brass Crab Inn, the party noticed a stunningly beautiful elf maiden in white robes, a wizard from Silvanesti, as a newcomer.
  • Fiffy’s Theft: Inside the inn, Fiffy successfully stole from Bakaris the Younger for the second time.
  • Tragic Discovery: The next morning, the party heard commotion outside the mayor's office and learned that Braveheart had been found dead. He showed no signs of injury except for bloodshot eyes, the same symptoms as the draconians killed by Raven’s brother. Evidence of a forced entry at the mayor’s office and the discovery of Braveheart’s sword nearby deepened the mystery.

NPCs Met

  • Braveheart: A young farmer, who later died under mysterious circumstances.
  • Elf Maiden: A beautiful, white-robed wizard from Silvanesti, recently arrived in Vogler.
  • Becklin Uth Viharin

Locations Visited

  • Ravine: The site of an ambush and the battle with the undead bear.
  • Vogler: The town to which the party returned, seeking answers and safety.

Quests and Objectives

  • Investigate the Northern Temple: Ongoing; Jörn’s news about the temple suggests a potential new quest.
  • Return to Vogler: Completed; the party chose to return for the funeral and to regroup.
  • Uncover the Mystery of Braveheart’s Death: Ongoing; the mysterious circumstances surrounding Braveheart’s death require further investigation.

Loot and Treasure

  • None Noted: This session focused on exploration and decision-making rather than treasure acquisition.

Combat Encounters

  • Undead Bear: The party faced a challenging battle against an undead bear, which displayed unnerving humanoid traits during the fight.
Report Date
27 Aug 2024