Anir's End

Along the southeastern coastline of the Plains of Dust lies a small town known as Anir's End. Bordering on the Courrain Ocean , this city is situated somewhat southwest of Missing City and Barddeath Creek.


The fortress of Anir's End construction was ordered around 200 a.C by a mountain-barbarian king for reasons now all but forgotten. Roughly two-hundred years later - during what was later to be known as the Age of Steel, the fortress was surrounded by people who wished to trade with the Silvanest elves and with the nations across the Southern Courrain Ocean, such as Goodlund and Balifor. It grew into a city of reasonably bustling activity which took a hit when those eastern lands were hit by magical disaster and got plagued by demons. Nonetheless, it kept being a city of importance for the arrival of people and goods from the Blood Sea and Elian Isles for centuries, and became a minor stronghold to the Legion of Steel.
The When the Southern Courrain Ocean became patrolled by hostile elven ships that attacked all eastbound vessels, Anir's End main source of income (the trading with eastern lands) was cut-off, and the city fell into hard times. Several conflicts all around the Plains of Dust in the past centuries resulted in the Anir's End region being abandoned by the Legion of Steel. After a series of specially harsh winters, the city was abandoned by most of its previous occupants. In time, it became a waystation for marauders, bandits and other, more terrible things.
Around 3310 a.C., a local band of cutthroats led by one Razor Wyndam rose to prominence and took control of the city under roaring approval of its population, getting rid of the nastier dangers to the people of Anir's End and bringing a much needed degree of stability for the region. Since then, his Crystal Bats run the city and things have been improving.


Anir's End is mostly inhabited by humans of Abanasinian and Kharolian descent with a small number of other humanoids.


The only major temple in town is the House of Orlios, a repurposed mill from where Muskath leads the local congregation of Apolythos.
Founding Date
412 a.C.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization