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Session 7: Eldar’s Trial and Calaman’s Secrets

General Summary

After aiding meeting Eldars master, the party travels to the city of Calaman, a bustling center of trade and defense. They encounter various challenges, including tension in a rowdy tavern and the growing presence of shady characters. Eldar takes on his wizard trials proves himself a powerful wizard aligned with Nuitari, gaining the black robe after surviving his trials in the Tower of Lore.    

Key Events


Arrival in Calaman

  • After departing the mage tower, the party sails to Calaman, a fortified city with multiple ships, flags of the Knights of the Rose and Crown, and a large chain used to defend the harbor.
  • Upon landing, they notice the diverse population of the city, including Goblins and Hobgoblins. Miles advises them to register in the city, offering them the option to join under his company or form their own.
  • Pickles the Guard and the Smuggling Plan

  • While registering, Gunnar and Fiffy hint at starting a smuggling operation. The guard, named Pickles, shows interest after being paid a silver and offers to introduce them to "The Hog," a tavern known for attracting scoundrels and shady deals.
  • Tensions in The Hog

  • Inside The Hog, the party encounters a lively group of rough characters, including two Knolls and their massive pile of raw meat. Torven's presence in his knightly armor draws suspicion.
  • The barman nervously seats the group, and after some awkward exchanges, the tension escalates into a fight. The party defeats the guards, but the owner of the tavern returns with more men, forcing them to leave and banning Torven from that part of town under threat of death.
  • Eldar’s Wizard Trials Begin

  • The party assists Eldar in starting his trials in a secure storage facility. They are teleported to the Tower of Lore, where they meet Dalamar, a black-robed wizard who warns them of the dangers of the trials.
  • Eldar is asked about his alignment with the moons and chooses Lunitari, declaring his pursuit of power. Dalamar explains that Eldar must complete three trials, testing his mind, soul, and body.
  • Trial 1: The Mechanical World

  • The party finds themselves in a mechanical world, where even the trees are made of gears. Eldar spots a hut containing knowledge but is blocked by a large automaton.
  • After a failed spell and a fight with the automaton, Eldar uses Misty Step to enter the hut and pass the trial, teleporting the party to the next challenge.
  • Trial 2: The Waiting Line

  • The party arrives at a waiting room full of old men, who have been standing in line for years. As their hair begins to grow visibly, Eldar Misty Steps to the front of the line and is told to sacrifice a magical item.
  • Eldar gives up the powerful necromancy orb he took from the magic shop, and the party is teleported again.
  • Trial 3: The Swamp and the Shadow

  • The final trial takes place in a swamp with a pool of yellow-green water. In the center, a shadow of Eldar appears.
  • Eldar chooses to sacrifice his dragon familiar to complete the trial, rather than fighting the shadow.
  • NPCs Met

  • Miles the fisher: The party's boat captain, who helps them navigate Calaman’s registration process.
  • Pickles: A guard who takes a liking to Gunnar and Fiffy's smuggling plan, introducing them to "The Hog."
  • Dalamar, second of the mages: A powerful black-robed wizard who oversees Eldar's trials and eventually offers him the black robe of Nuitari.
  • Combat Encounters

    • Battle with guards inside of the Hog
    • Battle with automaton
    • Battle with Eldars shadow.


  • The party is offered 30 days of training in the Tower of Lore. During this time, they receive:
    • Level up to level 7.
    • A free feat of choice.

    Next Steps

  • Having completed Eldar’s trials and grown stronger, the party now needs to decide their next course of action in Calaman, where they have made some new connections but also caused tension in certain circles.
    [Session next: TBA]
    Report Date
    09 Sep 2024
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